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Signature Dishes
招牌海南雞脾飯 娘惹咖哩脆香雞扒飯 海鮮椰香喇沙 新加坡咖央多士 豬肋骨蝦湯麵
Review (24)
Level1 2014-05-16
叫左碗豬頸肉蝦湯米粉,睇碗麵個湯好紅以為好濃味,點知原來味道淡如水!就連豬頸肉都搞到好似浸完水無水味咁...... 差到爆!連杯熱檸水都得2.5片檸檬,一樣係無味的,夠貫徹始終,你好野! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-05-12
明明叫炒貴勻,但就比左碟炒麵我,有幾片蠟腸,一隻冇味既蝦,份量亦非常少,如賣晒應該一早出聲,問佢呢個係咪貴勻,已向職員查問,但他們完全不理會,好像被騙了,大家有機會可以去試下!唉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-04-22
香港島行左大半日,攰到想死,最後落腳希慎廣場food court諗住醫下肚,結果大失所望。印尼炒飯是其中一種我最愛吃的東南亞食品,一般而言,我食過的多數都係有菠蘿肉,又或者有海鮮,甚至係有個批左芯的菠蘿用黎裝住啲飯。當我滿心期待好味又飽肚的一餐,我去攞飯時真係睇到我眼都突。呢個真係我個餐?個飯同我屋企個飯碗差唔多;餸呢?半隻蛋、半片青瓜及數量不少的泡菜。姑且不論我在攰死餓死的時候對食的渴求,但個飯未免太少了,我忍唔住放左隻手埋去,仲細個我手掌!一個成年男人點可能食咁少,睇到個飯,我只會覺得只能食到五成飽,連建議的七成飽也沒有。作為銅纙灣的地方,50元一餐可能係咁上下價錢,但係我深信呢個價錢係買到食得飽既餐,或者對呢間食肆來說,要食得飽真係會再貴啲,但我呢日真係務求想飽,你個餐再貴啲我最多咪唔食,選另一間。但俾一個咁既餵唔飽餐我,真係覺得cheating咁(張參考圖片影到好大的)。好,姑且當你賣咁貴,其實用料十足,滋味無窮,我正式開餐。食落之後,就發現左......以上材料一樣都無,味道又唔係特別正。為左證明個飯真係細,我影相時仲影埋隻手做比較。佢仲有一塊葉墊底,仲要大大塊。咁你係咪想話其實塊葉應該當飯食,而印尼炒飯先係餸呀?唔會再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
this is like the worst 海南雞飯 I have ever tried in my life!! I went there on Sat n when I went to the cashier, the cashier was just standing there n looking at his book n made me wait few minutes when I'm pretty sure he knew I was standing there. when he was finally" ready" to take my order he asked me in a loud n rude way!! I don't expect 5 star service here but dude at least have a bit manners!! the food was terrible!!! first time having 海南雞飯 without a chicken soup and there was no sauce at all!! the plate had some yellowish marinated veggie and tasted disgusting.... with a strong after taste. the rice was cold n tasted nth like the original style. it did tasted like a little coconut flavor but I personally don't like it. the worst was the chicken, it was super cold n bloody n stiff n tasteless. it's just like a half boiled chicken put into the fridge for like a day. this place is totally a no go!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-03-17
今日去希慎 food court 食晏, 上到去唔算好多人, 行左陣就非常好彩地搵倒位坐, 正! 講真, foot court 搵位都幾講運氣, 真係估佢唔倒等邊張先快架.喺 Shiok 叫左個 - 咖喱雞扒飯, 飲熱奶茶.碟飯都幾靚仔, 有一塊似係荷葉墊底, 雞扒同白飯各放一邊, 還有半邊熟蛋, 蕃茄仔, 酸菜以及青瓜做伴碟, 睇落都幾豐富.咖喱有 d 香味, 不過唔算濃, 雞扒尚算嫩滑, 酸菜夠開胃, 青瓜又爽口, 味道不錯! 如果咖喱汁可以稍為多翻 d 會更加好, 成碟飯來說係略為乾左少少. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)