Restaurant: Ser Wong Fun

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

7-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Ser Wong Fun started out in Guangdong’s small town of Dali, but has since become a favorite of the Central crowd. Their snake dishes are extremely popular and good for health. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (381)
Level3 2024-06-11
Ser Wong Fun offers a delightful exploration of Cantonese cuisine. The Rice with Ducks Meat Sausage and Chicken in Earthen Pot is a comforting and flavorful dish, the tender meat and sausage complemented by the fragrant rice. The Murex with Conpoy and White Gourd Boiled Soup is a nourishing and well-balanced creation, the broth's subtle sweetness accentuating the seafood's freshness. The Fried Taiwanese Vegetables with Garlic Paste and Shredded Pepper is a vibrant and textural delight, the vegetables retaining their crunch and the garlic-pepper seasoning adding a delightful complexity. Ser Wong Fun's menu showcases a harmonious blend of traditional Cantonese flavors and modern culinary flair. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-05
作為一道極富傳統文化特色的經典佳餚,蛇羹的味道實在是讓人難忘。湯汁如玉,清澈見底,飽含著蛇肉的甜美鮮味,入口即化,令人回味無窮。用上新鮮肥美的蛇肉作為食材,燜煮數小時,充分釋放出其天然的香醇鮮美。蛇肉肉質滑嫩,飽含著豐富的膠質,在湯汁的包裹下溶化開來,散發出撲鼻的野生動物特有的清香。恰到好處的調味料如薑汁、蔥花等,完美照應了蛇肉的清雅氣質,形成了和諧動人的味道組合。湯頭入口醇厚鮮美,不帶絲毫腥膩,反而帶有一股獨特的清香,令人回味無窮。蛇肉肉質軟嫩,入口即化,滋潤順喉,讓人欲罷不能。這道蛇羹集中華飲食文化之大成,無論是在味道、香氣還是口感上,無一不令人嘆為觀止。細細品嚐,定會讓你對這道經典美食刮目相看。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-23
係中環附近想食啲熱辣辣嘅野,就揀咗蛇王芬~聽朋友講佢哋嘅湯同小炒幾正,又有香港特色👍🏻黎到見到有深度遊係門口介紹間鋪😯 然後入到黎又見到有啲遊客同外國人係到,睇黎大家都係慕名而來😋無花果燉豬肺🥣湯色靚,甜甜地,好滋潤。豬肺處理得好乾淨👍🏻豬肺煲到好軟,好易食。啱晒啲想清肺或者喉嚨唔舒服嘅人。飲落去,甜味後有少少中藥香,暖笠笠嘅🤤臘腸蛋白炒飯🍳🍚簡單得嚟味道豐富。臘腸香,蛋白滑,飯粒鬆散。食落口感正,臘腸嘅鹹味同蛋白嘅嫩滑混合得岩岩好🍛茄汁煎蝦碌🍅🍤外面煎得啱啱好,蝦仲保持住鮮甜。茄汁酸酸甜甜,好開胃。蝦肉彈牙,食落有嚼勁,呢個做法都幾特別😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-22
今日同朋友嚟到呢間位置中環的百年老店--蛇王芬,應該是全港最老蛇店!餐廳的裝潢是中式設計,沒有誇張的裝飾,牆上的字畫增添了不少色彩。餐廳原來唔淨只係食蛇,仲有好多其他小菜小炒,甚至燉湯都有,選擇非常多😋🔸太史蛇羹配馳名鴦腸蒸糯米飯 蛇羹十分的足料,裏面的材料是十分的多,有蛇絲、鮑魚絲、雞絲、木耳絲、冬菇、薑絲、花膠,蛇羹好濃厚,湯底冇加味精,更突出蛇味,一點都不腥,有陣陣的檸檬葉香,口感豐富。聽聞蛇肉選用金腳帶、過山烏、過樹榕、三索線和白花蛇五種蛇肉,真材實料!糯米飯煙韌,加上蛇王芬自家配製臘腸與鴨膶腸,鮮肉臘腸肥瘦適中,而潤腸咬落有油香嘅回甘。 🔸干炒牛河 色澤金黃,牛肉大塊,嫩滑多汁,河粉炒得乾身,少少燶,超有鑊氣,入口一啲都唔油,河粉又香又滑🔸子薑麵醬魚雲煲酸酸甜甜的子薑麵醬汁做得好開胃,醬汁唔會太濃,唔會搶左新鮮魚雲嘅味道,魚雲魚眼滑溜,配上微辣嘅子薑,惹味嘅麵䜴粒,一試難忘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-12
想係冬天過之前食返碗蛇補補身 揀咗百年老字號的蛇王芬。 一直誤以為秋風起三蛇肥 秋冬時才吃蛇進補。一進店門遇到老闆娘熱情招呼 滔滔不絕講述原來中醫一年四季都會用蛇來入藥 仲有真實醫學數據支持。食蛇可以抗炎、促進新陳代謝、抑制細胞孌異及增強免疫力 此外 蛇肉本身滋補不燥、低脂肪、低膽固醇,絕對係養生妙物! 老闆娘身為蛇王芬第四代傳人 至力推廣食蛇成為非物質文化遺產。仲身體力行 同唔同品牌合作例如pizzahut 想多d年輕人接觸到蛇 🙏💪 宜家仲推出左 燕窩蛇湯海鮮節瓜中套餐 配蛇王芬臘腸蟹肉蛋白炒飯 188 大大啖燕窩 點會估到蛇肉同冬瓜盅會咁夾。湯底清甜 補而不燥 蛋白炒飯有鑊氣 臘腸份量一啲都唔吝嗇。除咗傳統蛇羹 生炒糯米飯至愛 呢個絕對係另一種食法! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)