食记 (10)
等级2 2016-01-30
400 浏览
新一年後第一次來吃午餐,點餐紙轉了新款,沒有了幾人套餐的選項。點了一人套餐:糖醋排骨配飯+餐湯和嬾雞燴麵。價錢沒有變,不過份量明顯少了。上海麵條配上相當份量的菜粒與雞肉粒,伴上濃湯,賣相一般。麵條較淋,湯底味濃,較某些店先清湯底為好。客飯由以前的菜飯變了白飯,有點失色。糖醋排骨,炸脆既肉排配上糖醋汁,加上青豆粒作伴碟。肉質鬆軟,酸甜度還可以。總括來說算是數碼港還可以既食肆。 继续阅读
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从未吃过这么难吃的上海菜。好心点,顶间铺位给有心做饮食业的人啦!从最基本的排骨面都可以搞地那么糟糕,真佩服! 炸排骨又淋又油腻,我真怀疑厨房是否有请厨师。中上价但用劣等材料,这叫你当客户是笨的! 继续阅读
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等级4 2015-02-24
685 浏览
紅色假期, 瞓醒見到藍天白雲, 機不可失, 一定要出街街...想睇戲, 無買飛, 張Gift Voucher係港島區又只可以去IFC / Pacific Place / Cyberport, 點睇IFC同Pacific Place都應該唔會有咩好位剩, 加上唔想睇3D, Cyberport真係不二之選...坐小巴入到Cyberport, 仲買到最尾果行中央位置, 正!!!趁仲有小小時間剩, 去食個Early Lunch先~~~Honey推介上海菜...原來上海菜不經不覺已經姬子化... Cyberport內有最少3間姬子XX食肆... 店內裝修走中國風...座位不多, 但客人較少, 透過落地大玻璃欣賞到綠油油的樹木及藍天白雲, 好比一幅偌大的風景畫, 很Relax... 時間有點倉促, 只點了1個點心, 1個麵, 1個甜品... 小食 $18-- 嘩!!! 睇返張單先知原來碟蕃茄仔要成18蚊咁貴?!! 我都無Order, 係一坐低就放低!!! 加多幾蚊已經可以食多一籠小籠包或者高力豆沙... 蕃茄仔酸咪咪都OK好味嘅... 上海小籠包 $26-- 湯底多汁, 熱騰騰的, 第一口已燙到舌頭, 皮薄, 味道也不錯...搶羊肉湯麵(窩) $89-- 麵太腍身, 羊肉又薄又硬又無羊味, 羊肉湯底卻羊味無比, 好飲到呢... 我地KO晒全碗湯1滴都無剩... 高力豆沙 $26-- 高力豆沙味道也不錯, 熱烘烘, 不會太油, Size亦頗大...服務不太差, 當然不會是欣勤的程度... 環境舒適衛生, 價錢可以, 最重要係唔使等位, 上菜速度夠快, 食完LaLa聲去睇戲... 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-08-13
474 浏览
去到無人招呼,要自己搵位之後落單落左好耐,催幾次都無跟等左半個鐘先黎得兩個前菜加一個熟食有一台遲過我地黎20分鐘都有餸上台服務態度愛理不理黑口黑面結果頂唔順連叫左既小籠包同賽螃蟹都唔要就埋單走人埋單先黎上菜可以過份小小重點係全場得幾張台上菜速度慢,碟京蔥爆牛肉咸到我以為食緊鹽兩個前菜,不過不失 继续阅读
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等级3 2013-07-10
952 浏览
After a morning at the beach, my friends and I decided to go to Cyberport to catch a movie but unfortunately, the schedules didn't do us any good and all the movies were full. So we ended up walking around Cyberport looking for an early dinner and we discovered this awesome Shanghai restaurant on the 2nd floor. Basically, we sat down at a bar called "Beer" and then got hungry so we asked the waiter whether they served food. Unexpectedly, he said we could just order off the menu from the Shanghai restaurant next door and that's when we got excited because we were famished (I love Shanghai cuisine!) The first thing that came was the Chicken & Cucumber Wide Glass Noodles mixed with sesame sauce. It was cool and refreshing making it a fantastic appetizer after a good swim at the beach. The sauce was exceptional because it was rich, creamy, and seasoned perfectly with strong sesame aromas. LOVE! The sweet and sour soup is VERY spicy. For those who can't take spicy food, do not order this. But since I can take it, I find this a pretty nice soup compared to a lot of the ones I had before. It's not the best, but it had a lot of ingredients in it, lots of flavours, and it's not too overly sour. The first impression I got when I saw the Steamed Dumplings arrive was that the skin was too thick--it probably wouldn't taste that great. HOWEVER, when I actually tried it, the skin was actually quite fine and the insides was bursting with soup. I was in heaven (or maybe I was just hungry) and yes, this is definitely worth a try because the meat tasted really juicy and delicious. The Shanghai stir-fried noodles was the perfect ending to the whole meal. It had enough flavor but not too rich so that you'll get that "too-full-type-of-feeling", and my friends and I devoured the whole dish. Overall, even though I wasn't "literally" dining at this Shanghai's restaurant (I was sitting at the bar next door), I really enjoyed it. The price was average approximately $130/person so it wasn't too pricey, but most importantly, I didn't expect to find anything too special at Cyberport. I guess I was wrong, there's always hidden gems somewhere. 继续阅读
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