8-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
18:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sun
17:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
17:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
Level2 2018-02-10
今晚一行兩大一細諗住去行花市,去之前緊係入大坑醫肚先,成日行過呢間都冇幫襯,其實起初唔知食乜,睇睇餐牌先知食日本海鮮燒烤,見價錢 ok,就試下啦。坐底叫咗個二人餐,原來都幾多嘢食。前菜嚟完,以為海鮮要自己燒,點知個侍應放好個爐之後,佢就一一將海鮮放上爐。另一個估唔到喺,食日本嘢多數食唔鮑,但食到個鰻魚飯,已經停手。今晚有一種喜出望外既感覺,準備起行行花市啦,祝大家新年快樂,心想事成。襯呢間未結業,年三十晚前好過嚟試下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-07
「磯燒」、「浜燒」,係日本其中一種傳統飲食文化,日本人食海鮮最簡單嘅食法。「磯」指岩岸,「浜」指海岸,喺岸邊搭個爐仔,當地嘅漁民會將剛捕獲嘅海產即燒即食,食最新鮮嘅味道,風味十足。店內嘅裝修亦滲透日本小店嘅風味,木板牆身印有唔同漁港嘅名字、天花上掛上魚網、浮波、水泡、日式燈籠同日本漁旗等同漁港有關嘅裝飾物,佈置恍如日本嘅浜燒店。餐廳以燒海鮮嘅浜燒為主,有多款水產選擇,如蠔、鮑魚、帆立貝、榮螺等等,仲有唔少港人都愛吃的蟹膏甲羅燒!另外仲有一手甜蝦,攞到幾多食幾多,靠自己!前菜醃蘿蔔浜燒蝦蟹我哋今次想食少少試下,所以冇點好多嘢!只係點左呢set蝦蟹,分別有鱈場蟹、松葉蟹、海虎蝦同甲羅燒。浜燒嚟到香港慨餐廳就用唔到炭爐,取而代之嘅係便攜式嘅小氣體爐,用明火將海產燒熟,熱力夠平均又快捷。甲羅燒則係喺蟹蓋上放咗松葉蟹膏、蟹肉同生鵪鶉蛋,燒烤時攪勻所有食材燒至略為乾身,蟹膏的鹹香味,加埋鵪鶉蛋漿的蟹膏甘香幼滑,口感軟綿綿,值得一食!松葉蟹腳味道較淡,簡單將蟹腳燒至金黃就食得,香氣撲鼻!鱈場蟹肉質較結實,鮮甜過松葉蟹,我個人比較鍾意呢款蟹。蝦略嫌唔太新鮮,蝦肉唔夠爽彈! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-11-05
拉麵店無位,便到這裡一試。今天算少人吧!坐門口位,冬天可能很冷。試了一手抓蝦,20隻,還可以(平均説是16)。吃完,我們還把蝦頭與大蜆粥加料以提鮮味。食評很多說服務差。今晚可能少人,還不錯。加茶和拿走吃完的碗碟也很快手。整體食物均不錯。可以再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-10-08
As you know I am a big cray fan of Jap food. There is a natural drive inside me for visiting different Jap restaurant in Hong Kong and this time I hit Tai Hang next to Causeway Bay.This restaurant locates in a hideout lane in Tai Hang. You really need a close look for a very Jap shopfront. Brightly-lid shop with a few fish tasks that carry fresh fishies. Inside you can grab a drink like sake and shochu but my fav is defo Highball. Cheap but good. It comes with a lemon wedge so it refreshes your taste buds from time to time. We ordered a table full of food but I love the signature appetisers the best.A dish of fresh and juicy crab claws. Small but good fit your bite. It's a must-order. You don't usually see this in Hong Kong but is rather common back in Jap. As you can see I had actually finished half of them before I rmbed to take pics. The deep-fried sardines were not as good. Too oily and not as crispy as I expected. But still were good to go with some booze.Don't forget to "play"! I don't exactly rmb the price (shd be around 60 HK bucks?) and you can get a handful of anaebi (google it it's a kind of tiny but sweet shrimps you often see on sushi). Literally a HANDFUL, as they would give you a glove to grab a handful of shrimps by yourself. The bigger your grip is the more shrimps you will grab for the same price! Who can expect this bit of fun during dinner? It was really a delight to dine here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-04-06
路過很多次望進去總見人食海鮮,總覺得會很貴~~~地方不大,兩個人來的話很大可能要搭枱趁著有朋友生日就來交"入場費"入場查個究竟!食物種類繁多, 從剌身燒物串燒到煮物, 不多又不少但全都令你想食最終點了:1. 燒三貝有大蜆,蠔及扇貝全都燒得剛好, 熱辣辣又JUICY, 海鮮靚的話只要不OVERCOOK都差不到那裏去扇貝還加了香草牛油, 香濃到一個點!2.燒野菜拼盤有粟米冬菇蕃薯南瓜青辣椒燒得微焦,令蔬菜本身的甜更濃郁3.清湯大硯粥, 一份兩碗, 每碗有一隻大硯, 仲有蛋花冬菇絲米水分隔, 不似廣東粥似潮州粥, 香甜滋味醬料雖是配角, 但我強烈推介柚子胡椒, 不管點蔬菜還是肉類都令味道變得濃郁刺激, 令人另眼相看比起很多當日本是第二個家的香港人我沒資格談真假日本菜,反而以一個普通香港人來說,此店從裝修佈局到食物都蠻有特色 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)