Restaurant: Veggies Sky

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

5-min walk from Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Walk-in available for Mon-Fri lunchtime. Other time slots are reservations only for the private kitchen.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
朋友生日指定要食呢間素菜,同我哋講話會有表演😅,冇所謂啦即管試吓。📱打電話訂位時接線的人非常有禮貌,後來同佢講話要改期,佢話佢哋假期休息,希望我哋維持原來嘅日子。我唔知嗰個係侍應定係老闆,佢好熱情咁介紹每一道菜,雖然有點over多嘢講但是其實都係親切嘅。老實講呢間素菜啲嘢全部都好好食, 每碟嘅presentation都靚仔,我哋當晚去係星期六但竟然唔爆滿,有半場係關咗燈,其實都幾唏噓,聽聞以前訂位要提前一個月。呢度嘅素菜餐單係“阿媽家姐”,全場人都係食嗰啲唔會有選擇,不過素菜其實都冇乜所謂。 提前同佢哋講話同朋友慶祝生日,竟然送咗個小蛋糕🎂畀我哋非常驚喜,呢啲熱情小店買少見少,真心希望多啲人會支持,由新界特意過來港島區食呢餐都係值得嘅! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We are a group of 12 (including 4 elderly and 2 children). The food was of great variety, teases the tastebuds and delicious.  Thousand layer tofu 千層豆腐is so smooth, we also love the soup which was bursting with yummy fresh ness of different mushrooms ( careful, it's very hot), the fried vermicelli 炒米粉...etc.   The manager gave us several refills of the refreshing pomegranate drink. The friend sitting next to me said the food still tasted great even when she was full, so the food must be really good. Service is warm and caring. Everyone was content. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
💋母親節黎個找「素」私房菜平時既星期日係休息既只有母親節及農曆新年既星期日先會開既晚市我呢個孝順媳婦抓緊機會試試佢😚早左約一星期訂檯無須先比訂金😘真係講個信字!由於係私房菜 所以一律準時七點開始疑似餐廳老闆?經理?勁識so 蘇😌講明不時不食 不計食物成本 最緊要味道好 客人滿意 就係餐廳既原則可能因為咁 今次既大餐大家都相當滿意😋仲飽到要打包拎走 真係非常推薦~~~🫶🏻每位 HK$428 兩位起(茶/水每位$20另加一服務費)⍥ 寶彩歡喜拼盤拼盤最開心,咩都有啲可以試勻幾款🤣總共六小碟,基本上全部都好食,其中我最喜歡炸猴頭菇及話梅蕃茄仔😌⍥ 御品養心松茸燉湯呢個燉湯真心掂!勁勁勁熱而且超超超足料🥰冬菇、松茸、腰果、栗子、猴頭菇等!完全飲得出係真材實料👍🏻飲完㷫烚烚🤣⍥ 三絲腐皮卷賣相靚晒😚甘筍、木耳、酸蘿蔔及青瓜絲之類,腐皮好有豆味,食落好清新🙌🏻⍥ 招牌即燒厚切叉燒(配荷葉包)叉燒其實係麵筋,再加啲叉燒醬落去,賣相已經有九成似😆聽(老闆?)講所謂既「燶邊」係由欖角畫出黎!刈包+清甜菠蘿+叉燒呢個組合無得彈🥰難怪史生叫我返屋企整比佢食!⍥ 法邊豆竹蔗苗呢個無咩特別,就係清清地既蔬菜😂⍥ 日式海苔酥卷呢個好好食!!白飯包住啲甘筍呀醃蘿蔔之類,炸得勁鬆脆香口😋口感豐富又唔油膩,蘸啲啲無蛋素既芥末醬仲昇華左,疑似(老闆?)仲好好人,拎個碗仔再比多幾舊我地🤭⍥ 焗釀芒果三色藜麥芒果季🤗估唔到唔係用黎整甜品!每人半邊和暖芒果,盛載住好有飽腹感既藜麥,芒果既清甜爽利仲成功balance到飽滯感,一啲都唔怪,反而少少似食緊芒果糯米飯😂!!⍥ 健康薏仁麵以為藜麥係主食?😅我都被騙啦!呢個健康薏仁麵個樣似足公仔麵,但炒得非常乾身!!一啲油膩感都無,幾好食架奈何實在太飽,唯有打包啦🤧⍥ 生磨腰果露留肚食糖水😌腰果露香噴噴熱焫焫,好杰而且眼見仲有啲粒狀,雖然未夠滑溜,但咁樣更加證明係足料生磨!而且甜度極低😚非常岩我地。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-13
昨天第一次去試齋菜私房菜,男侍應不斷望住每枱客人,如果用錯餐具,例如公筷,碟和碗都去提醒,令到餐食得好有壓力及不愉快。私房菜$493/位,朋友遲到,想等齊人先上菜,佢不斷催促,好不愉快嘅一餐😣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-03
素菜比較少食而素菜私房菜嘅Omakase真係第一次見識呢度最大嘅特色就係經理個經理係呢間餐廳嘅寶物做MC帶氣氛問問題上菜斟茶分菜睇得出佢係好鍾意呢份工同好投入呢份工工作坐低覺得好特別,食齋菜有筷子有匙羹又刀叉有啲似Fine Dining咁唔同嘅餸要用唔同嘅餐具第一道菜拼盤真係大開眼界唔止份量大,而且好靚,同埋好好食而松茸燉湯真係好好飲,飲完出一身汗而且飲得出冇味精好足料其實飲完個湯都已經飽咗一大半之後嘅意式豆腐,素叉燒,飯卷等等,都係正正常常係一個好特別嘅體驗會顛覆咗你食齋嘅感覺養生松茸燉湯寶彩歡喜拼盤意式千層豆腐招牌即燒厚切叉燒配荷葉包日式海苔酥卷香煎菇扒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)