1-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
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May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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10% Service Charge
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Review (93)
[ Sexy Crab | 尖沙咀 ]After passing by this restaurant every time in K11, it is always packed on weekends so we end up going to BEP instead, not to mention the insanely steep prices. But we finally came as a party of 3 to celebrate my mom’s birthday on a regular Tuesday evening. We made a booking but it seems unnecessary as we were the only people in the whole restaurant the whole night 😬🤭We asked about their Old Shanghai Detour menu but it is only for 2 people and they can’t accommodate 3 so we got this and ALC a separate item. The price for the menu is $788 per person not including the service charge so the total is 1.7k. I calculated the dishes in the menu and the price it would be for ALC would be around $800 as there is only one bowl of noodles in this set. Nonetheless, you come here to spend money. Each set comes with a non-alcoholic drink so we got the “it’s a Date” and “Lipstick Stain” which is the red date and wolf berry tea and the Da Hong Pao Ginger Tea. Both are worse than what you can get elsewhere but glad they can refill with hot water. —— —— Sexy Caviar Blini We started with this eye-catching box which had a tiny tin of crab roe pate, another tiny tin with caviar, cubes of cream cheese and four blinis (mini pancakes). I have to say, the pancakes were quite tasty, fluffy and soft without being mushy. The crab roe (pate?) tasted like smoked salmon pate and went well with the cream cheese. As for the caviar, it added a great saltiness and brine but I’m personally not a fan of caviar as it is mostly used to increase prices and make people feel more expensive. I only like caviar when the chef is able to incorporate it into the dish and not only have it as an expensive garnish. The quality of the caviar is not the best as a few roes were deflated. Typhoon Cigar - Snow Crab Spring Roll The second appetiser is this spring roll which was bigger than I expected. This dish is also the epitome of their restaurant which is a facade for people who want to pretend they are doing exciting stuff (ahem) and probably aimed at the young, upper class. They give you a cigar holder as if the spring rolls are cigars and you can pretend to smoke. Funnily, the cigars don’t even fit in the holder🤣As for the actual spring roll, they are golden brown and very nicely fried thus there is a strong crunch on the outside and the pastry flakes as you bite through. The filling however was very lacklustre. The taste of (snow) crab is non-existent but I definitely tasted some shrimp. The meat is also packed very industrial-like (with a rectangle of meat). I did however enjoy their plum salt that is under the ’cigars’ and viewed as the ashes which gave the flavour this otherwise boring spring roll would be. —— —— Plenty of Fish - Rich Yellow Croaker Soup The set comes with two bowls of soup which are served in traditional Chinese