Exit B3, Exhibition Centre MTR Station continue reading
Grissini commands panoramic views of Victoria Harbour and adopts a contemporary interior design, providing a relaxed and casual atmosphere for guests to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine. The signature grissini breadsticks are served during lunch and dinner accompanied by fragrant extra-virgin olive oil and house-blended balsamic glaze. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
Thu - Fri
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 14:15
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
** Mon to Fri, only serve lunch set menu and a la carte menu not available. Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays serving brunch set menu ($780), 11:30 to 14: 00, *A la carte menu not available
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Vitello Tonnato, slow cooked veal loin, tuna sauce Yellowtail carpaccio, artichokes, anchovie colatur Saffron pappardelle, wild boar ragout, rapini leaf Roman clay pot baked local yellow chicken, mushroo
Review (181)
曾經本豬問過唔同人全港最好食嘅tiramisu喺邊🇮🇹有幾個人不約而同地答Grissini所以今日專程嚟試=͟͟͞͞ʕ•̫͡ ·ʔ=͟͟͞͞ʕ•̫͡ ·ʔ=͟͟͞͞ʕ•̫͡ ·ʔ餐廳環境好望到哂ifc icc不在話下仲要每一道菜都好好味.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ✧ Sparkling water ($30/pp)雖然有飲開嘅san pellegrini有氣水🍾但今次俾呢個shui吸引到💧係佢哋house特有之餘仲可以free flow不斷refill可以一路食一路暢飲ꉂꉂ꒰•̤▿•̤*ૢ꒱✧ Complimentary Breadstick 唔似平時嘅一片片sourdough呢度嘅包係長條形嗰種🥖熱嗰陣鬆軟 但cool down咗就易啲啪開食~標準配備olive oil & vinegar✧ 24 month aged Prosciutto di Parma ($180)好耐冇食過覺得好正嘅parma ham •͈౿•͈ !呢個夠咸得嚟仲要好腍切得夠薄易啲入口餐廳建議可以試下wrap住個包嚟食✧ Bottoni de Bufala ($280)Bottoni一直係本豬好喜歡嘅pasta type !可愛嘅圓形意粉入面包住cheese🧀食落唔會好漏的🔘Toppings脆脆體好似之前食拉麵嗰啲牛蒡haha✧ Tagliatelle all’uovo ($580)喺Seasonal Black Truffle Menu入面揀嘅~大家睇下片中侍應刨truffle嘅手勢 ̊ଳ ̊係起勢咁刨刨足20秒⏰震驚咗本豬覺得值返哂呀!不過食落pasta雖然好足蛋香但係食落覺得有啲硬🍝✧ Pan fried Seabass ($540)可能係本豬食過最好食嘅seabass個肉質唔老之餘🐟仲要醃得非常入味🧂味道肉質都兼顧到嘅真係唔多✧ Roasted Lamb Loin ($450)唔算係食過最好食嘅羊但絕對唔差🐑而且留返少少皮連帶煎得好夠油香🤏🏻✧ Tiramisu ($120)全晚重心 好食到拍哂手(୨୧• ᴗ •͈)◞︎ ♡首先用大大隻羹好豪邁咁舀已經滿足咗視覺(and心靈)味道方面本豬覺得最特別嘅位係啲mascarpone cheese打得好綿密個口感就好似溶咗嘅棉花糖咁泡泡感之餘又唔會話好似冇食過咁🫧另外個蛋糕都好重酒味被譽為全港第一當之無愧🥇✧ Pannacotta al Pistachio ($140)冇諗過panna cotta都可以做得咁重開心果味💚本身以為係奶/糖味為主不過面頭嘅mandarin gel反而唔係太夾酸味同nuts味唔係太襯如果就咁serve個panna cotta應該仲正✧ Sorbetti e Gelati — Pistachio ($60)Toppings嘅開心果品種好特別係全綠色外皮但老實說冇平時啲開心果咁香然後gelato好滑冇咩奶粉味|ૂ•ᴗ•⸝⸝)開心果味好真好香nuts味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Grissini is Grand Hyatt’s Italian restaurant which is derived from the signature pastry from Piemonte region, Italia. Serving famous breadsticks and Tiramisu, it is renowned for impressive dishes and approachable hospitality where provides authentic Neapolitan experience in Hong Kong. Thanks to Chef Valerio and his teams, I am almost appreciated about the whole service and courses that satisfied my expectations on personal touch.Began with welcoming smiles, the staffs were passionate and sincere to bring me into the lovely place and sit near the front of window seats where can spot in skyscrapers of Victoria Harbor. Comes with renaissance décor, it inspired me to immerse in the Mediterranean city, cultivating fresh ingredients and culinary arts. For the courses, antipasto and dolce were remarkable for their food combination and completion