+853 88022319
Aux Beaux Arts pays tribute to the 1930's French Brasserie, which celebrates art, culture, and French Cuisine in a warm and comfortable environment. Authentic and inspired, Aux Beaux Arts features a charming, quintessentially French interior that transports guests to a neighborhood restaurant in the heart of Paris. Let Chef Antoine Perray entertain your palate with his brasserie fare. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
11:00 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
18:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (13)
Level3 2019-11-03
喜歡上這間法國餐廳🍴了😝🌟牛油煮龍蝦🦞配香蔥、鴨肝忌廉醬🌟阿拉斯加蟹肉卷(柑橘、牛油果、魚子醬、香草沙拉🥗)🌟法式麵包🌟愛爾蘭石蠔、白珍珠、芬迪奇爾生蠔🌟香煎豬頸肉、海螯蝦🦞、蘋果香草蓉、西蘭花、迷迭香汁🌟橙酒火焰班戟🌟柑橘撻非常非常滿意的一次,菜色幾特別,有份餐牌還換了新的,沒有機會試到上次的香梨撻了,有點小失望,但是還能吃到新的柑橘撻。整體味道都好滿意,有驚喜。價錢也算是合理。每次來都很喜歡這裡的法包,食到好多個,質素很高!😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-19
寫了不少香港美食,又寫寫其他的。過去的週末,既是補祝拍拖紀念日,又是給自己放鬆休息,去了澳門來趟小渡假;抵埗後第一頓就來了澳門 MGM 美高梅 天幕廣場內的 Aux Beaux Arts 寶雅座法國餐廳,嘆一頓輕鬆寫意的 Family weekend brunch! 從來都覺得澳門 MGM 美不勝收,步入天幕廣場內,更是一步一驚喜!而主打法國菜及海鮮的 Aux Beaux Arts 寶雅座法國餐廳,以三十年代巴黎街頭 Brasserie 餐廳為設計藍本,餐廳一邊可連接天幕廣場,大人在室內/露天位安然用餐時,小孩可自由出外看魚,很是寫意。 餐廳最近推出MOP $138起的 Weekend brunch,餐單上任選一款蛋類(包括 Egg Benedicts!)+ 一款甜品 = MOP $138,任選一款頭盤 + 一款主菜 + 一款甜品 = MOP $298,更包一款冰茶或新鮮果汁,非常抵食! 相比餐廳裡面的特大海鮮凍櫃,小孩還是對外面會游會動的特大水族缸更感興趣;點餐後很快就一蹦一跳的跑去看魚魚,細數缸內到底有幾多條 Dory(藍刀鯛)! 反正食物未到,媽媽也慢慢拍下天幕廣場的聖誕佈置。作為 MGM 的中心地帶,天幕廣場既蘊含濃厚古歐陸風格,又糅合澳門的葡萄牙文化遺產特色,最近還加上繽紛眩目的聖誕佈置,太吸晴又謀殺相機記憶體了! 同樣聖誕的還有特大水族缸內的聖誕老人雕像;雖然樣子不算靚仔,他可是非常受缸內魚兒歡迎的哦!小朋友也挺喜歡跟他合照~ 食物來到,也是時間回去開餐了!新鮮果汁選擇有香橙、芒果、甘筍、蘋果、西瓜,也可以混合果汁,散點的話是 MOP $60杯。不喝果汁的,也可選清涼薄荷凍飲或蜜桃冰茶 (MOP $45),個人覺得後者很清甜好喝~ 同閩上檯的麵包籃絕對不能錯過,無論是法包(配牛油!!!)還是牛角包,都非常好吃,更要命是清脆香濃的朱古力酥,我... 忍不住吃了兩個!!!! 而且一點沒有後悔的~ 我們點了兩份 brunch,兩款頭盤先是 Pumpkin soup 南瓜湯、蟹肉及烤南瓜 (散點 MOP $80),湯是意料中的香甜濃郁,兩兄妹都非常愛喝,中間的蟹肉更是慷慨非常,更添鮮美了~ 另一頭盤是 Escargots à la bourguignonne 焗田螺、蒜茸及香草牛油 (散點 MOP $80/6件),賣相十分對辦,吸引了Matthew也來品嚐,他一吃就大力讚好!而有了迷人的香草牛油,又按耐不住多吃了半條法包,我的天... 其他的頭盤選擇,還有凱撒沙律及煙三文魚。 只點兩份 brunch,因為額外還點了 To share 的 Aux Beaux Arts platter 寶雅座海鮮拼盤 (MOP $588) 啊!精美的海鮮併盤包括原隻波士頓龍蝦、六隻生蠔、四隻海蝦、六隻青口及三隻阿拉斯加蟹腳,配以檸檬角、沙律醬及紅酒醋上檯。凍海鮮全都十分新鮮有質素,媽媽最愛大大隻的生蠔,鮮爽有海水味,兩兄妹則分別最愛蟹腳及熟蝦! 大家吃到興起,又點了 Seafood famblé 焰燒海鮮 (MOP $500) 一起分享;這個熱海鮮盤包括一隻波士頓龍蝦、三隻阿拉斯加蟹腳、四隻海蝦、六隻青口及四隻帶子(與凍海鮮盤最大分別),份量十足,還有即場火焰表演,極盡視覺享受! 而以上分享菜式可搭配一份自選件菜,包括田園沙律、薯蓉、法式薯條或炒菠菜 (散點 MOP $45);這天我們要了薯條發覺份量很大,而且又香又脆,吃完都有七成飽了... 但 Brunch 的主菜才剛上檯啊... 首先是 Seared Black Cod 香煎黑鱈魚、豌豆蓉、蠶豆及香茅 (MOP $210),鱈魚肉質滑溜又結實,加上香甜豌豆蓉、軟腍蠶豆、惹味火腿,滋味豐富美妙,明明很飽也將之清光了! 另一款是 Homemade Truffle Pasta 自製松露意大利麵,可配帶子或龍蝦 (MOP $200/$220),我們要了後者:鮮製的意大利麵實在份外好吃,加上香脆榛子及鮮香忌廉汁,滋味無窮;同上的龍蝦也非常足料有誠意,兩兄妹很愛吃,特別推介給家庭客~其他主菜還包括雞胸肉、牛扒薯條等,看其他食友的反應,也非常不錯的! 最後是甜品環節:這沾滿牛油、香氣四射,繼而引發起烘烘大火的,就是堂弄的 Crêpes suzette 橙酒火焰班戟 (MOP $60),也是店內的(邪惡!!)