Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5/ D1, Austin MTR Station continue reading
OZONE is the highest bar in the world and is famous for their crafted cocktails. They also have an exotic selection of Asian tapas and Japanese specialities to pair with your drink. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Additional Information
Ozone’s dress code and child policy as follows:- No open-toed footwear or sleeveless shirts for gentlemen and no casual slippers or flip flops for ladies. Ozone welcomes guest under the age of 18 years until 9pm daily.
Opening Hours
16:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sat
16:00 - 01:00
16:00 - 23:00
*Monday – Friday:16:00 – 01:00 (Drinks and Snacks) 18:00 – 22:30 (Dinner) Last order for snack: 00:00 Last order for drinks: 00:30 Last order for B&L: 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (159)
Level4 2024-06-30
We toasted to the pinnacle of luxury at the highest rooftop bar in the world   , and oh, what a celebration it was! Our family indulged in the most exquisite flavors of Dom Pérignon champagne at the sensational semi-buffet Sunday brunch  . 🌟🍽️ From the moment we arrived, we knew we were in for an extraordinary experience. The seafood platter was a treasure trove of ocean delights, and we relished every succulent bite. It was Jane’s first time eating lobster. The unlimited appetizers, salads, and desserts added a delightful variety to our brunch affair. And let’s not forget the made-to-order HK-style egg waffles that left us craving for more! 😋🥩 For our main courses, we couldn’t resist the allure of the grilled wagyu flank steak. Tender, juicy, and perfectly seasoned, it paired flawlessly with the roasted Indonesian potatoes and the delectable black pepper sauce. Equally impressive was the pan-fried Chilean seabass, adorned with roasted mini bell peppers and drizzled with a luxurious saffron cream sauce. Each dish was a masterpiece in its own right, showcasing culinary excellence at its finest. 👌📸 Throughout the meal, we couldn’t help but capture these exceptional moments that will forever be etched in our hearts. The breathtaking views from the rooftop bar, the elegant ambiance, and the impeccable service created an unforgettable atmosphere. We couldn’t resist sharing our joy and gratitude for this remarkable experience with all of you. We also enjoyed the live performance and Jane played a bit on the drums too! 📸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
當日天氣一般般,雖然Book咗位,但6點去到户外位已經滿咗。要喺室內吧枱位置邊飲邊等~好彩嘅係遇到位好好嘅調酒師,邊調酒邊同我地介紹啲Cocktail嘅特色。🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾🌹🌾本身好抗拒Gin嘅我,竟然會鍾意METAL $208 (Tanqueray Gin, Lemon Oleo Saccharum,Italicus, Liqueur, Orange and Mandarin Bitters, Jasmine Kombucha)飲落甜甜地,無苦味,係我鍾意清甜,好fresh嘅感覺。而且仲有鮮花做裝飾,好有美感。第一杯我自己係揀咗FIRE $208(La Travesia Mezcal Sous-vide Jalapeno, Fresh Red Bellpepper, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Mango Nectar, Fresh Lime, Bird's Eye Chili Tincture, Spicy sugar)感覺都幾特別,有點火位可以打卡,同埋杯身沾上辣椒同糖,酸酸甜甜辣辣嘅感覺,都幾有層次。另外仲試咗EARTH 同 Water。不過依2款就唔算係我杯茶~EARTH $208 (Ketel One Vodka Infused Genmaicha, Cynar Artichoke Liqueur, Taro, Clarified Pineapple & Coconut Cream, Corriander Bitters & Matcha)雖然有菠蘿同椰子味,但因為杯身有抹茶,對我黎講有啲苦。💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧Water $208 (Absolut vodka, sake, Umami Bitter, coconut water, cucumber cordial completed with blue curacao)依杯可能無乜甜味,所以覺得酒味好強烈。食物方面就試咗以下3樣~依到嘅龍蝦咁出名,所以我就叫咗Mini Lobster Roll ,另外2款就朋友揀嘅~Mini Lobster Roll $158平時好怕龍蝦整到又嚡又無味,但依到嘅龍蝦肉入口好鮮甜。不過包身就有少少乾,加多少少調食會好啲。Vietnamese Maki $188依個比較清~因為只係得蔬菜喺入面,所以無乜特別。Hong Kong Style Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab Maki $218一份有3大件,大大件肚餓嘅話係個唔錯嘅選擇。雖然經炸過,但唔會覺得好油膩,外脆內軟,都幾香口~📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍OZONE (Tsim Sha Tsui)118/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-31
趕得切食期間限定- Burger & Lobster!Ozone以Bar為主,但環境比我想像中好適合食嘢!比起單點,叫set更划算又可以試全部signature dishh!!🌟Combo($988)包一隻stream or grill 龍蝦+ 一款roll +一款Burger+2款side dishes當晚叫左grilled lobster+Lobster Roll + The Mayfair + Truffles Fries+Garlic Spinach全部都好味!🌟P&L Pineapple Ice-Tea($98)喜出望外!勁好飲!好似檸檬茶帶住話梅的味道!!題外話,上到118樓,本以為可以望下個景,但原來即使走出去outside area,就好似自修室咁排排坐,客人多的話,係會手臂貼手臂⋯這次special popup完美地帶來英國本店的味道!*Napkin係要主動要求的~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一入門口就俾個餐廳氛圍吸引,樓高118層,遠望維港,居高臨下。兩個人點了個burger加龍蝦set,龍蝦選擇grill的形式,啖啖肉,burger就正常發揮水準。再叫了兩round 的cocktail,有心思的cocktail。第一杯我點了Ju Hua Cha,以Gin酒做個底,女仔會覺得好易入口🤣🤣🤣🤣。食完個burger and lobster set,再點左個nachos,配以牛油果醬及蕃茄辣醬,可惜有點不太脆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-15
今次去OZONE嘅美食之旅真係一場味覺同視覺嘅雙重盛宴🍴✨。我一入到去就被迷人嘅城市夜景吸引,環境好有Feel,立即覺得今晚嘅食物一定吾會令我失望。最先點嘅三文魚腌魚,清新果香,配上passionfruit同lime cilantro,一啖入口就感到一陣陣清新嘅熱帶風情。Huevo Onsen質感柔滑得嚟帶點微辣,係一種微妙嘅享受。八爪魚卷真係另我驚喜,口感夠彈牙,而且調味恰到好處,簡直係米芝蓮級水準。整體嚟講,食物質量係非常掂嘅👍,每一款都好有「心思」,令人一試難忘。加上店家對細節嘅注意,令整個晚餐體驗得分加倍。下次一定會再推介俾朋友知㗎!試過之後我話你知,呢度嘅風景真係冇得輸,每一道菜都好似藝術品一樣,令人目不暇給!如果你想過一個難忘嘅晚上,記得要嚟OZONE飲返杯,食返碟,望下夜景,享受下美食啦!🌆🥂🍣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)