3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
An elegant, beautiful teahouse serving many types of traditional English and Chinese teas. Offers dim-sum and Chinese desserts. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Guangdong Restaurant (2012)
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (370)
Level3 2024-07-17
老字號餐廳,室內裝修好懷舊,服務及食物還可以。蝦多士炸得好鬆脆。沙律煙英䱽魚好滑好味,好少見咁大條䱽魚。紫薑咕嚕肉都好特別。豉油王雞亦好味全部都係懷舊菜式,現今餐廳都好難搵到。可以一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-18
Time really changed, in the old days this is a place for the rich people at one time. Now this is a more touristic place for young people to understand old Chinese cooking. We were in this place twice, dim sum & dinner. Both meals are real traditional Chinese cooking. Dim sum only rate 70/100 because the salt content was not consistent. Pork liver dim sum was not as good as it used to be. Cut was too thick & taste of the minced shrimp & pork a bit too salty. Some dim sum are too sweet. They need a balanced of taste for the dim sum. As far as dinner concerns, it was an excellent dinner with the traditional almond juice pork lung soup. It is very tasty. Steam minced beef is excellent & it was cooked with the traditional orange peels. Sautéed vegetable in supreme soup was good too. The vegetables were buried in the 3 different kind of eggs soup. The thousand year old eggs in the soup were very good & rendered. Overall dinner is excellent. Service is also very very good & attentive. Had a great time here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-24
又貴又難食,同普通屋村茶樓無分別。42蚊茶錢一位,無服務😂仲要收加一。。。。香港喎😂真係笑話一個。一碟點心70蚊,唔值呢個價囉。最簡單既魚肉燒賣都唔掂,完全無味,唐記仲好食。。。真係呃遊客專家 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
踏入陸羽茶室,仿佛時光倒流,四周充滿復古氛圍,細節之處透露著濃厚的歷史氣息🕰️。今次特意點咗幾款招牌點心,個個都係驚喜滿滿😲。首先,點心紙寫滿精選小食,雞蛋撻一上枱就聞到撲鼻蛋香,食落去皮酥內滑,重溫嗰陣童年嘅甜蜜回憶。咸水角外脆內糯,啖啖肉心好有嚼勁,入口即化,足以滿足沉醉喺老派港式小食嘅願望。特別值得一提嘅係,茶室嘅釀豬膶燒賣,實在係一絕🌟。咬一口,豬膶嘅爽脆,夾帶幼滑豬肉嘅鮮美,口感分明,彷似踏上美食探索之旅。同行嘅Yungzi媽媽對雞球大包更加讚不絕口,幾乎係響個人show添!總括嚟講,呢間茶室嘅每款點心都質量過硬,每一啖都能品嚐到傳統工藝嘅用心同堅持。如果想找尋一個寧靜嘅角落,同朋友或家人一齊慢慢欣賞舊香港飲茶文化,陸羽茶室絕對係你嘅首選呀!🥢🍵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-18
今日嚟到中環「陸羽茶室」,環境懷舊典雅,氣氛非常好。服務員非常熱情,態度友好,讓人感到非常舒適,喺中環扎根多年,大部份客人都係老顧客,與店員傾偈非常熟絡,可以感受到好有人情味既酒樓•臘味糯雞卷$84糯米軟嫩,內餡豐富,有臘味既香味襯托,味道非常突出。•叉燒甘露批$65外皮酥脆,內餡香甜,叉燒的味道非常濃郁。•揚州煎蝦餅$65這道菜的口感非常清爽,蝦餅的外皮煎得非常酥脆,內餡鮮美可口。•鬆化雞蛋撻$58酥皮鬆軟,內餡香滑可口,雞蛋好滑好香濃。•百花釀魚肚$65魚肚的質地非常嫩滑,內餡豐富,味道鮮美。陸羽茶室 (中環)中環士丹利街24號地下至3樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)