2-min walk from Exit A1, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Street and neighbor style food highlights MSG-free cooking, most popular dish is Deep Fried Garlic Chicken. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus UnionPay
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Review (59)
Level4 2024-04-26
Dinner for 2. Free corkage. Wanted to try everything on the list of Daily Specials.Here’s what we had.油浸荀殼魚- delicately fried to a golden crispy exterior, while maintaining a soft and silky texture inside. The savory soy sauce complemented the dish perfectly- wanted to order some rice to soak it all up but didn’t wanna overeat. 豉椒勝子煎米粉- 米粉 was cooked to perfection, with crispy exterior and a slightly chewy texture absorbing the flavorful sauce. 勝子 was generously portioned.香煎手打墨魚餅- pan-fried to a golden-brown crust with a satisfying crunch. Squid was tender.炭燒牛仔骨- marinated with kiwi, making it tender and juicy. Nice balance of fat and lean meat. The marinade added a touch of sweetness, couldn’t taste any hint of smokiness tho.In summary: hearty authentic Chinese fare, with friendly service and comfortable atmosphere. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
啱啱食完天后的這家茶餐廳,食指大動嚟講下感受🍽️。首先,個雞扒飯真係正!雞肉煎得外脆內嫩,啖啖雞扒,食落口感又彈牙又多汁,淋上嗰啲蒜香四溢既蕃茄汁,簡直係絕配呀!😋 佢啲茴香味唔會太重,食得出啲師傅係用心傾過去,唔會搞到成碟飯都係單一味。太太揀嘅茄子炒麵,睇落都普通,但食落先知有驚喜!茄子做到超溏心,啖啖肉感,夠哂味,仲有少少韌勁,個茨汁又做到甜甜地,啖啖清新,啱晒想食得健康啲嘅人。今次嘅食驗算係平靜中嘅小驚喜,喺平民食肆入面都可以搵到咁認真嘅手藝,真係令人開心!順帶一提,餐廳環境舒服,員工服務態度都幾好,下次再嚟,一定要試下佢哋嘅招牌菜呀!👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-06
今日約朋友第一次去這間食肆食早餐,我11點到,坐低等朋友來。朋友WhatsApp我order午餐,而我吾想食飯,見到仲有早餐至11:30,咪點了個米線早餐加多個多士。點知叫左好耐冇人理我,我叫吾該叫嘢,有個阿姐走理嚟就話我,刚才你掛住等人又吾叫,現在我吾得閒你又叫,簡直無語😡😡😡最令人發火的便是,個阿姐成日走埋嚟問我食完未,我都話未食完囉。然後12:08問我走未,我咪發訪問佢囉,我食一個鐘頭你就叫我走?仲要間餐廳有其他空嘅位置,她還說食咗成個鐘仲唔走話我食早餐所以唔可以留喺度咩道理?如果係咁不如唔好開門做生意。🤬🤬🤬🤬請所有人不要去這間殘廢餐廳食飯🤬🤬🤬🤬現在經濟環境這樣情況,這個女士根本再到他老闆米 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-03
第一次同屋企人入餐廳諗住睇吓有咩啱食,坐低侍應問我哋要水定係茶,我同細佬話要水,侍應拎咗幾杯水嚟擺低,點知屋企人話唔啱食,都係想食西餐,咁我哋就起身同佢講話唔啱食轉餐廳,個老闆娘沖出嚟話坐低都要收茶錢,但係我睇過晒所有餐牌,完全冇話要收茶錢呢樣嘢,更何況我哋冇開茶,只係你走黎問我地要茶定水先話要水,仲要冇飲過就起身,屋企人費事煩,就擺低$60俾佢,但係我覺得唔係錢嘅問題,而係原則嘅問題,你冇講明要收茶錢,隨口up屈個客錢都得既咩,唔怪得間餐廳冷清清,唔知以為你等於$60交租,我豪比你,但入去既真係要三思,$200一個干炒牛河,$200一個揚州炒飯。。。唔知以為我去咗有rosewood入面既茶餐廳。。。超級black店。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-20
交通便利,在天后地鐵站附近,但地方不大。早餐有很多選擇,食物和價格適中,質量還不錯,價錢也大眾化。早餐味道幾好,食物質素穩定,口味合符我的要求水準,唔好睇廚房裝修平平無奇,原來佢係米芝蓮推介的食店,食物品質真係幾好。午餐和晚餐未食過,所以不大清楚。雖然算不上有甚麼高級裝修,但就是有種懷舊味道,很值得推薦的一間菜館。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)