食记 (9)
7月初在Open Rice 團購買了很多張這間店的團購卷, 我在 9月2日下午4點幾, 去到這店打算兌現一杯Froyo食, 怎知行左入去, 有位年青男子問我是否要買 yogurt, 我答是, 怎料他說今天沒有開鋪, 叫我第日再來, 這時候我才恍然看到間鋪雖然打開門, 但那些 Topping containers 全部空空如也, 一句講晒: "打開門, 但不做生意!" 我立即問那年青男子 幾時開返, 但他竟然答我 "未知", 我立即"吓"左一聲, 那麼即是點呢? 我手頭上有多張Open Rice 團購卷, 雖然11月30日到期, 但我仍然有點擔心, 擔心如果它結業, 我不知道可否獲得退款. 其實我幾喜歡這間店, 因為Froyo有很多味道選擇, 我最喜歡的是Vanilla, green tea, and Blueburry 味, 至於toppings, 我一向只吃新鮮生果, 而這間店的新鮮 Blueberries & strawberries 十分鮮甜, Blueberries勁大粒, 所以7月初我一看到Open Rice 有這店的團購卷, 我立即買了很多張, 我還有儲這間店的印花, 夠10個印就有85折, 雖然都唔夠團購半價咁抵, 但我都會儲, 支持一下這店呀, 現在我只是希望這店無事, 快點重開啦! 继续阅读
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等级4 2011-07-02
22 浏览
知道這裡開了間乳酪店,這天湊巧有事要到銅鑼灣一趟,就專誠來一試這間店除了售賣乳酪和smoothie外,還進口美國有機嬰兒奶粉給顧客選購。店方號稱乳酪製品皆是用上美國進口原材料製造,而且用上低脂奶,比起坊間的更新鮮健康位置在登龍街,雖然這裡也有不少食肆,夜晚人流也算多,但下午時分這裡可說是人跡罕至,始終這裡不是熱鬧大街,位置不便,要吸引人來這裡吃乳酪真的有點難度六時多來到,果然一個人也沒有,一進店年輕的店員便上前熱情的招呼。他向我介紹了購買的模式,其實即是現在比較流行的自助模式。他又請我試食,於是我試了綠茶味和藍莓味,綠茶味是可以的,香濃帶甘味,藍莓則過甜了。值得一讚的是,雖然是試食,但店員出手很大方,裝滿一小杯乳酪的口味也算多,除了試食的綠茶味和藍莓味外,還有原味、雲呢拿味、朱古力味、士多啤梨味、芒果味等常見的味道,比較特別的是菠蘿味和蜜瓜味。數起上來也有約十種口味,而且乳酪機是可以擠出兩溝乳酪的那種,以小店來說已很不錯雖然我是個貪心的人,但吃乳酪我可是偏向忠於原味,所以雖有多款選擇,我還是擠原味罷了。裝了乳酪後便選toppings,也有十多二十種選擇,都是較大路的款式,未算吸引,而且欠自家製的toppings,有點失望。另外,雖然每個topping箱也有掩蓋,但不知怎的感覺仍是不太衛生乾貨類我只選了granola,再加了少許藍莓、芒果、士多啤梨、椰果、蘆薈,就去付款了。這杯磅起來也要$35呢,有點貴有數個堂食位,既然店裡也沒有其他顧客,就索性坐下來吃了還未開始吃已感覺到乳酪在慢慢溶掉了,趕快放入口!乳酪不太滑,冰感也太重,而且也有大多乳酪店的弊病──欠酸度,雖然這個乳酪吃起來也不過甜,但我覺得缺酸味的乳酪是欠靈魂的至於toppings,granola是不錯的,煙韌帶甜,如果多點提子乾口感應會更好;藍莓結實不腍身,但欠味道和水份;芒果、士多啤梨就不太新鮮了,顏色欠亮澤,芒果不甜,士多啤梨是酸的;椰果、蘆薈是正常味道,如果放凍些會更好至於環境,以一間非連鎖店式的乳酪店來說是稱得上寬闊舒適,只是堂食的位置是少了點。店裡的裝潢以薰衣草為主題,主要用上了顏色鮮明的紫綠兩色,打造清新有活力的形象,感覺舒服可惜她的地點實在太不便了,而且乳酪味道也未見出色,要在這已達飽和狀態的乳酪市場突圍而出實在不太可能。店員給了我一張「答謝卡」儲印花,好像吃多一次就有優惠回贈,但我想是用不著的了~ 继续阅读
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I had no idea that Causeway Bay had yet another yogurt shop until I saw this one advertising a Groupon deal. So I thought I would try it, and see if there is finally a shop in Hong Kong that can match my beloved Pinkberry and Yogurtland from the States, but Yogurt Garden is not even close. In fact, it's farther than almost any yogurt shop I've been to. This shop seems to aim for local, local... I came by after lunch on a Sunday and it was surprisingly quiet (no customers at all) for a hot weekend afternoon. First, from the outside, the big shop sign looks bad. not at all like a real yogurt shop design. again, it looks like a local cheap design. So it makes you feel like the inside will also be cheap product. But then you walk in and AGAIN everything looks cheap. The machines look cheap "made-in-china" stuff. Even the toppings labels are all HAND-written. I mean, someone could AT LEAST have printed them out. Almost seemed like laziness.Now, on to the product. I had the green tea and original flavors and I have to be honest... this is THE WORST tasting green tea