tea cups so the portion is rather small. This soup kinda reminds of me 番茄魚湯 😅but you can still taste the depth of the fish and you can definitely recognise that it is yellow croaker. I wished there were pieces of fish meat in the soup as well but still a nice and warming bowl of broth. Packing Meat and Collagen (3pcs) $98 We also ALC this dish as we knew the set alone cannot fill our stomachs. There are 3 plump wontons filled with pork and crab roe swimming in a pork bone soup that has been simmered for 8 hours. I will say that the dumpling wrapper is rather thick but still slippery and the filling is perhaps 20% crab roe but the flavour is still permeable. But I feel like 灣仔碼頭 makes better wontons. The star of this had to be the pork bone broth, super similar to the tonkotsu broth and thus it is rich, hearty and ultra-savoury. —— —— The Golden Era - Pan-fried Scallops and Butternut Squash PureeAs for the mains, we were first served this scallop dish which looked very commercial but tasted surprisingly good. The size of the scallops also exceeded my expectations as they were huge! and each set comes with 3 pieces so we had 6 in total. The scallops themselves could be worth $500 so I feel this is where we got our money’s worth. Fortunately, the cook on the scallops is spot-on, there is a slight crust and the inside is still opaque and tender. The only flaw is a lack of seasoning but can easily be overlooked. The puree tasted of nothing and was also a bit cold. I liked the carrots and broccolini but both a tad been undercooked and could be cut. Sexy Crab - Extra Rich Crab Roe and Crab Meat over NoodlesThe most anticipated dish of the night! The presentation was gorgeous and it truly made me feel like it was worth every dollar. The server said this is usually a one-person portion so we all only got one bowl (their bowls are also quite small). I mixed everything together (female crab roe, male crab roe, crab meat, crab oil, soy sauce, crab and chicken broth) according to their instructions, leaving the vinegar last for personal preference. Their handmade noodles are chewy and bouncy and contributed to the success of this dish. The amount of crab meat kinda shocked me, it may look quite small but there is actually quite a lot once you mix it all together. The crab and chicken broth solidified into a gelatinous jelly as it was no longer hot. The vinegar was highly needed to cut through the oil from the crab and the vinegar they serve is also thicker and sweeter than the normal ones used for crab. Perhaps they reduced it and added a sweetener? But it was so good and we ended up using the rest of the vinegar as it was good with the scallops too. I was definitely not satisfied after the small bowl of noodles but the dish itself was decent and tasty. Just not sure if it is worth $400 by itself. —— —— Daily Dessert Their daily dessert was warabi mochi which is coincidently my mother’s favourite wagashi but she said this version has made her doubt her love for this dessert. The texture is nothing like mocha and is very cakey, grainy and just fell apart very easily. The kink (roasted soybean powder) was