
Lighthouse Lounge
Additional Information
Free hotel shuttle from Exit B, Ocean Park MTR Station
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Lighthouse Lounge
The Lighthouse Lounge is an iconic and elegant social place to see and be seen. Make yourself at home in the “living room” of The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel adorned with large trees and tropical plants. Take a break from the hustle and bustle, immerse in the panoramic ocean view and be relaxed over freshly brewed coffee, enticing afternoon tea, signature Fullerton bites, delicate cakes and refreshing cocktails. The lounge offers seamless connection with nature from day to night during all seasons. As the night approaches, celebrate sunset with a champagne toast and enjoy a moment of serenity.

About Reward Scheme
Review (34)
趁住生日嘅日子嚟到香港海洋公園富麗敦酒店試下佢嘅自助餐咁啱喺平台上面搶到一啲優惠所以平均都係三百幾蚊一個人入正題首先講下佢哋龍蝦,質素非常之好,爽口多膏,同埋源源不絕一路都有廚師refill甜品非常之好食,個栗子蛋糕一定要試值得一講嘅就係佢嘅刺身油甘魚非常之香口甘香熟食方面仲有三文魚等等嘅菜式另外佢嘅粉麵喇沙湯底亦都非常之好食食物嘅溫度亦都keep得非常之好因為實在擺唔曬太多嘅相佢個環境先至係頂級比我去過好多間嘅酒店更加好非常推薦大家過嚟試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-26
This restaurant has a seasonal afternoon tea where you can book through Openrice and use a coupon to enjoy 25% off. However, their hotel actually has a Panda Fufu afternoon tea, which is extremely adorable, though there is no discount. Actually, it isn't even in the menu and the link is as followhttps://www.fullertonhotels.com/fullerton-ocean-park-hotel-hongkong/offers/thematic-panda-fufu-afternoon-teaHowever, please note this menu does not include drinks. We decided to try there famous affogato since it is just a $10 difference from their latte.It was the first time I tried such an Affogato. There was really a lot of ice-cream and this way it really let us enjoy sips of espresso with the ice-cream(as usually its just poured on top of a scoop of icecream). The side of the cup was also coated with a layer of nutella making it extremely fulfilling even on its own. Definitely worth ordering here even a A la carte.Our afternoon tea came and it was so adorable. The food was obviously all targeted to children(kidults). The deep fried shrimp was still hot and crispy when served while the minty cheese sandwich was surpringly the best savory(maybe due to the hot weather). For desserts, definitely the brownies.To top it all, we were greeted by Panda Fufu in the lobby, making the whole experience even more memorable. (I saw him around around 3:10pm though I am not sure if it has a fixed scheduled) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
冷盆有4款如蟹腳、蝦等。蟹腳比較鹹,但若加檸檬汁就好好味。魚生也有4款,如三文魚、赤背等,三文魚好好味(聽到隔離枱都讚)。天婦羅得三款,如炸秋葵(以為係炸蝦)等。壽司都有好多款,眼見就少人攞,淨係攞咗熟蝦壽司試吓,屬一般。咖喱corner得咖喱雞only。肉眼扒唔錯。Cheese & ham corner都算多款式及唔錯。有沙律bar,生果bar等。熱葷菜有炸雲吞,湯,燻蹄,豬手,湯粉麵等。有chocolate fountain,雪糕及點品蛋糕款式多。coffee多款選擇及唔錯,最可惜的是檸檬茶比較難飲。總結,食物種類多。加分係服務員有禮貌,收碟快。訂位時有要求window seat都可以安排到,服務點讚有D要改進的地方係生日牌D蛋糕係用番蛋糕櫃的蛋糕是但放兩件,有D冇用心,hea咗D(以5星級酒店不應該是這樣的)。另外,要注意酒店唔就腳,要坐shuttle bus及小心注意bus schedule 以免用餐時間變得緊迫,因服務員在14:00左右會提你食到14:30(即12:00-14:30用餐時間)。還有當天可以與(扮)熊貓的拍照,he he continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-06
今日有時間到海洋公園水上樂園玩下。諗住食少少先入去玩。所以去左香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店食嘢先。見到佢個個漢堡包非常吸引呀。就揀呢個啦。環境優美,好舒服架。樓底好高但冷氣都好充足架。仲要對住海境,真係好舒服架。唔覺唔覺都坐左2-3個鐘呀。講返個漢堡,牛扒好厚肉亦好多汁,但一啲都唔鞋架。而且佢配埋既薯條🍟亦都好香噴噴和熱辣辣架 。始終環境好靚而且新開,所以真係值得一試,我諗下一次要有充足時間,好好享受一下環境和食物。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-16
💜 星耀廊📍香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店1樓------------------------------茗茶芳香春日下午茶 $7881️⃣ 鹹點推薦指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻伯爵茶香吞拿魚 味道不錯 吞拿魚新鮮 沒有腥味😆柑橘醬和絲酸甜味道適中 加上外層裹了伯爵茶茶葉 配搭得宜👍🏻茶葉蛋沙律迷你漢堡 一般🙈麪包較乾身 惟魚子醬和鵪鶉蛋味道很好😍只是跟麪包不太夾😂茶香一口番茄芝士 好食😋番茄新鮮香甜 羊奶芝士亦軟滑 非常不錯👍🏻茉莉花茶果凍和開心果脆脆放在番茄上點綴 美觀而且美味😋茶燻黃油雞 以雞卷的形式食用 雞味欠奉 惟外皮很脆 值得一讚🤩2️⃣ 甜品推薦指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 橘香玄米茶芝士蛋糕 不太甜 喜歡💕造型特別 圓形外層是朱古力 切開有果肉 視覺一流🥰惟裝飾的葉子🍃上桌時已掉落開心果泡芙 一般般🙈開心果味濃 惟太甜🙈寧桃檸檬馬鞭草蛋糕 蜜桃慕絲的味道有點假😂馬鞭草味道也不太能接受 不喜歡😆芝麻黑朱古力慕絲蛋糕 超級喜歡❤️上層的黑白芝麻脆片非常好食😋朱古力慕絲也不錯 配上香橙乾 中和了朱古力的甜味經典原味英式鬆餅及香橙鬆餅 口感不錯 鬆軟可口 充滿牛油香😍奶油忌廉和草莓醬味道也不錯3️⃣ 飲品推薦指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Earl Grey 茶味較濃 有股獨特的香氣 喜歡者很愛👍🏻Assam Breakfast Tea 茶味香濃 不錯🥰是食下午茶的最佳配搭 可以解膩😘4️⃣ 栗子蛋糕推薦田指數:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻酒店為生日壽星送上蛋糕慶生 味道一般 太甜 夾層豐富 口感不錯😆欣賞酒店的用心 不只是在下午茶上加生日牌🤩------------------------------食物水平中上 惟正值新年 人手不足 服務有待改善😆兩位西裝男士服務態度友善 會主動幫忙拍照 惟其他服務生則像遊雲似的😂不加水 又亂講茶飲 讓我們喝錯對方的茶🙈總評味道:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)