5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Honoring the traditions of Napoli, the birthplace of pizza, our pizze are baked in a custom-made Stefano Ferrara oven and cooked in extremely high heat for less than ninety seconds. The result is a malleable pizza that is soft on the inside and slightly charred on the outside. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
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Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (146)
Level4 2024-08-15
Greeting by a big smile from the staff, it was sweet to start off tonight's dinner. Thoughtful staff was so nice to spend some time introducing the background of this restaurant and their signature. We have no doubt to ask for their sopressata piccante with an appetiser of polpette al sugo. Polpette al sugo was an Italian meatball dish. It was served with marinara and some fresh basil and parmesan. Meatballs were at a medium size. Meaty and little bit bouncy. Herby and slight peppery. Tomato sauce was with a hint of heat. Not bad. Sopressata piccante was a Italian pizza topped with salami , garlic, oregano and cheese. We asked tor extra mozzarella which was suggested by the staff. Smart to ask pairing with mozzarella as the whole pizza was on a stronger flavour which the mild flavour from mozzarella balanced out. Right amount of salami for some savoury and meatiness. Love the soft chewy crust with a slight charred. It was droolingly delicious.We rounded the meal with a cup of double shot espresso and an almond chocolate tart. The chocolate tart was more on a cake base while rich and soft. Love to have some crunch. Perfect to eat with a cup of espresso. Coffee and chocolate is such a perfect combo.It was my pleasure to spend my evening here. Rounding up my tough work day with all the goodness. I definitely will come back soon for more pizzas! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-28
今晚去船街這家店過生日,坐標灣仔,在街旁不是很顯眼的位置,但是裡面很乾淨。我這次提前定了位置,否則的話建議早點去,7點之後會排隊。店員今天貼心的送了一份提拉米蘇,插著蠟燭,還會一起來給你唱生日歌😂(I person做好心理準備)菜品很好吃,Meatball很嫩,shrimp很鮮我們兩個人,點了瑪格麗特和Thomas。一開始上瑪格麗特的時候發現沒有我們要的蘑菇,同服務員說了以後立刻拿回去重新製作。味道很正。不錯的體驗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
真實自費食評因為喺灣仔想食個間喺附近 但無位所以轉左食Pizza好多年前食過一次 估唔到又再返黎食第二次。Motorino 主打係Napoleon既Pizza,所以批邊就會帶碳香中間既皮底係好濕潤同軟身既餅底。Polpette Al Sugo $138 Braised Meatballs, Calabrian Chili,Tomato Sauce 鋪滿好多蕃茄醬,個醬汁平較淡,但黎到既時候都唔係熱,裡面暖既,我會覺得ikea既肉丸比較出色。Shrimp Scampi $168Shrimp,Garlic Butter,White Wine,Toasted Bread,Parsley橄欖油爆香蒜蓉,但未到好香口,蝦都好彈牙,但我會比較鐘意西班牙既煮法,因為啲味真係好出。Margherita $188 + Parma Ham $68Tomato Sauce, Fior Di Latter,Basil,Pecorino 呢到既Pizza係好香炭香味既,但就係一種比較軟身既餅底,會有大量既蕃茄醬,而且加左Parma Ham,份量都唔少。我個人比較鐘意脆身無咁淋既餅底,因為食落香口啲唔似好似焗唔熟咁,如果你怕熱氣既話,揀Motorino最好不過。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間pizza店主打Napoleon Pizza不時仲會有blackseries既promotion 我每隔一排都會番黎食佢最傳統最簡單既margherita Napoleon 既pizza特色就係pizza一定要用石窯大烤爐黎焗新鮮熱辣出爐既🍕 pizza批邊脆而帶有碳香中間餅皮就比較濕軟配合最簡單既蕃茄同水牛芝士🧀🍅口感岩岩好呢到既lunch set都比較抵食👍中意食呢種pizza既朋友可不仿試下😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-02
當天是週年紀念,因為都想試啲新野,係openrice 見到呢間pizza 有個好特別既火爐去焗pizza。咁我哋無錢去意大利,唯有去一間咁有特色既意大利餐廳當去左轉意大利😅🇮🇹由於已經訂好枱,一入去餐廳,侍應已經安排好位置。佢好詳細咁介紹Menu。最後我哋點左3樣野食。1. 意大利Meat Balls (3.5/5)同想像中嘅差唔多,不過味道都有點鹹2. 焗茄子 (4/5)其實個味同meatball差唔多,不過焗得幾好味同埋個芝士好香, 建議揀呢個就唔使叫meat balls3. Margherita pizza (4.5/5)好味!亦十分傳統係個底燶咗少少,所以扣咗0啲分⭐️酒店級服務⭐️食完野,侍應走過嚟問我哋想食咩甜品。因為我懷孕,不能吃未加熱的甜品(因為我們覺得大部分的甜品是未經過加熱的程序),所以就同侍應講唔洗叫。佢個表情好似好出奇,並再次確認我們不吃甜品?我們回答“是”!特然,經理走過嚟同我哋講,因為今天是你們的紀念日,也知道你們的concern,他建議我哋可以試下chocolate walnut cake,會安全啲,而且佢會free畀我哋! 我哋畀佢嘅誠意感動咗最後留低食埋個cake!不用去意大利也感受到當地的熱情和好客之道,值得學習!會同朋友一齊再來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)