3-min walk from Exit C2, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (11)
Ruby Tuesday is an American style restaurant that prides themselves on their lavish food and relaxing warm wood decor. Some of their signature dishes include the triple-decker Colossal Burger, Premium Ribs, Prime Steaks and Chocolate Tallcake dessert. For those that want something lighter, Ruby Tuesday also has a their world famous Fresh Garden Bar for guests to create their own salad sensations. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 23:00
*last order: dine-in 5:15pm & self-pickup 8:30pm
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Kid-friendly Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (113)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✨蘆筍香煎刺身級帶子意大利飯 微微煙薰的蘆筍,口感清爽,仲有大大粒的香煎帶子,一分為二先可以一口吞落肚,口感柔軟嫩滑,意大利飯很creamy和粒粒分明~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~留意👀價錢上有會員和沒有會員差別很大的,可能貴左一倍價錢座位尚算舒服,不會太迫~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
認真,第一次試Ruby Tuesday。到底露比既星期二係點既呢?一路都以為Ruby Tuesday同Out唔識串一樣咁貴,又以為同Steak唔識串一樣都係食牛扒之類…原來做人真係唔好F F咁多…入到去坐低見到個餐牌,心裏面Wa左一聲,個樣就變成咁😧皆因佢個lunch set!實!在!太!抵!食!Laaaaaaaaaa!師奶唔會錯過呢個機會,即刻🙋‍♀️叫個靚仔過黎落order。👋hi🙋‍♀️hi 🙋‍♀️🙌hello👐見唔見到我呀?呢個lunch set包括一碗湯(湯隔離有個鬆餅)、一杯飲品、一碟沙律。原本我以為沙律食唔飽,所以我加咗個芝士焗薯,原來沙律係食得飽㗎!哭😭坐又坐得舒服、食物質素又唔錯、最緊要係咩啊?喺價錢合理呀!師奶真係好易滿足唯一美中不足嘅係餐廳好大,職員唔係成日望到你,所以舉手都舉咗幾次。🙌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-05
同事推介海之戀既Ruby Tuesday個lunch set好食又抵食,擇日不今日去吧😋😋 Go Go Go。Fish and chips同Pork chop係Special Lunch Set,所以一定要試下。我們一行六人既Order如下:1 x Fish and Chips~有兩大片魚柳,即炸個皮好脆,內裡有魚汁,濕潤,唔會炸乾晒2 x BBQ Chicken~個BBQ醬好正(用咗Classic BBQ Ribs個醬去烤雞),雞好滑,唔柴,3 x Pork Chop with spaghetti in Marinara sauce~名不虛傳,真係好大塊大家不約而同order ice lemon tea,六個大玻璃杯上枱,忘了拍照。下次要用openrice訂枱賺分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-25
聖誕就是多聚會仲要係疫情過後第一個CHRISTMAS大家終於唔使戴口罩睇住限聚令做人啦成班同學早早約定食飯西方節日又有小朋友食西餐就最啱數啦剛好有朋友有會員卡,呢樣真係好緊要有卡無卡價錢差不多相差一倍﹗﹗七大兩小叫咗一整檯美食小朋友足足有8款兒童餐可以揀但不連飲品餐紙可以填色,亦有兒童餐具提供期間限定嘅炸紫菜雞又JUICY又脆口炸物拚物可以揀大份20件,炸芝士條不得了﹗炸魷魚唔會太多粉,醃得入味大蝦長通粉,啲蝦係要用巨型嚟形容﹗白汁巴住長通粉剛剛好叫咗兩款扒,封門柳不得了勁好食有個魚柳意大利飯,魚就有少少腥埋單2千3左右,聖誕大餐差不多啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
打邊爐真係冬天嘅必備活動嚟架,今次去咗間標榜港式風味嘅食堂,一入門口就聞到陣陣肉香,令我咩都唔想食,就想插隊搶先享受,但係禮貌令我乖乖排隊。一開始,我點了碟滋味無窮嘅醬爆豬頸肉,肉質嫩滑得嚟仲帶有啖啖肉嘅滿足感,配上啲秘製醬料,簡直係滿足到爆炸!🤤再嘗咗碟爽口嘅涼拌海蜇頭,酸酸甜甜嘅醋香,令到舌尖醒神,海蜇頭嘅微微彈牙,完美對抗咗外面嘅寒冷冷氣團。最後,忍唔住又加咗碗手打牛丸,嗌喊住「咬落去彈牙!」嘅朋友們一定唔會失望,每一粒牛丸珠圓玉潤,加上嗰湯底嘅醇厚,簡直係大滿足!最尾杯熱辣辣嘅菊花茶就係完美收場,貪嘴過後,都要照顧下肚肚。整體嚟講,呢間店絕對係我呢啲愛食之人嘅小確幸!🥢💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)