4-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Osteria Marzia is a coastal Italian restaurant inspired by the colourful and diverse cuisine of Italy's scenic seaside regions. Our menu of crudos, salads, pasta and grilled mains reflect this diversity with bright, refreshing flavours and the use of seasonal produce. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Business Dining
Group Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:45
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Thu - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
*Aperitivo Hour: Daily: 16:00-18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (91)
平安夜飯揀咗喺呢度食,都估到一定要食套餐都冇所謂嘅大時大節~套餐$788一位再加一咁waitress都介紹時話所有plates都會serve但係就sharing size 上頭盤味道全部都幾出色嘅,另外會有一份烤酸種麵包加homemade牛油同橄欖油鯷魚,兩樣嘢擺埋一齊做麵包Topping係好好食跟住就有lobster linguine,呢個都係好好味,個汁濃稠到適合都好掛汁龍蝦肉都好彈牙。不過因為係sharing size 會有少少覺得唔夠喉,兩個人食一碟平時main 嘅意粉🫣到最signature嘅主菜- 是日海鮮 加 小沙律本身最期待係呢一樣,Waitress都專登介紹蕃茄汁係特別調製,我都覺得好食嘅汁所以又專登另外叫一份麵包想沾汁,但係今次麵包烤得比較燶 每一啖都食到燶味感覺麻麻。 魚就平平凡凡 冇話特別鮮味不過偏鹹 主要都係食個汁😂 反而大蜆係不錯👌🏼 黑醋沙律就平常咁樣,不過兩個人得一小份囉 。最後甜品方面 睇之前嘅評論話呢度嘅Gelato係好好食,不過套餐就剩係得mandarin sorbet 同埋朱古力開心果ricotta cheese脆餅sorbet係好食嘅 食到尾會覺得好甜。另外脆餅有浸擺耐咗嘅油炸味🥹 有啲似新年角仔咁 不太喜歡最後有另外送一份杏仁味嘅Puff Cookie但係個人唔鍾意杏仁甜品味,所以唔覺得好食😂今次安排坐門口張小圓枱,其實如果係黎bar飲杯嘢張枱係好夠用,但係食飯食套餐兩個人用就太細啦…同埋每次送客啲風吹埋嚟門口位真係好涼雖然侍應們都好好態度好照顧同專業推介食物同酒 但係餐牌上嘅菜色 味道方面我覺得一半好食一半麻麻哋 (好似食到後面慢慢變唔好食咁😂😂 可能係唔對胃口)同埋全部菜式份量係sharing size 會覺得有d少,本身見頭盤全部細細份都啱嘅,留肚食後面嘅嘢,但係後面兩份主菜都唔係特別大份+沙律又咁少😂😂細食嘅人,應該先啱啱好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-08
灣仔想同朋友食lunch傾計,呢度係好選擇。今次嚟到Black sheep旗下嘅意大利餐廳口呢間位於The Fleming酒店地下,高樓底配上玻璃包圍,朝早陽光可以直照入店內由於朋友食過lunch set太多會食唔完,加上想食蠔🦪所以 À LA CARTE。麵包質地唔錯,配埋牛油同埋anchovy 食相當唔錯。呢度主打海鮮嘅南意大利菜,全部都好味又有特色特別推介係開心果醬意粉,超好食!店員推介嘅生蠔也好新鮮另一特定就一定係色彩鮮艷嘅手繪意式碗碟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Black Sheep每季限定𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙏𝙀𝘿又黎啦!逢星期一二,旗下嘅七間餐廳都有優惠menu,有人氣居酒屋Fukuro、好岩慶祝嘅Buenos Aires Polo Club、斯里蘭卡菜Hotal Colombo、黎巴嫩菜Maison Libanaise等。今次又黎到主打意大利海鮮料理嘅Osteria Marzia,Plated menu包左是日魚鮮!大家仲可以到「魚市場」揀是日靚魚鮮同合口味嘅烹調方式。餐廳裝潢典雅,燈光昏暗有情調,碗碟都充滿海岸小鎮風情。🌊南意海岸仲夏夜 $528pp1️⃣Sea Bass Prosecco 氣酒泡鱸魚鱸魚刺身口感滑彈,配埋氣泡酒、蘇連多檸檬、特級初榨橄欖油,魚味鮮味突岀,又帶點清新氣息。2️⃣Fritto Di Pesce 酥炸海鮮炸魷魚外層酥脆唔會太厚,魷魚厚肉軟彈唔韌,不過就唔算好鮮。旁邊有唔少爽脆多汁嘅蔬菜,調味十足,唔點醬都好食3️⃣Spaghetti Alla Chitarra 小魷魚結他意粉意粉硬身掛汁,意大利小魷魚絕對係驚喜位!