2-min walk from Exit F, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 19:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level4 2022-06-25
暫時覺得是全香港最好食的馬卡龍😋,有不同顏色很漂亮、很可愛,每一個都很飽滿,十分吸睛,很想逐個逐個咬下去🌈每種味道都很突出,閉上眼都可以吃得出是什麼口味,不會過甜,不會膩,不黏口。建議每次吃完一個口味的馬卡龍,都喝一口水或茶,才吃另一款口味的,這是最佳享受😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-05-14
超開心男朋友送左盒巴黎嘅甜品老牌馬卡龍比我🥳真係好靚勁colourful 送比女仔實鍾意❤️外殼薄脆咬落酥脆 入口即溶又帶少少煙韌感 內餡好飽滿 外脆內軟 甜度適中唔會好甜膩🥰.1️⃣巴西黑朱古力第一粒食呢個好驚喜 個朱古力真係好濃苦 連個外殼都好香可可味 驚甜嘅推介呢款🍫2️⃣脆榛子果仁好重榛子味 食落好似金莎 都偏甜🌰3️⃣玫瑰荔枝紅莓呢款女仔一定鍾意 無論係賣相定味道💓好香玫瑰味 帶淡淡嘅荔枝甜 中間仲有啲紅莓醬 酸酸甜甜好開胃🤤4️⃣雲呢拿焦糖搵唔到呢粒係咩味 切開有兩粒榛子 仲以為係脆榛子果仁嗰款 不過食落榛子味唔算好濃郁 中間啲餡都甜 似焦糖味多啲🤔5️⃣芒果呢粒甜度高 又帶點微酸 中間有啲芒果蓉 個芒果味唔係新鮮芒果嘅果香甜味 似芒果乾嘅味🥭6️⃣牛油焦糖個醬焦糖味都濃 出奇地仲有啲果仁香 仲有淡淡牛油味 呢款都係偏甜🧈7️⃣香蕉乳酪呢個配搭都幾特別 先係香蕉嘅甜味 再係中間嘅乳酪餡 越嚟越酸 超開胃🍌8️⃣熱情果黑朱古力熱情果酸酸甜甜 再加埋朱古力嘅苦澀 驚甜可以揀🤎9️⃣椰子青檸一咬好香椰子味 再加埋青檸好清新 唔知點解仲有啲香茅味 有啲泰式嘅感覺🥥1️⃣0️⃣玫瑰榅桲個玫瑰花味冇上一款咁香 有啲榅桲粒粒 味道酸酸地 幾有咬口🌹1️⃣1️⃣開心果果仁嗱 睇樣就應該係開心果味 但食落係冇嘅 淨係甜甜地再加啲香草嘅味🌿1️⃣2️⃣蜜糖佛手柑 呢款個味都係好特別✨先係有少少花香味 然後又有少少蜜糖味🍯.另外佢仲有黑茶紫羅蘭鳶尾藏紅花, 熱情果, 青檸黑朱古力同馬達加斯加雲呢拿味 不過呢盒就冇😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍香港📍中環📍Pierre Herme Paris📍中環港景街1號國際金融中心2樓2029號舖📍星期一至日 11:00~19:00🌸 自選口味八粒裝馬卡龍 $270🌸 如果香港有好食過呢間嘅馬卡龍,記住推介俾我🤣🤣食馬卡龍最怕甜得滯!但Pierre Herme嘅甜度整體控制得好好 牛油焦糖嗰啲當然偏甜 揀番啲酸味嘅水果或者乳酪配搭💯 蛋白餅非常酥脆但唔會一咬碎到周圍都係👍🏻 雖然價錢貴但都幾大粒🍩 去親中環一定會買❤️#foodieschu中環 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-01-28
Macaron, a delicacy that is crunchy on the outside and gooey at the inside. We have had crumbly macaron cause we have forgot about it in the wine fridge after a few days, however…having it crunchy on the day of purchase was the first time.Anyhow the flavours were there but the texture was a bit off. Hubby suspect the batch wasn’t fresh due to global supply chain disruptions.🤭🥺~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Matcha green tea & raspberry fruit Chocolate & buckwheat Candied chestnut & corsican clementinePure origin Brazilian dark chocolatePistachio pralineMilk chocolate & passion fruitSalted-butter caramelPiedmont hazelnut & foie gras ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-09
最近我都有鋪癮呀鍾意去啲法式甜品舖呢買朱古力仲唔買卡龍食真係唔怕肥呀咁多加埋差唔多到呢真係呢一間係最好嘅蛋白非常之脆同埋口味豐富唔會太甜你都覺得好新鮮呀你我去曲奇餅呢都真係 fabulous 嘩真係我食過嘅曲奇之中真係最好味嘅唔知點解開做到咁好味牌子嘅嘢真係越貴越好呀 原來真係好食啲㗎 喺在回憶裏都真係爆發出嚟呀 馬卡龍款式都好多呀真係畀人好開心嘅感覺唔該十色好多顏色多姿多彩咁樣 重開話坐嚟食呀或者係減咗幾個送畀朋友當禮盒 法國甜品我真係抵受不了呀呢一間都真係成日呢可以食上癮嘅 介紹你呀可以買一兩粒瑪卡路試下先 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)