Restaurant: | Root Vegan |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Haven't been visiting for quite awhile, suddenly craving for some plant based fusion dishes and thought of this place. Menu didn't change much with few additional options. They also offer set meals. This time, we decided to try on their set of 2 with soup of the day, tuna spicy mayo toasts and red curry veggies and tempeh in noodle. Day of soup was pumpkin, which was my favourite. Appreciated the warm reminders from staff to be aware of hot bowl while serve. Soup was in appropriate portion. Topped with crunchy croutons and sprinkled with herbs. Soup was light and smooth. Quite burning hot. Strong pumpkin flavour and sweet. Even just lightly sprinkled herbs, could taste an earthy scent. Very hearty.Tuna spicy mayo toasts were quite delicate. Should have asked for two small plates while eating. Kind of messy to eat as toppings falling during bite. Tuna was pretty fishy. Texture and taste pretty similar to real tuna. Glad they dressed with spicy mayo which kind of covering the strong fishy taste. A pretty decent dish.Here it came to my favourite dish here, the vegetables red curry with noodle. Vegetables portion was way bigger than I could remember. It was loaded with Thai aubergines, big chunks of carrots, baby corn, Brussel Sprouts, tempeh, tofu cubes and broccolini. Red curry broth was perfectly cooked with intense spice and mild heat. Unlike the creamy and rich type of curry, this curry was perfect for serving in broth noodle. Aubergines were very soft, carrots were slight raw to me which too crunchy and carrot-y, love they stir in the brussel sprouts after grilling, baby corn and broccolini were soft. All vegetables absorbed so well with the curry. Tempeh was in cubes and wish to serve more. Never enough of tempeh! Well coat with the flavour while easily to bite without its own bitterness (which some may taste bitter if didn't cook long enough). Noodle was chewy and in just a right portion considering serving that amount of vegetables. It was absolutely filling. A very filling, back in the old days lunch. Still absolutely amazing and this meal set was quite economical.
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我們於3/9(二)下午四點🕓到達餐廳,當時沒有食客,有些店員在休息。我們叫了2個lunch menu,其中一個叫了combo,有餐湯和補差價選擇飲品,另叫了一個小食。❶蔬菜湯🥣:紅湯好多料,有薯仔🥔西芹、紅蘿蔔🥕等。❷味噌豆乳湯拉麵($128):與外面吃到的素拉面不同,通常都係粟米溏心蛋、素丸等,但佢係有枝豆🫛,海帶,油揚,超多野菜🥦,炸金菇等,拉麵與外面不同,似米線質地,份量都多🍜❸黑松露素帶子焗意粉($98):有菜粒,洋葱🧅,不少雜菌🍄,非常之香❹鐵觀音燕麥奶(補差價$47):能喝出茶味❺炸印尼天貝 BBQ 醬($38):大約有8小粒,不像外面吃到的「炸物」,反而保留天貝的質地及外觀,好食😋食物優秀,埋單不用加一,餐廳環境舒服寧靜😌
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見咁多好評,終於有機會約了朋友來試試。天氣太熱,行到身水身汗,但店舖冷氣風大卻不太夠冷,朋友唯有話心靜自然涼⋯選擇不太多。叫了炸天貝,泰北咖喱金麵配腐皮雞腿同埋特別推介嘅菠蘿炒飯,兩杯嘢飲。天貝當然無咩特別味道,係靠醬汁,醬汁有三種,黑松露好味啲。我覺得都撇除了本身的怪味,都ok。朋友就唔係好慣隻味。麵就好普通,腐皮係一般貨啦,話係咖喱但味道不辣的,整體OK啦,份量不多,感覺不值得這個價。(可能中環係咁?)菠蘿炒飯是比較好的,不算油膩,味道一樣係好standard,餐牌話少少辣但我覺得唔辣。服務就真係好一般。我地兩人share黎食,叫佢比多隻碗食麵,真係得隻碗,筷子都唔會比多一set你⋯ 啲 staff 可能好多附近熟客,打招呼好開心,或者無咩興趣理其他客。 埋單有得reg會員拎$10 coupon,但個system都有點麻煩。感覺有點overrated,應該試過一次夠了。
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餐廳:本原純素地點:中環威靈頓街菜式:素食餐牌:平日12-5有午餐,主食6選1,加$38可升級套餐。無加一。餐牌同幾個月之前黎一樣。只係daily special有唔同。味噌豆乳湯拉麵 $128味噌豆乳湯拉麵個湯底呈奶白色,味道偏鹹,豆乳味唔夠。拉麵太淋身,麻麻地。唯一可取係蔬菜量足,包括西蘭花,枝豆,海帶,炸金菇,豆腐皮,蘿蔔絲同黃芽白。落單比錢之後有個鐘比你,鐘響之後自己去攞野食,食完自己收餐具。總括而言,價錢偏貴。
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