Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Ho Hung Kee is an authentic Hong Kong-style congee and noodle shop awarded one Michelin star. Some highlights from the restaurant's menu include the stir-fried beef noodles, shrimp pomelo skin and wonton noodles. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-24)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (205)
Level1 2024-07-26
十二年老客 紅豆沙兌水 各種食物草草了事 還不如大排檔 垃圾食物大家千萬別來 跟不知道是不是老闆的人說了 一點改的態度都沒有 說我們檢討 一邊說還一邊收錢 嗯嗯 錢最大 這麼多年店不要口碑 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港長大 年輕时移民 今次從國外返香港旅遊 带埋个女同埋女婿 以前嚟過呢度 覺得幾好 今次專登來銅鑼灣再試 叫咗雲吞麵 乾炒牛河 蝦仁炒河 同埋油菜 覺得很一般有啲失望 埋單六舊幾皮 都幾貴 性價比好差 最激氣就係個男侍應 同我哋落單時非常唔客氣 我哋起初唔清楚雲吞面有大細之分 佢一尾问要六粒或四粒 我哋反應有啲遲鈍 佢非常唔客气又再問要六粒或四粒 覺得呢種態度非常差 唔知呢種係乜嘢服務 啲種餐廳 屬於貴價 俾啲耐性同客人解釋下個菜 係起碼的服務水平 我覺得好唔顺氣 加上食物真係一般 個服務又勁差 冇下次 整體好失望 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-04
未開關的幾年,食過幾次,很享受的,覺得好好味 。那時還有套餐,好抵吃。今天是開關後第一次再吃,本身好期待,但坐下不久後,失望的感覺不能形容 ....叫了個福州炒飯 ($168 - 計埋加一是一個差不多$185的炒飯),唔平 ,但份量比以前少了差不多一半。叫咗個粥 ($75), 煮得好稀,唔好味...現在何洪記全店只有遊客,都冇乜本地人幫襯。不知道是否現只做遊客一次生意,不需要回頭熟客,所以不再用心做好 ?  真令人晞噓不已。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-23
雲吞做到皮薄餡靚,蝦同肉比例啱啱好,而且調味好正宗。麵真係好有水準,爽口彈牙,比起我食過嘅竹升麵更好食,令我幾深刻。可惜係有少少梘水味,仍屬可以接受範圍。湯底好鮮甜,湯底係正宗大地魚湯嘅味道,甚至比一至嘅湯要濃。的確畀足料同花咗心機落去。可惜服務真係麻麻👎!其實一碗麵雲吞麵連加一接近$80唔算平。但係店員完全不好客不熱情,完全唔會主動斟茶。何洪記有唔少遊客想品嚐,遇到咁嘅服務真係體驗到本地文化!希望餐廳可以改善吓,對客人同遊客都主動d熱情d!短期內唔會再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食碗雲吞麵 🍜 收茶位費再收你加一服務費,(坐低斟杯茶記膠杯約250ml俾你,飲完侍應經過幾次都唔會refill俾你(何以收服務費?),碗麵🍜本身已經算收得貴(可能係因為我窮),湯清唔鮮,味淡麻油味重,雲吞標準大細,無金魚散尾,間野大把位(數過4成滿都無,有+-十張吉枱),仲要夾硬夾個內地男仔黎搭枱😥, 一碗算細既「大」蓉+杯淡而無味既茶,承惠$80.3 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)