given too generously and thus it made us cough when eating them. Moreover, the brown sugar syrup is extremely sweet and I regret so much. You can tell they import this elsewhere and I would have preferred the desserts they have on their menu instead. —— —— 推介 🙅🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, definitely a try-once-only experience but honestly it’s 不過不失. The only thing I recommend is their signature noodles as you can taste the labour put into them (they have a factory where people deshell the crabs) but I truly cannot imagine people coming here more than once. The service is also pretty bad as they are mostly on their phones and quite slow too. The bill came at 1.9k and we all agreed it was a bit too much 🗓 Revisit? ✅ / ❎ ⭕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-21
之前bookmark左E間上三兩好耐, 難得朋友生日, 今晚車車就book左E間食生日飯! 入到去五光十色, 珠光寶氣嘅感覺, 懷舊又時尚, 打卡一流! ⭐SEX SWING車車點左個打卡超靚嘅Sexy Swing, 一個吊架共有四款蟹粉點心, 細細件好睇又好食! 分別有三兩蟹粉薈/鮑魚蟹粉酥盒/三文魚卷配魚子醬/醉雞卷配醉蟹粉/松葉蟹肉海膽蒸蛋, 車車就中意鮑魚蟹粉酥盒, 鮑魚爽彈入味除左有得食仲有酒飲, 花雕酒架Set有幾款口味, 我地揀左話梅花雕, 將酒倒落最頂嘅分酒器, 酒就會慢慢分落8小杯入面, 有得玩有得打卡有得飲!⭐花膠蟹粉蟹肉羹超足料嘅蟹肉羹, 食落鮮味可口, 蟹味突出⭐特濃蟹粉蟹肉拌拉麵一場嚟到當然要點佢地嘅招牌拉麵, 用上12隻大閘蟹嘅蟹粉,公蟹粉及母蟹粉黄金比例為58:42, 蟹粉配料同麵係分開上的, 包括雞湯配蟹肉/蟹腳肉/蟹公膏/蟹母膏/蟹油, 可因應個人喜好加入配料分量, 車車就當然係將所有蟹嘅精華撈哂落個拉麵到, 食落啖啖鮮味, 口感極豐富⭐桂花蒟蒻麵配茉莉啤梨蒟蒻麵食落爽口帶清香嘅桂花味, 配埋爽甜嘅啤梨, 清清地幾好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-08
蟹迷必到呢一間位於K11嘅餐飲店。SEX SWING FLIRTY GO-ROUND 568絕對係打卡必備,金碧輝煌嘅旋轉吊架裝有四款食品,共八碟二人分享。每款都盡量包含蟹肉於當中:鮑魚蟹粉酥盒賣相奢華,鮑魚帶嚼頭,醃料咪充足。略嫌酥盒比較硬身;三文魚卷做得出色,夾落唔易散,配魚子醬入口鹹鮮;醉雞卷酒味不太濃烈,配上醉蟹粉口感不俗,肉汁頗多;松葉蟹肉海膽蒸蛋份量較細,食完絕對有意猶未盡嘅感覺!特上花雕宴連同旋轉吊帶一同登場,同樣氣勢不凡(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)店員先把花雕酒倒入酒架嘅頂層位置,酒水由高流至下方八個小杯子裡面,過程治癒,一邊品嚐美食,另一邊慢慢咀嚼花雕酒所帶來嘅甘醇,令人驚喜嘅係,酒杯之內更泡浸住話梅,混合埋話梅嘅酸甜,一解蟹肉嘅寒涼!特濃蟹粉蟹肉拌拉麵 稱得上為餐嘅招牌菜式,由木盤端上,圍繞着拉麵嘅有數個小碟:蟹肉雞湯羹、秘製醬油、手拆蟹肉、公,母蟹膏、極上蟹油,按次序倒入拉麵後拌勻 ,入口好似沾麵,啖啖蟹香同蟹肉,小編更加用優惠$58加購蟹粉黃魚濃湯,湯頭夠熱,飲落去蔥花同魚味相當配合,蟹嘅味道慢慢滲出,特別暖胃。軟殼蟹墨魚汁麵烏黑黑嘅墨魚汁Q彈又有嚼頭,軟殼蟹炸得不油膩,飽滿的肉質非常香口,不過味道相對淡身,再加購$48醉鴨舌同$38醉雞翼,醃製帶點甜甜的,不過性價比而言就唔算太高,純粹小編真係好鍾意食(*¯︶¯*)燕窩伴薑味意式雪糕配薑汁啫喱食完蟹,當然要食返啲薑嘅嘢,呢款甜品嘅意式雪糕較柔軟,帶點碎冰感,薑汁啫喱Q彈帶微辛,而額外附上的薑條,辛度更為濃烈,兩種薑味略有不同,但絕對係耳目一新嘅甜品。四川花椒朱古力焦糖燉蛋用上辣味去調配,令甜品更讓人深刻。焦糖面做得薄脆,朱古力好滑亦不太甜膩,花椒無過於搶風頭,兩者異常諧和。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-24
食蟹好多地方都有,但要將蟹食到淋漓盡致,Sexy Crab係表表者今日好開心同朋友去到sexy crab食飯,我地2個人緊係叫返個2人餐!2人餐菜式非常之精美!先係頭盤魚子醬,醉蟹粉配忌廉芝士布林餅!可以先將魚子醬同埋蟹粉分別放在布林餅上食,各各鮮味,戈之後再將2者放埋係同一塊布林餅上,相關嘅口感同鮮味會更加出黎,味蕾都會跳動!松葉蟹春卷,將松葉蟹嘅蟹肉製作成春卷餡料,再將春卷嘅形狀,製作成一支雪茄,上碟嘅時候我都有重錯覺以為係雪茄!咬落口非常香脆,再配以鮮味嘅松葉蟹肉,再加埋碟底部貌似煙灰嘅調味粉,成個松葉蟹嘅鮮味勾咗出嚟!特濃蟹粉蟹肉拌麵,呢一個係王牌之中嘅王牌菜式!一邊有用蟹粉整成嘅蟹羹、勁大量嘅蟹肉、同埋蟹公同蟹乸嘅蟹粉同蟹酒,依照住佢哋介紹嘅食法去進行撈麵進食,感覺即係驚為天人!香煎帶子配奶油南瓜蓉帶子被煎到金黃色外脆內軟,再加埋被煎炸過嘅櫻花蝦,口感一流!蟹粉黃魚濃湯每啖飲入口,清甜不油膩! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
濃郁黃金蟹粉🦀既矜貴又好味😋今日黎到K11 Musea Sexy carb蟹粉專門店🥰進入餐廳就有點懷舊夜舞廳感覺😊💓招牌菜必點🦀蟹粉蟹肉拌拉麵上有滋味無比的公蟹蟹膏🥰母蟹蟹黃😋雞湯羹及手撕蟹肉🦀️秘製醬油等🤤將所有材料拌入掛滿每條麵條中🤗加入香醋更加帶出蟹膏與蟹肉既味道😋💓Sex wing 三兩蟹粉薈可以食到蟹粉鮑魚呢啲矜貴食材😎係金光閃閃千秋上呈現四款特色小食🤩打卡一流📷💓醉雞捲配醉蟹粉雞卷食落肉質嫩滑兼散發出淡淡啲的酒香芳香醉人🥰加入蟹粉味道層次豐富😍💓松葉蟹肉海膽蒸蛋蛋香嫩滑既蒸蛋上盛滿拆好鮮甜松葉蟹肉及海膽非常美味可口😋💓鮑魚蟹粉酥盒酥餅盒上盛載住鮮甜蟹粉加埋彈牙鮑魚🤩越食越滋味😋💓三文魚卷配魚子醬三文魚好新鮮🤤加入魚子醬提鮮同時亦為菜式添上貴氣🤩💓特上花雕宴既話梅花雕完全顛覆咗我對花雕嘅感覺🤣入口甘香帶甜🥰經話梅浸過既花雕好香醇易入口😍食過蟹粉後飲特別適合軀寒👍💓蟹粉黃魚濃湯細細碗但充滿黃魚及蟹粉精華😊記得要趁熱飲啊😉💓甜品燕窩拌意式雪糕配薑汁啫喱燕窩夠哂養顏🙂雪糕食落薑汁味濃🤩唔錯‼️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)