2013-01-15 1006 views
This Japanese restaurant has been in the area for nearly 6 years. At lunch it caters to students seeking a fixed price set lunch and it's more a mad house in this tiny establishment (handful of tables and acceptable setting, it's not fast food, more of a casual eatery) Sai Ying Pun has been changing with more Westerners (and other foreigners) and this restaurant is changing with it.We dined here on very slow Monday night (typical for all HK restaurants) and had great service and we were initiall
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This Japanese restaurant has been in the area for nearly 6 years. At lunch it caters to students seeking a fixed price set lunch and it's more a mad house in this tiny establishment (handful of tables and acceptable setting, it's not fast food, more of a casual eatery) Sai Ying Pun has been changing with more Westerners (and other foreigners) and this restaurant is changing with it.

We dined here on very slow Monday night (typical for all HK restaurants) and had great service and we were initially the only patrons in the restaurant. Their happy hour is until 8 pm and includes Japanese beer and various yakitori. Complementary edamame beans are served.

Our first dish was an assorted sushi platter that was nicely presented with fresh fish. Wasn't the BEST sushi in the world, but quite reasonable.

We then went thru the assortment of yakitori skewers including various chicken, pork, scallops and vegetables. All were of good quality and very tasty. We particularly liked the chicken skins which were nicely presented, crispy with a very slight glaze and just the right amount of flake salt. All are recommended.

We ordered cold soba noodles with a nice tea sauce slightly flavored with wasbi and soy. The noodles were attractively presented and very tasty.

A special bar dish of roasted Japanese ginkgo beans, roasted and served on a salt bed were on offer. These were Japanese quality and fairly expensive, however the manager commented on the much improved taste over Chinese variants, which often have a bitter taste.

Special of the night were "Japanese tacos" served in a soft flour tortilla, it had a spicy mixture of ground pork/beef with shredded cabbage and carrot. The perfect bar food, inexpensive, hot and the right amount of spice. Excellent!

The restaurant has a good variety of vegetarian offers and as it was a "slow" night, the manager prepared a special vegetable roll for us, very tasty with roasted veggies and some crunchy cold veggies for that perfect snap. We also had salmon rice rolls sans the salmon and these had a nice citrus sauce.

This is a good neighborhood joint in an area of improving restaurants!
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Dining Method
Dine In
Spending Per Head
$250 (Dinner)