質地軟腍,一咬爆汁,更帶鹹香。可惜意粉墨汁味唔算好濃。4️⃣Pesci 魚鮮當日就有sea bass/ red snapper/ sea bream/ barramundi供選擇,烹調方法都有simply grilled/ Sciliana/ acqua pazza四款可以揀今次揀左Siciliana西西里風味嘅Barramundi,外皮焦脆,魚肉好嫩!醬汁帶香草同番茄香,甜甜地微酸,仲有幾塊保留左果香嘅多汁香橙,加埋一齊食幾refreshing~ 兩個人清一條魚超滿足5️⃣Verdure - Broccolini 西蘭花苗 & Verdure Di Stagione 主廚精選時蔬6️⃣Dolce - Gelato continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-03
第二次到呢間野食,兩次都無影太多相,呢間西餐,可以話係我食過之中最出色!食左個吞拿魚腩頭盤,八爪魚(全名都唔記得係咩),好驚喜既 開心果青醬意大利粉,仲有有個好出色既甜品(有相)但唔記得叫咩名😂😂每一款都做得好好,配搭一流,所以汁都做得好好。 甜品,一樣係有質素。最後仲加左杯咖啡,好好飲,最特別係佢跟左塊好甜既餅俾我,一開頭唔明點解,原來佢係預客人唔落糖,食塊餅咁飲,甜度配搭得岩岩好,每一個細節都出乎我意料。呢間野食大概700-800位(午餐),貴就幾貴,但真係覺得物有所值! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Lovely Italian dinner of great quality and extra friendly servers 👍🏻😋🇮🇹🍞Sourdough Bread with Butter and Anchovies: The sourdough bread was not tough and chewy. There was a nice chargrilled aroma. It went well with the butter and flavours went well with the salty anchovies ANTIPASTI🐙POLPO - Mediterranean octopus, potato, Tropea, onion, celery, Taggiasca olive, parsley oil: Very refreshing and the octopus texture was just right, not rubbery.🐟HAMACHI - cherry tomato, olive, basil: Tender fish and the taste was very freshPASTE🍝Fusilli - tuna, tomato, capers, Taggiasca olive, anchovies: Fusilli was cooked to Al Dente. The other ingredients were in a good portion and matched very well. The sauce was able to hang onto the pasta very well. 🍝Spaghetti - Bronte pistachio, Sicilian anchovy: Loved the pistachio spaghetti that brought out a very nice pistachio aroma. Enjoyed this dish a lot. PESCI🐟Sea Bass in Acqua pazza served with broccolini: The sea bass was cooked perfectly and not rough. The flavours were very nice. Not a fan of fish but this has won my heart ❤️DOLCE🍰Lemon-Misu: A tangy and refreshing dessert that was able to wear down the fullness. Loved the berries that balanced out the flavours.VINI🍷Tenuta Salire de la Tour 2021 Grillo - Sicilia: This white wine complemented very well with the dinner.A very enjoyable dinner. Servers were very friendly and passionate in their service. They proactively engaged small talks with diners. Perfect place for celebrating birthdays. Servers were singing 'Happy Birthday' in Italian which made the occasion memorable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)