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11:00 - 21:00
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11:00 - 21:00
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11:00 - 21:00
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11:00 - 21:00
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Review (51)
Level3 2024-01-22
Since my family received coupons distributed to tai koo residents, we decided to have a try to this ramen shop at Apita Eatery..My sis and I ordered Tonkotsu Ramen Red. Appreciated the runny yolk of the soft boiled egg. The charsiu was soft and not fat at all. The spiciness of the broth was just right, which elevated the savoury of all ingredients. Liked the chewy texture of the ramen too. My dad got Yuzu Ramen, while my mom had Tokyo Styled Soy Sauce Ramen. Not sure about the flavour, but both ramen smelled fragrant. They were both served with a soft boiled egg and two pieces of charsiu. .Given that each ramen costed only HKD45 becoz of the coupon, it was really economical. But it would be a little expensive when it costed over HKD80, esp when the shop was situated in a food court. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-07
嚟到這間三田製麵,心情即刻好咗🍜!點咗東京風味醬油拉麵,湯底嘅醬油香氣撲鼻,啖啖拉麵都食到佢嘅勁道,根本就係令人停唔到口嘅好滋味。叉燒肉滑溜溜,咬落去香而唔膩,完全係配搭得嚟又唔會搶鏡嘅好角色。追加嗰碟烚青菜,輕輕鬆鬆添返啲健康感。經典豚骨湯拉麵,湯頭滋味重啲,豚骨嘅濃郁啖啖正!佢哋嘅餃子簡直就係金牌配角,啲餡肉好飽滿,Q彈肥美,一啖塞進口,滿足感爆棚🥟。聽講佢哋嘅鐵板叉燒炒飯都好正,下次記得嚟試吓。勁香嘅飯香同埋散發溫度嘅鐵板,單係想像都覺得過癮!最後,提提你,套餐飲品選擇多,有日本果汁,又有追加小食㗎!不過,喺我身邊個桌嗰啲炸雞,下次我一定會叫嚟試吓嘅😋!總體來講,這間三田製麵所的食物,實在係稱得上係「味道正」。无论係拉麵定係配菜,都做得到位,絕對值得你嚟一試高質又地道嘅日本味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
💚太古·Tonkotsu8 by三田製麵所💚再訪呢間位於太古城foodcourt嘅拉麵店繼續係同一班員工依然係好nice好friendly拉麵水準都keep到高質素😉😉喺一眾拉麵🍜連鎖店中都已經算不俗已經成為我同屋企人成日都返兜嘅店舖😎🍜經典濃豚骨湯拉麵 $68經典濃豚骨湯拉麵湯底濃郁色澤呈乳白色 帶有層薄薄油脂浮上面湯底長時間熬煮豬骨而成 帶有一種鮮甜嘅味道🤪🤪🤪同時帶有微微嘅油脂口感 令湯麵更加滋潤拉麵屬於彈牙嘅麵條 鮮嫩有嚼勁湯麵上面會擺放一啲配料有兩片燒豚肉片+海苔+蔥花+糖心蛋等令整碗湯麵更加豐富 令人垂涎欲滴🤤🤤🍜經典黑麻油拉麵套餐 $74另+$30配小食拉盤(餃子🥟+炸雞🍗)🥤可口可樂另一碗都係豚骨湯 但選擇咗黑麻油🤫呈現深啡色調 黑麻油係嚟自芝麻嘅榨油濃郁嘅香氣同滋味 以黑麻油為基礎😉😉麵條經過充分吸收湯底風味 但唔會淋晒質地同樣帶嚼勁 同時又掛到湯汁帶來一種令人愉悅嘅味覺享受🥰🥰🥟至於餃子呈半圓形 皮算幾薄而富有彈性一口咬落去就食到餡料嘅鮮美餡料以豬肉為主 仲有蔥花/蔬菜等配料啖啖都食到一種嫩滑多汁嘅口感🤗🤗🪿炸雞外觀呈現金黃色嘅酥脆外皮肉質有彈性且嫩滑多汁 外皮炸至酥脆咬落脆卜卜 但唔會成口油淋淋跟餐可以有多幾嚿就好喇😉🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-27
三田平時食得多~都係沾麵為主,不過原來有間係親民啲嘅係food court入面!套餐加$30可以有飲品+小食~都幾好~~~· 東京風味醬油湯拉麵 $72醬油味唔算好濃,覺得油咗少少,拉麵係鍾意嘅粗麵質☺️,份量都ok,但叉燒只有一塊,好彩有轉餐多啲肉食🙈半熟蛋係MVP!· 經典豚骨湯拉麵 $68豚骨湯唔會令人失望!相比係濃好多,配返幼身嘅拉麵,反而係掛湯好多~拉麵唔會太腍,雖然叉燒都係只有一塊,半肥瘦都ok嘅~· 炸鷄中翼 - 黑胡椒味 +$30炸得幾好~黑胡椒味唔會好搶,大小都ok~· 日式唐揚炸鷄 +$30都係外脆內juicy!唔會炸到好乾🍽 Tonkotsu 8 by 三田製麵所 | 太古📍 太古太古城道18號太古城中心Apita B1樓TKS-04號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-23
休假前要處理的事情較多,於公司附近的美食廣場來個簡餐Apita Eatery翻新後多了不同種類的餐廳進駐鎖定了三田製麵旗下的拉麵快餐店,有多款拉麵及撈麵供選擇湯拉麵特意選用自家製細麵,質地更細滑掛湯主食配飲品只須加$8,加$15可配日本直送果汁梳打經典黑麻油豚骨湯拉麵叉燒蒜片,味道濃郁,麵質一如以往的彈牙經典香辣豚骨湯拉麵叉燒嫩滑,蛋夠流心,辣味跟滋味一起擴散 一品料理章魚小丸子一份有5粒,粒粒都脹卜卜,外脆內軟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)