of flavors. The presentation of dishes remained the balance between tradition and creativity. Along with pursuit of simplicity, it is the charming point of Italian cuisine to appreciate the tastiness of fresh ingredients. Impressed by the phenomenal food, Grissini was successful to reach the essential standard on quality of fine-dining experience. On the other hand, I would like to praise what Grissini did on their atmosphere to keep the image of restaurant. Teams are active to approach with the guests and share the believes of southern Italian cuisines as well. As the personable service they made, it is the reason why I will choose Grissini again for breadsticks and its ambient. (i.e. Scoop of Tiramisu highlights the special experience in the way of hospitality)All in all, I was thrilled to have unforgettable moment in Grissini, grazie di cuore!#Not related to tasting event and authentic review for every gourmets continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
網上一直有好人推介呢間意大利餐廳有被外界一致認定既「世一」Tiramisu 所以今次就黎試試佢餐廳平日既lunch set包三道菜起甜品可以有Tiramisu選擇比晚餐經濟d因為係平日所以早一星期book 都有位不過窗邊海景位就比較full我地被安排坐靠牆既一邊但其實景觀都ok都可望到隔離既海景👍前菜同主菜都不過不失以傳統意大利菜為主我今次就集中去為佢地最出名既Tiramisu評分😆雖然份量唔係話好大份但夠哂1-2人做餐後甜品同樣同網上睇到既一樣每次waiter都會捧住一大盤Tiramisu走到客人前即場不一大羹落隻碟度好有儀式感 Tiramisu 濕潤到做得好好 唔會過份濕到出哂水 又唔會拮到好似蛋糕咁酒味同咖啡味都好出 手指餅岩岩好入哂味芝士同蛋香比例做得唔錯 食得出唔會得其中一邊有味👍😋呢個tiramisu真係值得推介 雖然入場成本高d 但誠意十足加上有環境服務質素保證中意tiramisu 既不仿一去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-28
環境優雅古典,每款菜式都精緻美味,配搭美酒香檳、紅白酒及cocktail,趕不及待想再嚟~🥰🥖Breadsticks酥脆香軟𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈🥗INSALATA DI SEPPIA第一眼以為係青瓜卷,原來係墨魚沙拉,口感彈牙又清爽。🦪OSTRICHE GILLARDEAU生蠔飽滿肥美,配搭檸檬醬,入口溶化。🍳UOVO IN CAMICIA流心蛋配上意大利青瓜及羊奶醬,香濃又creamy。🦑CALAMARETTI FRITTI酥炸魷魚十分香口。🧆POLPETTE AL RAGOUT傳統手作肉丸,肉質更結實有咬口。𝐏𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐈🍝SPAGHETTI ALL' ASTICE龍蝦彈牙,意粉煮得剛剛好,加入香濃蕃茄香草,整體十分開胃美味。🥘POLLO PIEMONTESE COTTO IN PENTOLA D' ARGILLA用到羅馬陶罐原隻烤雞,之後將雞肉拌到有羊肚菌、薯仔、洋蔥等濃厚醬汁中,上碟時再加上芳香撲鼻嘅黑松露🖤係我當日最難忘嘅菜式。𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐂𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐙𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐃𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐂𝐈🍰很喜歡甜品都不會太甜膩,拿破崙酥脆,Tiramisu綿密順滑。令人非常滿足。☕️Cuccuma coffee傳統義大利咖啡沖泡方式,咖啡香氣更濃郁突出,濃香而不苦澀,口感順滑。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-15
依度最令我念念不忘當然係佢哋嘅grissini同tiramisu☺️ 新鮮焗好嘅breadsticks煙韌香軟🥖 配埋富咸香嘅鯷魚anchovies一齊食 真係食唔停口🤗 最開心係食到白蘆筍 白蘆筍正值時令嫩口甜度又高😋 有興趣嘅朋友真係要把握喺六月品嚐一吓 📸 ASPARAGI GRATINATI (Grated white asparagus/ parmesan mornay/ mushroom crumble)  SPAGHETTI ALL’ASTICE (Spaghetti/ Atlantic lobster/ piennolo tomato/ basil)  TRICORNO DI WAGYU (Grilled Wagyu top blade/ cardoncelli mushroom/ roasted pumpkin/ pickled Tropea onion)  BURRATA, PANZANELLA, BASILICO (Burrata from Andria/ panzanella emulsion/ roasted cherry tomato/ basil)  ALICI MARINATE ALL’AMALFITANA (Marinated Anchovies/ lemon zest/ chilli/ mint)  GNOCCO VIOLA, ASPARAGI, VONGOLE (Purple potato gnocchi/ clams/ white asparagus/ parsley)  TROTA, ASPARAGI, FRANCIACORTA (Seared rainbow trout/ grilled white asparagus/ Franciacorta sauce/ nasturtium)  SOPPRESSATA CALABRESE (Pressed spicy salami from Calabria) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)