Restaurant: Peony Chinese Restaurant

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Opening Hours
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (37)
Level4 2024-05-20
Restaurant week又到最後幾日,同老公把握機會,食咗幾間正嘢,順便慶祝結婚週年😘今次揀咗間愉景灣嘅中菜廳,入愉景灣行下輕鬆下。一入餐廳有個西式bar枱,餐廳裡面環境光猛向海,樓底好高,有個圓形裝置,好有氣派。店員服務態度好殷勤👍🏻🔸Restaurant Week 午膳套餐 (💰198pp)▫️ 一口鮑魚酥、晶瑩鮮蝦餃、蘿蔔金腿千絲酥 (8/10)好出色嘅前菜啊。鮑魚入味,鮑魚下面有瑤柱絲同冬菇絲。蝦餃爽口結實,外皮唔會易散,煙靭程度適中。蘿蔔絲酥皮好香。▫️ 花膠瑤柱雞絲羹 (8/10)雖然花膠就一定唔係靚嘅花膠啦,因為一啲膠質都無😓不過就非常足料,成碗都係花膠、瑤柱同雞絲!味道都好清甜。▫️ 金湯白玉鮮斑球 (8.5/10)斑球好鮮味,嫩滑,而且肉質好紮實彈牙!加上蔥絲同南瓜湯,更顯魚肉的鮮甜。▫️ 薑米蘭度豚肉叉燒炒香苗(8/10)叉燒炒飯粒粒分明,唔會太油膩,薑味幾香👍🏻▫️ 生磨腰果露(9/10)非常出色嘅腰果露,腰果磨得好幼細,好幼滑呀!又香又濃,甜味適中👍🏻Overall評分: 8.5/10😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-05
或許好多人對愉景灣覺得好遙遠,又要搭車又要搭船,但正正因為環境寧靜自成一國,吸引了不少外籍人士居住,早前就同幾位在愉景灣工作的朋友飯聚。今次就去了牡丹軒,餐廳比想像中更堂皇,空間感強烈,而且廂房都同樣闊落。蜜汁黑豚肉叉燒, 清酒一口鮑魚, 脆皮素鵝Appetizer SymphonyBarbecued Iberico Pork Fillet, Chilled Abalone, SakeCrispy Bean Curd Sheet, Spiced Salt以黑豚肉作叉燒已成了近年趨勢,肉質鬆軟有嚼口是必然的,邊位帶少許焦香,可惜欠一碗白飯。鮑魚柔韌有彈性,淡淡的酒香令人增添食慾感。素鵝毫不油膩又有微脆口感。花膠菜膽螺頭湯Double - boiled Fish Maw Soup, Sea Whelk, Vegetable火喉十足,螺頭的味道都溶入湯裡,湯色清澈而醇厚。金湯白玉星班球Simmered Spotted Grouper Fillet, Turnip, Pumpkin Purée蒸得啱啱好,魚肉細緻嫩滑又無骨,甜美的南瓜湯汁令班片味道更豐富。懷舊荔茸香酥鴨Deep-Fried Taro Puff, Duck Meat簡單不花巧,芋茸與鴨肉是天作之合,外層炸至酥香,有水準。野菌釀北海道南瓜盅Braised Hokkaido Pumpkin, Mushroom, Carrot, Pine Nut,Vegetable, Walnuts, Vegetables以迷你北海道南瓜仔挖空焗好,放入炒雜菌、甘筍及崧子仁,口感有層次,最重要係夠健康。瑤柱蛋白炒飯Fried Rice, Conpoy, Egg White小小的一碗份量恰好,飯粒乾身,炸過的瑤柱絲同菜頭粒,令飯粒更添嚼口,好味。生磨腰果露/香濃芝麻卷Sweetened Cashnet Soup Steamed Sesame Roll甜品一式兩款,腰果露幽香甜滑;芝麻卷帶來滿滿的兒時回憶。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-30
門口大桃花打卡位最近牡丹軒換上賀年點心,帶到過年氣氛,亦比上次有更多新點心。雖然點心都係萬變不離其宗,但好幾款點心都加入新元素,有份新鮮感,睇得出廚師既心思。紅菜頭蝦餃,對紅菜頭健康食物冇大興趣,但蝦餃有肉汁,一d 都唔乾,亦都冇紅菜頭既青菜味。新年見到的確幾開心。自家製蘿蔔糕本來有3件既,但一上枱太香,相機未黎得切先食。食到有蘿蔔絲,唔係全部粉。口感夠實唔太硬亦唔會散🤤 大推 佢地有年糕蘿蔔糕買,可惜冇得試食鍋貼同牛栢葉都好味,XO醬好香,唔會辣唯一美中不足係個菠蘿包賣相可愛,有別於傳統菠蘿包,面頭朱古力皮亦好香濃。但中間奶黃有d 乾。朱古力配奶黃有種奇妙感覺,好似唔夾但又幾好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-22
某週日離開大嶼山聖母神樂院之後,與同學仔兼教友由神樂院行過來愉景灣。表姑媽鎖定目標,要來牡丹軒飲茶。沿途有傾有講,以龜速行了約50分鐘才到目的地。有兩年沒來過愉景灣,記得上次在一家西班牙餐廳吃的乳豬不太像樣。* * *甫坐下同學仔要了壺菊花,表姑媽幾十年飲茶經驗,未試過在餐廳點菊花茶。同樣地同學仔幾十年飲茶經驗也未遇過等位時,已揀定喝甚麼酒的人。餐廳樓底高座位闊落不容易聽到隔籬枱在說什麼,又或者餐廳客人較斯文。點心中表姑媽最愛燒賣,同學仔喜歡叉燒包,結果兩者也沒有吃,吃了總廚推介的以下幾款:XO醬煎腸粉腸粉煎得脆卜卜,XO醬微辣,對表姑媽來說,勁辣也無拘。春風得意腸脆卜卜的不是油炸鬼,是米網繼續熱氣金網蟹肉卷送啤酒一流,配上菊花茶同樣可以清熱解毒。少吃菜的表姑媽,來了一客豆苗。叉燒燒腩仔拼盤自家調芥辣醬最後出場的兩個甜品左手面的新鮮芒果醬加雙皮奶,有吃Greek Yoghurt的感覺。用十勝紅豆做的紅豆糕,好一件固體紅豆沙。上面及底部以椰汁糕夾住,身為椰子控的表姑媽,或者椰汁糕獨當一面更佳。表姑媽還是覺得紅豆跟綠茶本應是一對。木 + 銅在餐廳隨處可見加上藍調的餐具及座椅氣氛和諧。表姑媽只懂:金生水,水生木,木生火,火生土,土生金金克木,木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金藍屬木吧?原來連廁所都見到木 +銅吃飽飽之後坐船離開愉景灣,原來今時今日船票是46蚊一位。20多分鐘回到中環,竟然掛念芒果雙皮奶。念念不忘,必有迴響。 愉景灣看來只得一間中菜廳,下次舍妹回港的話,再來試下馬拉糕,表姑媽亦會試燒賣及小籠包。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-20
Great Chinese restaurant, worth to come even you are not from DB. We come here regularly for the past 2 years, mostly for lunch. During weekday no problem to walk in , in the first hour at least. Weekends and Public Holidays better book ahead, otherwise wait at least 30-45minutes for the table of 2-4 ppl. Book better via phone call, email 📧 might be not answered, unfortunately can't book via Google 😕. Service is great 👍 👌 in all three languages, food is delicious 😋, quality is consistent over the years.Beautiful interior 👌 😍. Highly Recommended. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)