Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit D1, Hung Hom MTR Station continue reading
Boasting subtle, sophisticated comfort, GREEN aims to be an easy breathing space with seamless service. A café by the morning and a Brasserie by the rest of the day, it sits beside one of the Asia’s largest vertical garden designed by world-famous botanist Patrick Blanc. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hotel ICON Lobby Restaurant GREEN
Boasting subtle, sophisticated comfort, GREEN aims to be an easy breathing space with seamless service. A café by the morning and a Brasserie by the rest of the day, it sits beside one of the Asia’s largest vertical garden designed by world-famous botanist Patrick Blanc.

Indulge in the Refreshing Delights of Japanese Fruits: ForestFit Afternoon Tea with Japanese Fruit and AkkMore™
💚GREEN proudly presents the exquisite "ForestFit Afternoon Tea with Japanese Fruit and AkkMore™," a tasteful experience that transports your senses to a world of fresh and tantalizing Japanese fruits! ✨ 😋Immerse yourself in a summer forest-themed three-course afternoon tea, featuring a delightful selection of seasonal fruits air-flown directly from Japan. Delight in the succulent Japanese Miyazaki mango, juicy Japanese Shine Muscat grape, and Japanese peach, etc. Each bite offers a burst of sweetness, perfect for quenching your thirst during this summer☀️. The innovative AkkMore™ formula is ingeniously incorporated into the desserts, significantly reducing fat and calorie content, allowing you to relish guilt-free indulgence! 🌳Indulge in unlimited servings of our homemade reduced-fat Japanese Hojicha and Hokkaido Milk soft-serve ice cream🍦, complemented by a cup of freshly brewed Illy coffee or premium TWG tea for each guest☕. 🗓️ Monday to Friday: Enjoy the indulgent “ForestFit Afternoon Tea with Japanese Fruit and AkkMore™” at the special price of HK$698* for two persons or HK$388* per person. 🗓️ Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holiday: Treat yourself to a glass of French sparkling wine with afternoon tea for HK$768* for two persons or HK$438* per person. 🥂✨ Period: From 2 June to 1 September 2024 Seats are limited, book now to secure your spot 👉🏻: *Prices are subject to 10% service charge. More
About Reward Scheme
Review (737)
GREEN位於唯港薈(HOTEL ICON)大堂,餐廳的裝潢高級優雅,環境寬敞,枱與枱之間也有一定的距離👍🏻牆身滿佈綠色植物,令人感覺非常舒服😌🪴而超高樓底以及巨型落地玻璃窗的設計更顯空間感✨GREEN於晚餐時段供應「海陸滋味」晚市套餐連無限添飲🍷🥂 每天也有不同的主題,喜歡喝酒的我當然要來試試!😍星期二晚上來到,當天menu是「法國鵝肝鮑魚」四道菜晚餐,價錢為HKD578🤍❤️頭盤: 環球海鮮塔(波士頓龍蝦、加拿大雪蟹腳、清酒鮑魚、南中國海蝦、法國海螺)💛湯: 黑松露野菌忌廉湯🤎主菜: 八頭清酒鮮鮑魚配阿根廷草飼西冷牛扒🧡甜品: 蘋果金寶配雲呢拿雪糕而且還包括無限暢飲指定氣泡酒、紅白餐酒、清酒及特色雞尾酒!🤩頭盤及主菜有多款菜式供選擇✨ 整體食物質素不錯,當中以主菜最有驚喜!☺️八頭清酒鮮鮑魚口感柔嫩有嚼勁,味道清新鮮美🤤 而阿根廷草飼西冷牛扒肉質嫩滑多汁,不會過韌,搭配的黑松露紅酒汁更增添了層次感呢~😋在5星級酒店內能夠以這個價錢吃4道菜晚餐及無限暢飲含酒精飲品,真的十分划算!😍而且餐廳沒有時間限制,我們由晚上6時坐到10時半,足足吃及喝了4個半小時🫣 跟朋友們渡過了一個非常開心及滿足的晚上!🥰GREEN地址: 尖沙咀科學館道17號唯港薈地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-16
食物比想像中更好味!尤其甜品,朋友叫的朱古力蛋糕,令人忍不住打卡,吃下去時更忍不住大叫好味(誇張度有點似味吉陽一)。食材很好,朋友的牛扒看上去煎得一般,但因食材上盛吃下去還是很美味。我叫的免治蝦釀螺及另一朋友的豬鞍都美味,調味,配襯都上佳,豬鞍juicy味道亦好,有折扣的情況下其實性價比高。前線人員服務用心而似乎稍欠經驗,例如會送錯了蛋糕,食物上檯或收走餐具時都有點緊張,但配襯可愛的笑容和誠懇用心的態度又令人融化,不忍皺眉,假以時日一定會做得更好,請繼續努力加油。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-10
GREEN,位於尖沙咀科學館道17號唯港薈地舖。 星期六晚上我們一行四人到餐廳食晚餐, 店內樓底高,環境舒適,但冷氣不足。 我們點了生蠔龍蝦四道菜晚餐,已包括有環球海鮮塔、生蠔拼盤、法式龍蝦忌廉湯、炭燒加拿大龍蝦伴澳洲羊鞍、炭燒加拿大龍蝦伴阿根廷牛柳、炭燒加拿大龍蝦伴香煎西班牙豬扒、慢煮法國鴨腿、香煎鵝肝、甜品和無限添飲。 🔸頭盤和湯 ~ 海鮮塔和生蠔都很新鮮,法式龍蝦忌廉湯香濃美味。 🔸主菜 ~ 羊鞍、牛柳、豬扒和鴨, 四款我覺得最出色是豬扒, 厚切爽口。 反而炭燒加拿大龍蝦味道普通,肉質好鬆。 🔸甜品 ~ 甜品味道正常發揮。 🔸飲品 ~ 無限添飲,我們試了有氣酒和紅酒。 整體價錢合理,晚餐加free flow, 可以一邊享受美食一邊飲返杯,不錯的地方。 🏷️溫馨提示~ 整個用餐體驗均屬個人分享意見, 只作參考😊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-28
最近見Hotel icon仲有士多啤梨🍓祭,即刻買黎試下🤭5⭐️:係本人最高分😆環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️食物:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️當日預約左3點,準時去到,都好快可以安排入座,流程快捷👍🏼入座後會有職員講解餐牌,主菜方面,根據人頭選一樣,2個就叫2份。當日叫左一份牛,一份魚。職員都有建議牛扒熟度,非常貼心👍🏼整個套餐,有頭盤,湯,主菜,甜品,鬆餅同任食Godiva🍨是次體驗唔錯😌環境空曠舒服,唔會有壓迫感,樓底高,食物質索不錯,係🍓唔算太甜,可能季節問題。當日生日,餐廳都貼心送上生日蛋糕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-21
一個字~正👍🏻,甜品不是太甜,甜度適中,但有些士多啤梨不是太甜而且有些酸,而且士多啤梨太細粒,只有一粒大的比較好吃,但雪糕任食,$3XX一個人、算是性價比高. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)