7-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Level2 2015-10-29
Stone's is one of my favorite places in Hong Kong, especially when I have a taste for American pub grub. I've had the pulled prom sandwich and the burger, both of which are sizable and juicy. The French fries are breaded differently than most, giving them an extra crunch. There are some craft brews available. Prices are reasonable although Cokes at $32 is a bit steep. Never had to wait for a seat, which makes it a good neighborhood stalwart for me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
和T先生的週末一般都過得很HEA。有時也會問問自己, 這是香港真的沒有甚麼好玩的, 還是我們太懶了呢? 似乎甚麼都沒有做, 就來到星期日的晚上了。要「歡送」週末, 兩人就決定去吃一些肥滋滋的、說不上健康的香口食物。查查The Entertainer App之內的優惠, 就來到大坑的Stone's。本來以為此店不會太爆滿, 沒想到坐下不久, dining area 竟然是滿席了。才七點多一點, 難道大家都在「歡送」週末嗎?左: North Coast Red Seal Amber Ale (California, USA)右: Anderson Valley Summer Solstice (California, USA)來得這一類美國的餐廳, 都是打定主意要吃漢堡包的。揀啤酒就沒有多花時間,畢竟這一個North coast red seal amber ale 的介紹上寫著它就是製造出來配漢堡包! 麥香真的蠻重的, 但我卻是嫌苦了, 全數留給T先生喝去。自己再挑了另一款Anderson Valley Summer Solstice, 味道微甜, 口感清爽, 很不錯也很適合女孩子。因為要使用The Entertainer 之內的買一送一優惠. 少不免要先向店家查詢一下哪一些算是"main course"。幾乎每一家食肆的使用政策都會有一點小出入噢。每次都要查詢是會覺得有點麻煩, 但想想可以省錢, 也就算啦。這裡的規則是要在main course一欄里挑吃的, 才可以送菜單上別的食物。即是說想要一人吃一個漢堡的欲望幻滅了。不過也不要緊, 點一個很久沒有吃的pork rib也不錯。Pork Rib with Fries HK$208+10%沒想到是這麼大的一份! 單單是豬肋骨已經比我的臉還要大。而且滿滿的塗上了燒烤醬汁, 雖然一點都不漂亮但氣勢非常。肉質方面它不是最嫩的, 輕輕切就可以做到骨肉分離, 吃起來還蠻輕鬆的。燒烤醬比較杰身, 味道微甜帶苦, 水準還好啦。不過真的很疑惑, 店家這是特地做了家庭分享size, 還是完美呈現了美式的瘋狂一人份量? 好誇張, 沒有一個香港人會這樣子一人吃一份的吧?Burger #3 HK$115+10% US prime beef, bacon, pepper jack cheeseStone 有好幾款的漢堡, 沒有名字而是用了號碼1, 2, 3的排列下去。因為用了The entertainer, 這個漢堡就是送的囉。沒有太大的期望之下, 它們的漢堡給了我超強的驚喜: 好好吃!牛漢堡厚得不行, 鬆軟香嫩, 濃而不騷, 而且非常的多汁。咬食之時, 汁和油沿手掌緣滴到碟子之上, 是一種異樣的快樂感。煙肉香脆, 芝士帶丁點辣, 不是甚麼複雜的滋味卻是配合的很好。味道之好, 是連放在一邊的燒烤醬都沒有用。同時看到有一老外, 竟然點了個雙層的牛漢堡! 哈, 那麼多的肉食, 真不是人人受得了啊。充滿了意外驚喜的一餐, 吃得很盡興呢。其實只要花心思去看一下, 會發現很多已經營業好久的老店, 所賣的食物絕不比那些花枝招展的新店輸蝕。否則, 你認為它是憑甚麼那麼多年屹立不倒呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-08
來這裡為的是她提供的漢堡。但有點意料不到的是,吃過後才發覺有其他東西比漢堡本身還出色呢....和最近胃納小了的小朋友一同來,若然是一人來一個漢堡似乎就大過冒險,最後一定儘會吃剩因而製造出不少廚餘...看看餐牌,喵到有不少其他小食沙律類別供應。在久經思量之下,最後要了一大碟以店名作命名的雜錦香腸盤....香腸一上桌...Wow....好說一碟接近十條。腸的種類主要分普通的肉腸以及加了香草的,分別先試了一條,腸衣煙煙韌韌十分有咬勁,外友烘得脆脆的超香口;一咬將下去便馬上發出"卜"的一聲,肉汁就立刻噴射進囗腔內;腸內除了肉碎之外還有不少的脂肪粒在內,嚐起來囗感自然是更加豐厚了;味道方面肉香濃烈之餘調味是帶點點辣 (應是下了黑椒了吧),入口是非常的惹香。這香腸光是淨食已很出色,置於一旁的那蜜糖芥茉,似乎已是多餘的了....吃多了,再夾多一點墊底的沙律放入口,膩感好像也隨之而降低,可以再放任的吞多幾條....漢堡當然亦是甚具水平的 ---- 今天小弟選的是高級一些的和牛肉搓成的漢堡肉。肉是帶嫣紅質地是嫩滑且蠻juicy,而且最重要是肉沒有甚麼筋弄至人黐牙的;包已被烘熱吃起皮有微脆的口感但內裡仍是軟綿;另除了肉以外還夾有為數不少的蕃茄片、生菜及生洋蔥。用來清清味蕾減膩自不然也屬上上之選....薯條剛啱新鮮熱辣炸起自然亦外香脆內粉糯。而且灑的鹽量也沒有太over。愛香囗嘢的我倆自然便食個不停....漢堡雖箇出色,但身為搭單叫的配角香腸竟還令我留下更深印象,這倒是有些始料不及.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-01
Another late night dinner for us. Decided to go somewhere easy and remembered Stone's from a few months ago where we were impressed with the burgers. We arrived around 9:30 and there were a few tables empty. Most people were having drinks at the bar by this time. There was a dish of Giant prawns in creamy white sauce. We asked for the sauce to be changed to a tomato sauceThe pasta was thin spaghetti and the tomato sauce was tangy with a lot of tomatoes and some sliced fresh mushrooms. A sharp and appertising sauce. The prawns were large and impressive looking, however tasted quick tough and bland, typical of frozen seafoodWe chose the Wagyu burger and this was done nicely like we rememberedThe meat was tasty and pink in the middle as requested. The bun texture was like a home baked bun. Fries were seasoned and seem to have a light batter around it. The burger was delicious. Definitely worth coming here if you are looking for a good burgerAs it was late, we decided not to have dessert and we didn't find anything we wanted to order anyway continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-08-01
星期曰拍拖到大坑搵食, 選了classified 隔離的stone's. 美式裝修, 舖位面積很大,前舖是不節不扣的Bar ,入内有寬敞卡位雅坐, 舒適寧靜我們點了一個brunch set egg benedict, U.S. Prime beef burger, 兩杯Dead Guy Ale, 凈係個杯已非常可愛 死仔愛爾啤酒, 濃烈麥味, 酒體飽滿 正合我口味!!!Egg Benedict 有沙律伴碟,份量十足, 蛋黃呈完全流心狀, 蛋味濃郁 連火腿一齊食都唔覺膩!!!底層鬆餅煙煙韌韌, 大愛呀U.S. Prime beef burger 叫左medium rare ,略嫌熟左啲, 肉汁鮮甜,一啲都唔乾, 麵包鬆軟, 夾住生菜食減低油膩感, 另外,洋蔥圈炸漿薄,洋蔥香! 薯條夠熱, 充滿薯仔味,香脆!!!埋单$356- 换一個優皮優質的下午, 值得!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)