I have ever had in my life. I wish I was exaggerating, but it's actually true. I'm wondering if they'll read this and they might fix it? I'm just going to say it was gross. didn't taste like green tea at all, almost like rotten milk. i don't know what it was, but I hope it was still fresh... didn't taste fresh. I honestly have to question the preparation of the yogurt... I'm not sure if it was real yogurt or fresh or possibly expired or left in the wrong temperature.And now to the texture and wholeness of the yogurt. I have studied nutritional science and have some background in food prep so I'm familiar with the ingredients in desserts so I'm giving my best knowledgeable opinion on the product. The other flavor I had was the original yogurt flavor which was okay, but then again, it was so watery so I couldn't taste much. I think this may have been a combination of the particular yogurt mix / recipe, which probably had TOO MUCH milk. But I also think the biggest problem was the machine. I know that most shops use a similar machine (it's the one that I've seen used by YoMaMa and Crumbs), but this shop didn't seem to use those better yogurt machines. I really pay attention now since I have gotten a similar watery texture when I see shops using cheap looking machines. And another real DISAPPOINTMENT It's supposed to be a self-serve shop so when you pump the yogurt, it comes out of these machines, where it "splurts" out everywhere, doesn't look nice at all. It was totally disgusting... very uncontrolled machine (not like the smoother Tutti Melon machines, which are similar to Yogurtland machines in the US). So that was another major problem. And it's too bad they had like FIVE machines! Five cheap machines! Why?!I also had some other complaints, but I prefer maybe to come back and review again since they were nice. Other shops I've been to were not nice so I won't really give a 2nd chance so hope they can improve and do well! But unfortunately for now, Yogurt Garden should be avoided. 继续阅读
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等级2 2011-06-23
13 浏览
I highly recommend this yogurt place, i've tried almost all the major yogurt places in hk, like yomama, berrygood, yogo, holy cow, tuttimelon, and many more etc. So far out of all the places, Yogurt Garden has one of the best mochi i've ever had. If you love mochi, have to try this place!! 继续阅读
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等级4 2011-06-19
5 浏览
有10種口味選擇算是很多試食了朱古力, blueberry, 綠茶, 原味, 芒果, 以blueberry入口酸味最重, 亦帶出blueberry 味出來, 但朱古力, 綠茶和芒果味唔多掂當, 味道唔特出, 原味的酸味比我食過其他YOGURT 店相比, 是較低了少少但慶幸不會偏重左在奶味方面, 曾經食過2款奶味勁重的YOGURT 入口似雪糕未試過的有水蜜桃, 士多啤梨, 菠蘿, 其他忘記了配料乾果方面有:16款 (有我未試過的腰果碎), 生果區都有8款, 選擇很大路員工亦很有禮貌但價錢略貴$18/100 GRAM 继续阅读
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