推介法國經典甜品~ 添加了 Grand Marnier 橙酒製作的班戟,口味非常正宗;經烹煮後橙酒酒精揮發不少,卻留下幽幽橙香,熱辣辣的上檯,再配以冰凍的雲尼拿雪糕,人間美味也! 除了橙酒班戟,也可挑選 3 French cheeses 三款法國芝士、自製蜜餞及多士 (散點 MOP $70) 或 Assortment of desserts 廚師精選甜品 (散點 MOP $60) 作為美好 brunch 的句點;如此美景下享用豐富美食,所費不過 MOP $298/位,十分抵食! 臨走,發現這裡的三道菜自選晚餐也只是 MOP $380,氣氛又棒、超適合兩口子去浪漫一番!不過食並非此行最大目標,遲點再作詳細分享吧~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Aux Beaux Arts inside MGM Hotel in Macau is currently hosting a 'Homard Bleu' French Blue Lobster dishes promotion until the end of February..Come to think about it, this is my 3rd Time to here..Aux Beaux Arts is basically about a French Bistro concept. However the recipes are far from simple, applying some Ferran Adria style molecular science based formulas to enhance each Classic dish...Pain de Campagne 'Country Loaf' -This is baked in-house and has a great sourdough aroma. Its crispy outside and soft inside, slightly less heavy dense than the traditional recipes but I think most of us in Asia prefer this lighter style.. So good!.Sea Urchin Cream with Fried Fish Skin & Sea Samphire - Amuse bouche done very thoughtful, this had an intense urchin umami and the fish skin initially I thought was a Fried Chicken Skin! Interesting starter and even the Samphire or Sea Asparagus was very representational of the overall seafood theme. ~ 10/10.A Sample Portion of 3 Different Appetizer Courses:Blue Lobster & Quinoa Citrus Salad, Mandarin Gel & Celery Sorbet (Left)This seemed everyone's favorite for the quinoa and refreshing balance..Rosemary Poached Lobster with Red Berry Jelly, Chioggia Beetroot Salad, Creme Fraiche (Right)  Another even lighter healthier dish. This could be my daily meal.Warm Lobster on Fennel Confit, Lemon Sable, Yellow Curry sauce & Tempura Lobster Claw (Top) Personally I liked this the best. French recipes actually use a lot of curry too to pair with lobsters, pumpkins, even fruits or Moroccan inspired French dishes. The taste of this particular curry sauce however was quite local Macanese-Portuguese instead!. Blue Lobster Consomme with Lobster Carpaccio, 3 Types of Japanese Seaweed, Julienned Cucumber and Furikake with Sesame - This was interesting as a concept to me, because Brittany also eats seaweed too and that is where the blue lobster itself is from... yet the French Chef here decided to do a Japanese ingredients take on it! Very intense aromatic dish. However I think the furikake sprinkle could be slightly less, as it can be quite powerful tasting! ~ 7.5/10.Baked Blue Lobster Thermidor with Cheese, Mustard and Cognac - Presented on a bed of seaweed. This was actually my favorite dish and even this surprised myself! The gratinated top was