2-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (13)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
一心想放假食點心,經網上外賣平台order, 沒想到收到時食物都不是熱或溫的 🥲 還要漏2份食物,超失望。打去跟餐廳了解,職員態度惡劣,以後不會再食這間點心。今次真係中伏了,難食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-03-27
Chain dim sum restaurant that doesn’t skimp on the quality. I regularly order the spring rolls, they are always crispy and the sauce is delicious. The hargow and siu mai are classic and pretty simple. Egg yolk buns are also a must, with a warm and creamy filling that doesn’t disappoint. That being said, you get what you pay for! Don’t expect the most gourmet of dishes, but it’s a great place for casual weekend yum cha. The environment is not ideal. You can tell the dishes are not clean enough and the floor is a bit oily. It is not a fancy restaurant, therefore, that’s acceptable. The service is alright, but if you visit at the peak hours. You might need to wait for the table and also the food. The best thing is the tea they provide. They refill the pot quite often which is very important in dim shn restaurants. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
終於全面開放食堂了!今晚想找未試過的店舖,左找右找,經過士美菲路見到一間店面玻璃的食物相片很吸引,價錢好抵,晚餐三合一套餐$60價錢(有湯、點心和盅頭飯各一個,便決定這間-功夫點心!這裡面積很大,卡位亦多,坐得舒服。看看餐紙的確有$60這個套餐,而且選擇也算多。於是我點了鮮蝦腐皮卷、西洋菜陳腎燉豬展湯和臘味雞粒飯,另外一個茶位$7。我選香片,估不到茶香味醇,可跟茶樓比美!鮮蝦腐皮卷,即叫即煮,腐皮香脆,有很多蝦,蝦肉爽滑。西洋菜陳腎、豬展、南北杏、瑤柱和蜜棗,飲落潤肺又潤喉。臘味雞粒飯,雞肉鮮嫩幼滑,調味剛好。飯粒有咬口。總體食物和茶,都很美味,而且份量十足!晚餐只是$60+$7 可算抵食!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-12-16
今日有事到堅尼地城,聽食友介紹「功夫點心」可以一試,於是斗膽前往試試,怎料有期望總是換來失望,更有感而發,亂寫打油一首,藉以抒發心中的失望。誰說「功夫」是一流,食物賣相冇派頭,員工服務正九流,亞茂才會返轉頭!食物沒有鮮味,嚴格來說,大部份食物都是冇味或有少許腥味,例如:陳皮牛肉(內有肉、葱、陳皮、馬蹄等)祇吃到少許陳皮味;蝦腸的蝦有點腥味而不是蝦的鮮甜味!腸粉皮亦不夠薄。蝦餃來到時其中一隻的皮已破了,可見有粗製或監管不善的情況。其實,我們來到時,被編排坐近門口,但大門常開,今日風勢亦不弱,故此立即要求員工協助轉枱,但該名員工立即黑面,拿餐具來到時,將餐具抛到枱上以表達對我們要求換枱的不滿。兩壼水喝完了,要求加水,亦祇幫你加一壺算數。今時今日如此服務,我們真不知這店是如何營運下去?衹能祝它的老闆好運。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-09-21
想食點心發現士美菲路開咗一間新嘅功夫點心,原來係大型連鎖店,睇相見到個叉燒牌好似幾正, 就去咗試吓,點知...蟹子香菇燒賣王$18燒賣都OK嘅,起碼夠熱,半肥瘦豬肉唔會乾爭爭酥皮焗叉燒包$20叉燒包比起相片細咗好多,個酥皮都夠酥,叉燒餡就偏甜咗啲金鑽脆皮鹹水角$20鹹水角真係難食,上菜嘅時候凍冰冰,一啲誠意都冇喎內涵正正常常咁啦,但係凍冰冰真係搞唔掂鮑螺片滑雞粥$27雞粥overall嚟講都算幾好,不過雞件就比較多骨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)