5-min walk from Exit B, Mei Foo MTR Station continue reading
The environment is relatively quiet and you can enjoy the time leisurely. There are two levels of the restaurant and it is spacious. Blue and white colour sofa chair with Qashani floor shows the elegant style. The recommended dish is the French crab soup, it is full of crab and taste fresh. It offers hotels standard quality at a reasonable price. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (564)
Level4 2023-12-25
Having a festive lunch at House of Joy has become a tradition in my family and this year of course remained the same. We made a reservation two weeks ago for a big family gathering. I would review my own food in this review despite we ordered almost all the items in the menu.Festive lunch menu didn't draw our attention while we all focused on ordered from their lunch sets. I got their spaghetti with pan fried tuna steak in pesto cream sauce. Each set includes a side salad, a piece of house bread and a bowl of daily soup. As always, I wish their house bread can be serving in a basket or in a bigger piece. Their house bread is different every time and this time was a flax seeded base. Tasty, seedy and with a crispy crust. Absolutely amazing as always. Just too small to serve with a bowl of hot soup. Today's soup was cream of mushroom. Soup was creamy and silky smooth. Preferably with some mushroom chunks for nibbles and textures. Love the drizzled of cream for extra creaminess. Salad was a bit bland. Only taste of the salad veggies and radish. Quinoa topped was too little that couldn't taste of anything but just crunch. Here it came to the main, tuna steak pieces were pretty generously given. 7 pieces of tuna steak were served. Well cooked. Slight seared the tuna crust for some savouriness while keeping the freshness and rawness of the tuna center. Spaghetti was cooked perfectly to al dante while well coated with the pesto cream sauce. Pesto cream sauce was pretty heavy that feeling a bit too much when nearly finishing the dish. Appreciate if more sautéed cherry tomatoes were served for extra acidity balancing the heaviness or cracking some good black peppers/ sprinkling some chilli flakes for some extra kick. Anyway not bad.Overall, it was a decent dining experience as usual. Quality of food and service were provided while appreciate they allow sitting in for a long chill. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-02
A weekend late lunch booked via Open Rice. Knowing that they have an offer of $10 per oyster as well so wanna try. We arrived at 3pm after the tour at the museum and tried to order the lunch set and oyster. However the waiter (a guy) with a sarcastic smile commented that it was Sat so of course no more oyster! I was surprise with that attitude! Anyway we then ordered the lunch set. A bit pricy but tasted good. We checked with another waiter (a lady) and she commented that we were just unlucky that the oyster sold out quickly that weekend. I think there is definitely some training needed for some waiters... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-28
曾經去過前身有live music的餐廳,當然體驗很好,事隔多年,再次到訪此地方,希望新接手的餐廳如舊一樣那麼優秀,誰知道新不如舊,價錢一流,服務九流。法國菜普遍價格較高,然而高價格亦代表需要提供合乎該價格的質素,但今次體驗完全不合格。一行三人,全張帳單$2000,然而服務真的太差劣。首先致電訂位時,侍應竟然一開聲就「喂」,毫無禮貌。然後問及有沒有用餐時間,他竟然說「唔知,要到時候先知。」那麼豈不是可以我到訪時才通知我限時嗎?然後到達餐廳後,發現全場侍應服務態度都是勁差劣,猶如茶餐廳一樣,「喂」「要唔要架?」又sell酒,完成沒有主動斟水,未食完就收碟,更不要說那些餐桌禮儀,未上前菜就全上主菜,也不要說介紹菜式這些「高級」服務了。食物質素方面則好壞參半,頭盤前的麵包竟然只有一小片,蘋果木煙薰乳豬、羊排是不錯,紙包海鮮的湯底不錯但肉質勁霉,西班牙橄欖油蝦$188但數量勁少,意粉$388但只有一束意粉2隻帶子1隻蟶子。其實食物質素已經不值這個價錢,最重要是服務質素真的太差,那些侍應沒有一個是合格的,如果人均$600幾的話,在香港可以有更好選擇,最少那些餐廳服務是值回票價。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Cheating. I booked in OpenRice, mentioning that will be 12% discount. But finally when I paid the bill , the waitress said it only applied to a la carte. I order sirloin beef set dinner. Out of my expectation. They only provided 3 small pieces of beef. With the price of hkd 580 (including 10% services charges). What an overpriced set! I will never never visit again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-25
今次第N 次來食晚餐,每次都要試吓新菜式,今次試吓蘋果煙燻乳豬,原隻墨魚燴飯,非常好👍,-食難忘!蘋果煙燻乳豬:乳豬皮脆肉滑,非常入味及好味原隻墨魚燴飯:成隻大墨魚冚住咗飯,跟住切出嚟非常有口感,煙靭得來容易入口,非常難忘! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)