Exit C2, Kowloon Tong MTR Station, Exit H, Kowloon Tong MTR Station continue reading
This Chinese restaurant is stylish with spacious area. The Chef has 30 years experiences in Cantonese cuisine. It offers authentic food. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (124)
星期日同長輩去又一城望月樓飲茶,呢度有唔少comment話服務麻麻,呢一日去食我又覺得冇咩問題,不過去到三、四點都仲好旺場。望月樓出名食嘅點止係精緻點心,仲有環境同氛圍,所以價錢唔平,不過長輩就食得好開心☺️。蒜泥白肉薄片白肉加上薄片青瓜,口感特別,再加埋底嘅醬料味道豐富,蒜泥剁得夠細緻,溝埋一齊好好食。芙蓉海鮮芋角絕對係新鮮炸起,好酥脆,餡料豐富,芋蓉好滑,食到有帶子同埋有肉粒。雪山叉燒焗餐包正常發揮,不過同出邊嘅雪山包唔一樣,個皮唔係好脆果種,但係好薄一層。瑤柱帶子菜菌餃唔係好食到有瑤柱同帶子,反而有蝦,食落都爽口新鮮。蜜汁叉燒腸粉皮薄,好滑,入邊嘅餡料好足,有好多好多叉燒,完全冇肥肉👍🏼。望月焗豬扒飯呢個有驚喜,冇諗過飲茶有焗豬😂,有埋「望月」兩個字明顯係招牌菜。👦🏻好開心,因為係佢至愛,好足料,面頭仲要有隻煎蛋。個蕃茄汁係中式鴛鴦炒飯嘅蕃茄汁,即係類似傳說中嘅螢光汁,唔係平時快餐店焗豬嗰種鮮茄汁,冇青豆要加分,但冇菠蘿又要扣分😂。魚湯青菜缽有驚喜,因為份量十足。菜心清脆鮮嫩,加上魚湯湯底好好飲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-18
今次再次来港去过很多地方,感覺香港已經不是以前的香港,希望香港文旅局能多做一些努力。但这次再次特意来九龍塘的望月楼晚餐,晚上八点到,沒有預約,稍為等了一会就能入座,环境还是那样有点暗网上都在说香港的餐飲業已經失去美食天堂,所以还是怀着十五十六的心情过来,最後还好菜品味道还是那味道不錯,推薦红油抄手,燒鸡,松露瑤柱炒飯我家小孩每次必点,蛋白杏仁茶都不错,不足地方是人手稍有不足,整体的体验服务很好,经理,服务员都很好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-17
又一城一间高級食肆,价钱合理和服務不错,食品有水準美味。经理部長nice还送糖水,环境,交通都很方便,美中不足是人多,因不想煮饭即興过来吃飯,记得打电话先订枱。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
7月7日2024年12點在望月樓午餐,其中一位所謂女經理服務態度超差(是「趕客」的服務態度)時間到本會離開,我們想見外賣,一位經理悪形悪相行埋嚟,語氣很粗,好似想叫我哋唔好點,她的身體語言好似「摟」打咁表達「趕」我們走。在又一城內的高級食肆,酒樓費用斐然,竟然有這樣的所謂「高級」服務。本來開開心心的一餐,被這個所謂女經理搞得掃興萬分。(食物質素怎樣好,服務態度是咋舌的,叫人怎有信心回頭再光顧)見到其他有啲服務員,同出一轍。服務分是實在「倒扣」。👎🏻簡直耗費了望月樓在網上美麗的宣傳…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-16
Receptionists and waiters were not communicating at all. Just getting a table was a disaster. We had to wait inside the restaurant after the receptionist had told us to go in but there was no one to lead us to our table.Environment was not good, AC was too cold so we could not stay there for long to chat.Food quality was very disappointing for its price. Most food doesn't taste like anything and was just heavily covered with sauce to make them seem like they have a taste.Waiters and waitresses had bad attitude, pretended that they didn't see us raising our hands. One even straight up ignored our requests after coming up to our table to hand us waters. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)