slightly crispy, the lobster and cheesy sauce was perfectly sweet tasting yet smooth. The Cognac aroma was also quite present. I also was surprised the serving plate itself has printed a Blue Lobster on it just for this month! ~ 10/10.Butter Poached Blue Lobster, Pan Seared Duck Foie Gras, Bisque Reduction, Celeriac and Culantro -This was interesting because when this arrived, my eyes were wide open because there is a well trimmed saw tooth Culantro leave on top, which is usually more Vietnamese or Mexican. However as one PR said since France had so much connections with Indochine area, this is sort of expected! The bisque sauce reduction was quite intense. ~ 8/10.Cocotte of Lobster & Chicken Oysters "sot-l'y-laiss", with Dry Morel Mushrooms, Rigatoni Pasta in Lobster Cream Sauce -This was outright the most versatile dish. I loved all the ingredients inside it and I was so surprised there's so much strong lobster bisque inside the cocotte when it arrived. After eating the Rigatoni we dipped the bread into it. We even mentioned we can now make a kaedama lobster ramen after. In the end we didn't finished all the soupy-sauce as we were ready for our desserts. But in hindsight, we should have definitely!! ~ 10/10.Our French Maitre d' litting up the room with a Fiery Warmth with a 'Flambeed' - It was the same week as celebrating La Chandeleur Crepe Day, so you probably already can guess what is coming next and exciting...Crepe Suzette with Caramelized Orange Juice, Butter & Grand Marnier, Vanilla Ice Cream -A French Classic dessert and surprisingly the sauce was quite viscous reduced and coated the soft supple crepes so well. I think within Hong Kong and Macau context, this one really will be hard to beat. ~ 10/10.Chocolate Fondant with Pop Corn Ice Cream, Toffeed Pop Corns, Chocolate Fudge, Kumquat Raviolo, Sponge -You can tell the Chef is well trained and playful, this dessert alone used many different methods to make and some are even molecular. The whole concept and plating was so thoughtful. Thumbs Up! ~ 9/10Some Chocolate Truffles, Matcha Chocolate, Rice Crisps and Lemon Tarts to finish as Petits Fours - The Coconut shell dish is familar, as this was introduced when they did a Peruvian x Japanese Nikkei cuisine here as 'AJI', before they open later this year. Interesting as these are quite heartful for a Bistro setting. Me thinks over the whole meal course, this is definitely treading into Fine Dining Category already as the recipes used above are European Michelin star grade in attention to each small details...Seafood Bar -They even carry French Sea Almonds, plenty of in season French Oysters, Spanish Red Prawns