
3-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
A restaurant located in Tsim Sha Tsui. In Hong Kong, it was founded in 1975, has more than 40 years of experience in making Indonesian food and Southeast Asian food. The restaurant is in an industrial style. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:45
Wed - Fri
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 21:45
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 21:45
Public Holiday
12:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 21:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Exclusive Online Booking
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (477)
🌴 Today, I had the pleasure of dining at BaliTown in Tsim Sha Tsui, a restaurant that has been serving great Balinese food since 1975. Intrigued by the rave reviews I saw on social media, I knew I had to try it for myself. 1️⃣ 雙色咖央多士 Kaya Toast ($40) 🍞Indulge in this delightful Kaya Toast, featuring a harmonious blend of flavors from the duo-colored kaya spread on perfectly toasted bread.2️⃣ 峇里堂招牌巴東牛肉 Signature Beef Rendang ($150) 🥩Experience the rich and aromatic flavors of Bali with this signature Beef Rendang, where tender beef is slow-cooked with a blend of spices and coconut milk.3️⃣ 峇里堂海鮮煎 Seafood Telor ($91) 🐟Savor the freshness of the sea with this flavorful Seafood Telor dish, featuring a medley of seafood cooked to perfection and served with a tantalizing sauce.4️⃣ 芒果珍多雪糕冰 Mango Cendol ($60) 🍨Indulge in the refreshing sweetness of Mango Cendol, a delightful dessert that combines the tropical flavors of mango with the silky smoothness of cendol and a scoop of ice cream.💰 The total bill for our meal came to $341, with no service charge. It was truly a satisfying dining experience, immersing us in the authentic flavors of Bali. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-20
佛誕假期那天,好姊妹相約到尖沙咀聖安德烈堂 & 1881 影相!她搜尋聖安德烈堂附近的餐廳,建議去一間位於尖沙咀彌敦道 The Nate 3樓的印尼餐廳 <峇里堂>食 lunch!當我們一出 lift,左手邊便見到狗仔車,內有兩隻細細隻狗仔,餐廳店主養了兩隻6歲狗女,其中一隻係迷你貴婦狗叫“妹妹”,我伸隻右手指,佢即刻伸隻右手掂我手指,好聰明呀!令我好驚喜!佛誕假期,還有些印尼姐姐幫襯!這裡兩邊都是玻璃窗,所以開揚光猛!還有特色的燈飾!Menu午餐就算當日是公眾假期,依然有供應!價錢由 $63~$73鮮椰汁紅豆冰 $42 (跟餐價 $28)椰汁冰似沙冰質感,跟港式紅豆冰用的冰粒不同!甜美大粒的紅豆,帶出甜味,攪拌後,甜度恰到好處!飯未到,加上當日 27~31度,冰已融化了!印尼沙嗲炒豬肉飯 $63碟飯等足半個鐘,好姊妹都將近食完碟飯, 幸好,椰汁紅豆冰出得快,讓我飲凍飲解渴,印尼沙嗲香甜不辣,另可選擇要辣!拌飯一流,略嫌豬肉絲肉質嚡口,整體份量都不少!雞脾飯 $63雞脾飯醬汁微辣,雞脾大隻、肉嫩又入味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
✨環境寬敞明亮,周圍以大玻璃窗為主🤎清爽木系格調😌推薦少人聚餐👭食個便飯黎講都係唔錯嘅選擇😋👍🏻而且無加一服務費🤩🍞雙色咖央多士 Roti Bakar Srikaya食落非常脆口,夾層牛油非常香口,加上香甜咖央醬 味道口感都一流,必點之選🦐印尼咖哩炒虎蝦(4隻)Kari Udang Besar 4pcs印尼咖喱味道濃郁得黎香而不辣,虎蝦大大隻,蝦肉香口爽彈,食落夠曬咸香入味,好適合配飯食🍚金貝飯 Nasi Kuning 高級珍珠米配上香茅、檸檬葉、薑黃等多種香料加上鮮椰汁烹調數小時而成,飯香而清新🍹峇里 •爽翠 Bali Jade由菠蘿汁、青檸、益力多調製既梳打,味道偏酸,青檸味較濃,飲落酸酸甜甜幾清新開胃🍧芒果珍多雪糕冰 Es Mangga 大量芒果肉、珍多粉條,珍多粉條食落帶陣陣斑斕味,下層係香濃既椰汁冰,冰凍香甜,上層芒果雪糕香滑可口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-24
🔹招牌巴東牛肉 $168一份有6-7件大大嘅牛腱😍 牛腱炆得好腍,手,牛筋入口即溶✨食落第一啖好香椰奶嘅香味,仲加上唔同嘅香料,層次十分豐富❤️撈飯食一流👍🏻🔹金貝飯 $35米飯粒粒分明,食落口好香,亦都係有少少椰汁味👍🏻.🔹蝦醬炒通菜 $88一上枱就聞到好香濃嘅蝦醬味😍通菜亦都炒得好爽脆!重口味人士覺得可以再濃啲🤣不過加埋其他餸食就啱啱好!🔹Bali Colada $54必點!入面有菠蘿汁、鮮椰汁、棕櫚糖飲落偏甜,菠蘿味同椰汁交纏,既清新又濃厚✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-16
此餐廳由地舖搬上3樓之前都有幫襯過,記得佢哋嘅牛肉同加多加多好好味,今晚四人諗住再想去食飯,好期望食返嗰個加多加多,但係不似預期,唔多掂!講嘅牛油雞翼同炒海鮮完全係唔掂😣,炒海鮮係有魚蛋🤔?全晚最欣賞都只係嗰個牛油多士同雪糕珍多沙冰,另外最大問題係服務差,大約7:30我哋四人一入到餐廳,其實只係有一半座位有客,但係每個服務員都係黑口黑面,尤其係坐喺收銀機嗰個阿嬸,佢哋都有要求食飯時間80分鐘要交枱,冇問題的,因為應該唔會有下次幫襯☹️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)