Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5/ D1, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Tosca is an Italian dining restaurant inside the Ritz-Carlton hotel. The restaurant offers a set lunch and set dinner option and also has an a la carte menu. Dine at this restaurant to enjoy sweeping views of Victoria Harbour. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-24)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Additional Information
Dress code for gentlemen: beach sandals, open toe shoes, shorts and sleeveless shirts will not be appropriate. Child policy is applied to Tosca di Angelo that children aged 3 years old or above are welcome.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:15
Tue - Fri
12:00 - 14:15
18:30 - 21:15
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 21:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (114)
朋友生日黎到呢間向102樓的意大利餐廳食午餐搭2分鐘電梯到103樓落一層到達餐廳, 一入到餐廳就被環境吸引住, 餐廳嘅裝修高貴雅緻, 仲有一個開放式嘅廚房. 安排坐左窗口四人枱, 可以望住維港景色, 鳥瞰尖沙咀紅磡及港島.頭盤芝士配搭了番茄 加上番茄醬墊底 配搭開胃加上鯷魚羅勒另一碟半熟油甘魚一點岩岩好又味道不腥, 加上甘筍角豆非常鮮味第一道菜點左羊奶士麻花卷粉及白肉鮮魚西西里扭紋粉, 粉非常煙韌好味, 加上醬汁真絶配 主菜地中海鱸魚: 鱸魚魚肉結實,加埋番茄味道清新伊比利亞豬肉: 伊比利亞豬肉煮得啱啱好,食落口感非常軟熟甜品必點既義大利芝士蛋糕系呢到特色甜品,   系自己中意不濃酒味芝士餅, 好易入口好味道. 仲點左軟芝士脆卷,  脆口好特色, 仲有額外嘅朱古力同埋小蛋糕,  甜品真系好值得讚, 做得好味不普通.每一道菜餐廳職員都有解釋食材及做法, 非常愉快的一頓午餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於Ritz Carlton 103樓嘅Tosca Di Angelo享有全港最高嘅景色有藍天白雲的話真的好美🌤️如同置身於雲層中晉餐享受美食嘅同時又享受個景4-course($828)入面頭尾嘅sourdough同tiramisu最精彩!✧ Welcoming Starter個style有少少似份子料理好鍾意佢蕃茄汁煮到一塊正方形膏🍅味道好濃郁之餘賣相好精緻仲有另一個瓜撻都幾refreshing✧ Complimentary Sourdough食過唔同西餐廳嘅酸種包覺得tosca呢個夠哂發酵酸味得嚟個包體軟硬度適中🍞而且仲好有特色咁可以揀唔同嘅olive oil有甜啲/辣啲/濃啲/撈埋哂 不過大家都話唔太試得出✧ Sgombro di Hokkaido除咗最common嘅tartare/ cheese仲有呢個北海道鯖魚揀🐟亦係唯一一個可以揀俾唔食生嘢嘅朋友不過個汁就略嫌咸咗啲啲所以紅洋蔥唔係好出✧ Mezzi Paccheri "Mancini"(+$188)食埋呢味之後理認整體調味偏咸有個幾得意嘅點係手工短寬管粉入面都收埋咗啲蝦🦐西西里紅蝦同羅勒香草好match撇除咸咗啲都好好食✧ Vitello "Vercelli" (+$130)由於小牛肉偏熟所以都唔使揀幾成熟欣賞廚師用幾種唔用手法呈現個牛🐮最深刻係有個用海綿苔味wrap嘅牛仔肉薯蓉亦都好好食~✧Tiramisù TradizionaleSignature到成枱人嘅甜品都係揀tiramisu做甜品!事關佢除咗普通嘅mascarpone cheese/lady finger之外仲有咖啡沙冰☕️🧊最後嘅最後Tosca可以幫手慶生🎉會俾壽星一枝棍仔敲爛塊朱古力但入面得乾冰同一張迷你生日卡Not even Petit Four (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-12
六年后再到香港,很想找家米其林餐厅品尝一番。无意中在open rice book了TOSCA,102楼无敌海景瞬间吸引了我。到店前一天,店员电话询问我的饮食注意事项,并告知穿着要有仪式感。正式到店后,服务员都专业热情,尤其是为了配合我赶车的行程,特意加快了做菜速度,非常贴心。第一次吃意大利菜,我全选了四道式,并且全部让服务员小哥推荐,结果变成了海鲜大餐,全部主菜都是海鲜。菜品总体还算满意,比较推荐红虾意面,意面弹脆,鲜虾配汁浓郁,其它菜品感觉惊艳不多,可能我本身就在海边长大,海鲜吃多了。主厨和老板都是外国人,见到都热情和我打招呼和问候,让我惊喜不断,红着脸各种中式英语交流。TOSCA绝对米一,环境米三 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-15
Tosca di Angelo 🍝.Finally visited this upscale Michelin One Starred 🌟 restaurant overlooking the Victoria harbour 😍 .Food was absolutely incredible. I have never had pork so tender that it felt straight up like premium wagyu beef! The Sicilian red shrimps were so sweet, it was out of this world! The red grouper was tender with a delicious tomato soup. I also loved the very distinctive flavour of the Busiate with white fish belly, though it might not be for everyone.. The most unimpressive item was their beef carpaccio, the portion was small and the flavour profile was very simple. The hamachi was a much better choice in comparison. .😋Recommend? ✅ 👩🏻‍🍳Food rating: 5/5👩🏻‍⚖️Overall experience rating: 5/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-28
This Michelin 1-star Italian restaurant is located in Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, on Level 102 of ICC in Kowloon. Diners will need to go up to the hotel lobby at Level 103 before taking the escalator down to the restaurant. Helmed under Chef Angelo Agliano, it is known for its exquisite Southern Italian cuisine.Seated at the window side looking out to the gorgeous view of Victoria Harbour and the HK Island skyline, the restaurant has a couple of fountains, a very high ceiling, and the overall ambience exhibits exquisite luxury while not overly restrictive and formal. A cozy and comfortable setting.I start with a glass of J.L. Vergnon ‘Hautes Mottes’ Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Brut Nature 2013 ($508). The wine is completely vinified in large oak barrels on lees and bottle aged for a minimum of 6 years before disgorging, with a good nose of lemon and biscuit, creamy silky palate of good acidity and chalky.The Amuse Bouche comprises of three, with the first a pan-seared tuna cube with tuna sauce, French blue lobster with tarragon jelly, and Burgundy puree tart with mullet bottarga from Sardinia. All the three bites are great in taste, but I am particularly impressed with the blue lobster on the thin crunchy toast, with the umami of the lobster balancing perfectly with the acidity of the jelly.The second Amuse Bouche is Sicily red prawn jelly, with a celery foam and caviar. The red prawn has good sweetness and umami, matching well