and Langoustines, Lobsters, Japanese Hokkaido Urchins, etc. All upper end seafood.. Actually come to think about it, this concept is quite unique to the HK & Macau context! Hope to be back soon if I am in town again... which will be next week : )******************************Price: Around $600 to 1200 + 10% Per Person Food: ♕♕♕♕♕ to ♕♕♕♕♕ 1/2Address: 宋玉生廣場外港填海區, 孫逸仙大馬路, 美高梅金殿天幕廣場Grande Praca, MGM Grand, Avenida Marginal da Baia Nove, Alameda Dutor Carlos d'Assumpção, MacauPh: +853 88022319 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
龍蝦大家都會在不同菜式中吃到,常見的食用龍蝦主要分美洲、歐洲、還有後來越來越多見的亞洲龍蝦。美洲聞名的有波士頓龍蝦;歐洲龍蝦則常見於法國布列塔尼 (Brittany) 大西洋和英倫海峽,而其中法國有種是深藍色的,就是「布列塔尼藍龍蝦」。查看網上資料,原來全世界平均每百萬隻龍蝦中才會出現一隻藍色龍蝦,珍貴。物以罕為貴,自藍龍蝦受到法國老饕們喜愛後,捕獲到的大部份都會留在法國內給自家食用,甚少出口。這次可以在澳門美高梅品嚐,珍貴的機會。* 吃飯前要讚一讚這新鮮出爐的「香檳麵包」,熱辣脆口,麵包迷不要錯過 (以下價錢以 MOP 計算,設加一)先來頭盤,相中是三合一,「法國藍龍蝦配藜麥金橘沙律、金桔、西芹雪芭 $368 / 法國藍龍蝦配紅莓啫厘、甜菜頭沙律 $338 / 暖法國藍龍蝦伴油漬茴香、檸檬曲奇、黃咖喱及天婦羅龍蝦鉗 $318」整體來說我覺得野生藍龍蝦的鮮味比一般的龍蝦濃,肉質亦較彈牙飽滿。有時去飲宴吃到的巨大龍蝦,雖然肉質厚,卻會味如嚼蠟,只會吃到獻汁的味道,沒有鮮味,大家有否同感?此藍龍蝦最適宜吃它的原汁原味,才不浪費好食材。三款頭盤都以清新為主導,其中我最喜歡「暖法國藍龍蝦伴油漬茴香、檸檬曲奇、黃咖喱及天婦羅龍蝦鉗」,主廚 Elie Khalife 將藍龍蝦加入輕輕黃咖喱烹調,有少許中西合璧菜餚的味覺層次,檸檬曲奇清香,天婦羅龍蝦鉗則只是用薄脆漿輕包着炸,調味都是恰到好處。「法國藍龍蝦清湯配龍蝦薄片、青瓜及海藻」$328,眼睛及味覺的享受。湯碗底先放置肉質細嫩的藍龍蝦薄片、海藻及青瓜,侍應會在人客席前倒下溫燙的藍龍蝦湯,利用湯的熱力將龍蝦片灼熟。湯頭味道是鮮濃到不得了,配上海藻及青瓜,都是清爽之物。說真,其實光是喝那個龍蝦湯底已經是無得輸,心機之作。這晚開了一支波爾多紅酒「2007 / 1812 MGM MACAU Private Label by Château Beau-Séjour Bécot / Merlot Saint-Emilion, Bordeaux, France」互相分享,別具意義。因為2007年的12月18日正是澳門美高梅開張的日子,此紀念版紅酒已買少見少,開一支少一支啊。進入直路吃主菜,「黃油煮藍龍蝦配香煎鴨肝、濃湯精華、芹菜及香菜」$688。將龍蝦精華佐以肥美豐腴的鴨肝及清爽龍蝦肉,大廚特意配搭中式香芹來提香調味,令味覺多一重層次:「焗法國藍龍蝦配田園蔬菜及菜苗」$568,原隻龍蝦開邊,加上淡芝士同焗,是有將龍蝦肉的味道昇華:「燴法國藍龍蝦伴雞肉配忌廉汁通心粉及羊肚菌」$728,非常得到大家的歡心!龍蝦已經起肉,浸在濃稠的龍蝦汁內,醬汁一定是整碟菜的精華,用巨窿通心粉是聰明的做法,因為中間可以吸進醬汁嘛!另外用這個汁來配之前的「香檳麵包」,點來吃是非常掂,此乃私人的配搭貼士最後甜品「傳統橙酒火焰班戟伴香草雪糕」,烹調過程又是視覺享受:吃法國菜我喜歡挑選 Crêpe Suzette,覺得它可以彰顯法式甜品的精髓及歷史;橙酒及雪糕,香甜冰火相接,廚藝的表現。「朱古力心太軟配爆谷雪芭」即叫即製,需時二十分鐘:外脆內軟,大家除了喜愛吃朱古力流心外,那個爆谷味的雪芭也蠻特別,像爆谷的分子料理呢。Petit Four 小點: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-12-13
這家在美高梅天幕廣場的法式餐廳平日只在晚上營業,早午餐只在週未提供,主要有兩種套餐,分別要價MOP258及MOP358,兩種套餐從頭盆、主菜到甜點都不一樣。餐牌內也有其他輕食如三明治,法律,EGG BENEDICT等,啱哂唔想食咁飽的朋友仔。當天我們3人點了兩份358及一份258的套餐。先送上餐包及開胃菜,餐包外脆內軟送上來時還熱騰騰,好味呀,不夠還可添吃。頭盆方面,258的套餐點了蟹肉法侓,358的則分別點了海鮮盆及龍蝦湯。海鮮盆比想像都大份,海鮮亦新鮮,性價比甚高,相比龍蝦湯則只有小小一碗,味道又淡,同一個價錢的餐兩種不同選擇差很遠........主菜接著上來,煎紅鰹魚豬柳柳脆卷,豬柳軟腍肉汁多,不錯帶子藏紅花意大利飯有兩粒大大的帶子,意大利飯很香清爽不膩甜點每款套餐只有一個選項(即是沒有選項...)香橙泡沬配朱古力蛋糕很特別,可能我本人特別偏好橙味東西,所以呢款甜點絕對是我的菜。另外的蛋白覆盆子是清爽口感的甜品,酸酸的,可能不是人人能接受。套餐還有包一杯果汁類飲料的,推介他們的signature drink lemon grass juice (名字不太肯定)。總括而言,這裡的食物有一定的水準,環境算安靜,唯一是服務還有很大的改善空間,叫倒杯水叫左19幾次,一係應左你走左去一係扮睇你唔到,落完單又唔記得送飲品,又係吹極都唔上,應左你又唔幫你覆單,最後幸好有一位服務態度較好、較醒目的菲藉女侍應幫我們吹單,先發現原來漏左......希望佢啲員本以後會改善下啲服務態度,畢境是五星級酒店食肆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)