6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (14)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
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Delivery Details
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (244)
Level1 2025-01-01
食左個令人失望嘅雲吞麵:完全唔彈牙爽口。食物質素唔好都唔係最搞到我嬲!最嬲係同職員反映個陣,佢地嘅態度惡劣,仲串番我轉頭。之前食過都叫有水準。上次(大概半年前)食嘅麵係彈牙爽口,雖然本身比較貴,但都對得住佢個價錢。依家嘅質素大不如前,諗住比下意見等佢地改善下,反而比個職員串。唔好諗住就咁耍走我就解決到問題,呢個心態,十分令人失望。如果想食有質素嘅雲吞麵,唔好去呢間。食隔離個幾間,或者普通車仔麵都會抵過佢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-14
嗌咗佢哋「鎮店之寶」嘅世家雲吞麵 上菜嗰陣以為佢俾錯咗雲吞麵份量細到死 直情係用個細碗裝住味道同出面嗰啲差唔多 唯一係雲吞大隻少少價錢又要貴過人,真係唔抵食同埋搵笨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-19
星期一午飯時間冇帶到飯,諗住同同事係中環附近食少少野就番上office,突然間有啲想食雲吞麵就搵下附近邊度有得食!🥹一搵就見到呢個麥奀雲吞麵世家!好出名禁! 就一放飯衝落去排隊,好彩唔係排左好耐! 一入到去就見到成間店墨綠色既裝修好靚! [雲吞水餃麵]我就揀左雲吞水餃🥟麵,份量唔算好大,但雲吞同水餃入面粒蝦都叫大粒! 水餃2粒 比雲吞有3-4粒。湯好入味同埋傳統幼麵! 係我想食既野🥺🥺🥺[鮮蝦雲吞撈麵]同事叫左一碗雲吞撈麵! 雲吞同麵係分開上既,雲吞有熱湯浸住!唔會凍曬,撈麵既醬好濃味!記得要攬暈完食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-21
今天星期天我5:35pm一個人入座, 那一刻我坐在卡位,因為客人都沒有很多,我也被告知如果有其他客人可能要拼桌,我也是沒問題的。我點了一碗港幣73蚊的牛筋雲吞麵,面應該5:40分到,可能我吃得比較快,其實5:50分我已經吃完了, 但我想說至少可以喝一杯茶才離去時間也不會多到哪裏去。但那裏的一位女員工已經拿着我的賬單跟我說你還會點東西嗎?不會的話請你去結帳因為我們後面還有人在等 態度真的很不友善 然後我跟他說我想多喝一杯茶然後他跟我說你要喝茶那你換到後面那一桌。請問多喝1⃣️杯茶還要很久的時間嗎?我覺得這種服務態度真的很有問題。如果你們還想有人光顧的話,拜託請好好讓你們的員工學習怎樣才是正確的待客之道。 Today is sunday and there aren’t too many customers so i was seated at a 4-seater and knowing that people might join my table if needed and i am totally fine with that. I sat down at 5:35pm and my wonton noodle (worth hk$73) came at 5:40pm and probably i ate too fast and i actually finished at 5:50.. the female waitress then came over asking me if i would order more stuff, if not please go check out as they hve customer lining up. I said i just want to have another cup of tea before i leave and she was giving me that face of disgust and said to me if i want to drink tea i would need to sit at another table. I just want to know how much time would it take for me to drink a cup of tea? I have spent like 10 mins eating my noodle and i don’t even have a minute to have a cup of tea? Not to mention my noodle is like HK$73.Anyway, i think their staff definitely need training or else no one would want to come back again. End up i left the place at 5:55pm. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-21
係中環嘅呢一間麥奀,個碗雲吞麵幾驚艷 🤳雖然佢個份量唔算係好大份!不過呢,真心係一碗好好食嘅雲吞麵,個面底好爽口彈牙,軟硬適中,啲雲吞好鮮味、細細粒、充滿驚喜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)