8-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Tin Heung Lau is a Chinese restaurant that specializes in serving Hangzhou cuisine. While the decoration and setting of the restaurant is quite simple, the food is not. Some of their signature dishes include the shark's fin with crab roe soup, Shanghai Hairy Crab and dumplings in soup with sweet wine sauce. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Additional Information
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Crab Dongpo Pork Appetizer (malan,duck and monochoria) Dumplings in Soup with Sweet Wine Sauce Superior Shark's Fin with Crab Roe soup
Review (112)
Level3 2024-05-24
While it may not be the crab season as yet, I can never say no to dinners organised by the Professional Food Critic, particularly at establishments like this that serves the regulars ‘differently’, where you would get impeccable service and traditional Hangzhou cuisine at its best. For me, the evening was a mix of hits and misses. Particularly impressive dishes that are most likely not available elsewhere in HK in terms of quality and authenticity are the Wok Fried River Shrimps with Longjing Tea (龍井蝦仁), Deep fried Beancurd Rolls (炸響鈴), Deep Fried Eel (生爆鱔背) and Watershield Fish Balls Soup (蒓菜魚丸湯). Totally blown away by the freshness of the ingredients, flavour combination and skills presented in these dishes. I have never had river shrimps as big and bouncy as this, laced with a tinge of Longjing tea fragrance. The deep fried beancurd rolls were out of this world. Not only were they crunchy (脆) and in thoughtful bite sizes, they were straight out of the oven kind of delicately crispy (酥脆). Professional Food Critic explained the crispiness came from the light layer of lard in each sheets of beancurd. The 50-year old Shaoxing wine was also addictively sweet and viscous that I kept asking for refills. The showstopper Beggars Chicken (富貴雞/叫化雞)and the Smoked Yellow Croaker (煙燻大黃魚) were fairly executed. The chicken was a minute late out of the steamer. Overall a delightful meal and would return with a regular. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-16
先唔講價錢同碟頭大細唔成正比,一坐低拎杯茶俾你,啫係茶餐廳個類玻璃杯,加埋唔知有無十條龍井茶葉,佢收幾錢呀!係80蚊!餐牌無寫!我知我有責任享用之前問,但甘做生意法實太過份。好啦點左四樣嘢,我地得兩個人,問你寫唔寫蟹黃翅,無叫啦,都唔係大閘蟹季節;跟住再問下食唔食蟹黃麵。呢d餐牌都無顯示,枉論價錢!一問之下係700幾蚊一碗!好似最平碟家常豆要$220加埋一,隻碟兩隻手掌甘上下大,仲要係得鋪面甘多。更唔好講裝埋唔知夠唔夠一個啫喱杯收你連加一$430但無味嘅龍井蝦仁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-06
昨天老細請客,他選了這間餐廳,是星期一晚,全晚只有我們一枱,一共四人,老細及同事負責點菜埋單8千大元,最貴是沒有標價的蟹粉粉絲2千元,即使是老細請客,大家睇到張單都嚇親。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同老公星期五晚拍拖諗住食大閘蟹所以book咗呢間餐廳,聽朋友介紹。預先電話book咗兩位,侍應喺電話說最低消費每人$700。我諗住出得街食大閘蟹都一定超過呢個數喇所以book咗。去到坐低同侍應講想食大閘蟹,佢話好呀,而家啱季節。佢即刻拎兩隻嚟俾我哋睇吓。拎到嚟係兩隻大概五兩左右嘅蟹,綁住咗但都睇到唔係好生猛咁。問佢幾錢,佢話抵呀,淨係需要每隻$1400。我即場哇咗一聲,跟住我哋再望一望餐牌冇乜其他嘢想食就決定即刻走啦,跟住侍應同我哋講因為book咗枱佢斟咗茶,所以我哋要每人放低$80先走得。之前完全冇講過有呢個條款,成件事感覺好呃人,不過我哋都照俾費事date night同人嘈啦。Am I missing something about inflation in Hong Kong or is there something weird going on? We felt very uncomfortable there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-20
今晚同啲朋友去左尖沙咀嘅天香樓食飯,啲菜式係江浙菜,真係好正啊!其中最令我印象深刻嘅菜式就係佢哋嘅大閘蟹同埋龍井蝦仁,好新鮮,味道鮮甜,加埋啲蟹粉翅,真係太好味啦!除咗呢啲招牌菜之外,啲小食同埋湯水亦都唔錯,例如鮮蝦腸粉、蒜蓉白肉、餃子同埋酒釀丸子,都好好味,啱啱好啦!啲飲品都幾豐富,有冰嘅釀啤酒、嘅士多啤梨冰沙同埋啤酒加嘅梅子汁,啲酒釀丸子嘅蜜汁味道好好味,令我回味無窮!至於餐廳環境,佢哋嘅裝修好中國風,好有味道,啲服務員好有禮貌,好細心,令人感受到好溫馨同埋舒適嘅用餐環境。而且啲價錢都好實惠,非常物超所值。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)