Exit D2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
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Review (14)
為左呢個期間限定買一送一offer,要排長龍排隊等買,真誇張。星期日去到5:45截龍,我地剛好係最後一組。士多啤梨雙重巧克力軟雪糕 $55有士多啤梨乾圍邊既脆口脆筒上面係朱古力同士多啤梨軟雪糕兩溝,服務員先係雪糕機擠出雪糕,然後再加上朱古力粉同士多啤梨粉,最後放上一塊印有店名既朱古力牌。雪糕係滑溜,不過朱古力味蓋過士多啤梨味,唔算太甜,買一送一都可以試一次,原價就性價比太低,老老實實同seven軟雪糕質素差唔多遠,不過價錢就差天共地。價錢包送白朱古力兩塊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Godiva 冰黑巧克力凍飲 呢幾日做緊買一送一原價$55 平均$27.5一杯真係超抵呀!之前覺得佢太貴 唔捨得飲 😅今次一試發現 原來不得了!佢味道唔會太甜 好適合香港人口味 朱古力味道非常濃 亦飲得出佢係用咗好多牛奶 🥛 呢杯嘢真係真材實料 好好味 👍🏻#foodiehk #hkfoodie #foodie #香港美食 #foodporn #foodphotography #foodblogger #hkfoodpic #hkfoodinstagram #foodlover #foodstagram #godiva #chocolate #snack #snacks #godivahk continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Godiva Chocolatier (崇光百貨) (銅鑼灣)呢間雪糕又做優惠了~~~而家有買一送一的優惠,另外其中一支可以不用即場食,店員可以給你一張換領券,在限期前換來食便可,所以就算只有得一個人也可以享用這個優惠不用擔心找不到朋友自己一次過要食兩支雪糕。黑朱古力軟雪糕雪糕軟滑,而且再加上黑朱古力醬和朱古力牌,朱古力控的朋友一定喜歡這枝雪糕,另外窩夫甜筒很脆,不是淋身,這個很重要,因為窩夫雪糕筒通常食到最後都會變淋又或者本身已經不脆,但這個由頭食到尾也是脆的,推介👍🏻地址:銅鑼灣軒尼詩道555號崇光百貨B2樓07A&B號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-14
一直以為呢間野好好食,食過幾次之後,真心覺得只係品牌效應,味道好一般!唔通係西式口味所以唔啱我?因為日本royxx 啲貴價朱古力我都覺得唔錯!早前買咗一盒黃色包裝朱古力,大概三百幾蚊,唔算平,算係貴價嘢,不過味道真係好一般,包裝正常,叫做由佢哋牌子喺上面咁囉。味道來講,好死實,朱古力唔算細滑,有朱古力味,不過死甜為主,一盒有好多隻口味,好可惜,每隻口味都唔出色。尤其是白朱古力,完完全全係死甜,完全冇白朱古力應有嘅香味,奶香之類。一盒朱古力咁貴,好可惜,食之無味,棄之可惜,揼咗佢又覺得浪費咗幾百蚊,真係去超級市場買啲幾蚊雞嘅仲好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We deliberately went for the Buy 1 Get 1 Free dark chocolate shake promotion from  18-21/3. The promotion started during those dates from 3pm and had only 100 cups quota per day per branch.The dark chocolate shake ($50) had quite a lot of people lining up, but we went at 2:55pm, so we were around the fifth pair and did not have to wait for long. You could choose whether to add cream on it, but I added cream because I think it added more texture to the shake and makes it taste creamier.The dark chocolate shake was quite rich in chocolate flavor, but it was less creamy and more liquid than I would have expected Godiva's quality to be. Although overall it tasted better than average, I think I had quite high expectations for Godiva, and expected it to be more creamy in texture. Comparatively, the best chocolate drink I had was from Hachiko Cafe in Mong Kok. Their dulcet hot chocolate was way creamier and richer in flavor than Godiva's. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)