with the delicate celery foam. The caviar not only provides a prestigious but additional layer of umami and a bit of saltiness as condiment. Equally impressive.The Sourdough is very good, with a crunchy crust, fluffy inside, and a good sour note, perfect to pair with the four types of olive oils available to choose from. The bread is so good that we finished the whole loaf before the first course is served, and I am tempted to finish the second one too if not to reserve space for the courses to come.We have picked the Ricordi menu ($2,988 each), featuring the chef’s signature dishes with also white truffle. And I also go for wine pairing ($1,580). The first wine paired is Villa Bucci Verdicchio Classico Superiore Dei Castelli di Jesi 2021, a refreshing white with green apple and lemon zest notes.The first course is Capesante, Cavolfiori, Tartufo Bianco. The thinly sliced Hokkaido Scallops carpaccio is sweet in taste, with some pieces of crunchy air-dried Cauliflower to give a contrast in texture. Paired with Puree of mushroom and cauliflower on the side to give a bit of earthy note, matching well with the shaved Alba White Truffle on top. A very good starter.The second wine paired is Anselmi Capitel Foscarino 2020, made from 90% Garganega and 10% Chardonnay, and demonstrating fresh and floral notes supplemented with some ripe apricot and stone fruit, and a hint of salted almond and herbs on the finish.The second course is Fregola Sarda Artigianale, Scampi e Cime di Rapa, Tartufo Bianco. My favorite dish in the evening, the Organic Sardinian Fregola has a wonderful al dente bite, with the New Zealand Langoustine sweet in taste. The chef has made a puree from Rapini Flowers, bringing forth some peppery and mustard flavors, and then add the shaved White Truffle on top. A feast of delightful tastes.The third wine paired is Tenuta Selvadolce ‘VB1’ Vermentino 2020, an orange wine made from Vermentino with very short skin contact. There are nice oxidization and honey notes reminiscent of sherry and also good nutty characters of almond and a bit of saline in the finish.The third course is Triglia di Scoglio, Daikon e Porri, Tartufo Bianco. The chef has prepared a seared Mediterranean Red Mullet fillet which showcased its original flavors, with Daikon and Baby Leek to balance the richer taste, together with the Champagne Soup which has the nice fragrance of the mushroom and topped with some Alba White Truffle. Really flavorful combination.The fourth wine paired is Mastroberardino Radici Taurasi Riserva 2016. With a deep ruby color, the wine is 100% Aglianico, showing complex and fine notes of red cherries, balsamic vinegar, tobacco, and spices. On the palate the licorice and black pepper is noticeable and good match with the wagyu.The fourth course is Kiwami Wagyu, Peperoni e Cipollotti, Tartufo Bianco. The Sirloin of Kiwami Wagyu Beef has been seared medium rare, very juicy but got some tendon so requires much chewing. The Piperade and Spring Onions on the side is a good complement, while the green pepper sauce is flavorful. The White Truffle adds further fragrance to the beef. A bit of a letdown because of the meat texture though.Before transitioning to dessert, a palate cleansing Sorbet is served. Under the lemon sorbet is the diced aloe vera, and the staff then pours in some extra-virgin olive oil, made from olives harvested from very old olive trees. An interesting and highly refreshing combination to good effect.The fifth wine paired is Donnafugata Ben Rye 2020. A highly recognized dessert wine, it is made from 100% Zibibbo, or Muscat of Alexandria, with concentrated dried apricot and peach, orange marmalade, and sweet figs, followed by plenty of honey and caramel flavors. Sweet but not cloying.The fifth course is Cioccolato di Modica, Frutto della Passione, Gelato al Miele. The plating is artistic, with the Modica Chocolate Fondant Tart with Passion Fruit cream, with caramel and mint sauce to complement. On the side is Honey Ice-Cream, which is not too sweet and helps to balance the richer and more indulgent chocolate tart to good effect.For Petits Fours, the staff shows us the cart with a multitude of sweets. I end up choosing a blood orange jelly, sea salt chocolate, mandarin skin chocolate, and macaron. Together with a cup of Double Espresso ($90) it is a fantastic finale to the meal.The bill on the night is $9,316 which in my opinion is on the high-end. The team is attentive, and the sommelier Anthony in particular is very engaging, sharing and checking in to ensure everything is in good order. But somehow, I feel the staff are not as enthusiastic as I would expect. Overall, I would rate this restaurant as very good, but not great. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)