Restaurant: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (12)
54268200 (WhatsApp)
Inspired by the Jiangnan region, south of the Yangtze River, an area famed for its skillfully crafted snacks and delicacies. Restaurant serves authentic dishes that are made on-site to ensure quality. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Accessible Environment Details
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (321)
Level2 2024-08-18
嗯,好久沒來拉面小籠包了。過來時代廣場,路過,然後看到不用排隊,果然果斷的進來。點了招牌的擔擔面。招牌小籠包然後還有經典的炸銀絲卷。擔擔面酸辣可口。面確實很勁道。一定那個剪面了,不減的話,面太長了,吃不了了。還有花生碎,然後這個湯很香。吃完一碗了,還要吃一碗。然後小籠包面皮很勁道。站點薑絲醋就沒這麼膩!這搭配非常好!銀絲卷,一定要佔這個煉奶。然後一定要選炸的口感更豐富。出品還是有保證的哈一個人吃,可以吧!? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-05
經過見到翡翠就入去食,一嚟就有枱,由於電話冇電,便向男職員Dee詢問下單,佢好耐心咁幫我亦推介適合我嘅食物,上菜快,到埋單時另一職員Shek好好提醒我用匯豐卡會優惠,令我感受到好愉快 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-01
今日去了時代廣場翡翠拉麵小籠包,本來想食擔擔麵,但朋友話要試新菜式「夏酒菜」,所以就點了幾味,前菜及主菜,由於呢度正在和洋河股份合作,凡惠顧夏酒菜就可以$238加購梦之藍(M6+)65ML乙支,順理成章便飲了幾杯,朋友仲話同餸好夾,嗒得杯落,美酒配佳餚,吃餐飯食得好滋味。藤椒豆干絲,藤椒入饌成為了菜餚上的大熱,以楊州特製的豆乾絲加入了藤椒及秘製醬料,豆乾絲吸收了藤椒的香中帶麻,口感清爽,這道涼伴小食,辣度刺激性較小,怕辣者也能試,令人更開胃。簡單的先用豉油來醃鴨舌,讓鴨舌經過風乾後,肉身收縮及水份乾透後,蒸熟便可,入口時肉質爽口,越嚼越香。鳳梨板肉,板肉其實是豬頸肉,侍應話大廚先用白酒浸4小時,令豬頸肉去油兼入味,再將之蒸個半小時,由於在醃製豬頸肉時,加入了白酒令肉質更軟化,因此在蒸的過程時,有助於釋放肉中的天然風味,同時還會增加酒的香氣;吃時記住與鳳梨同吃,不但中和了厚切豬頸肉的肥膩感,入口即溶的口感,鬆軟滑溜,更是佐酒的良伴。.辣炒雞樅菌牛肉,選用新鮮雞樅菌取其肉厚肥碩,質細絲白,雖然其食法有很多種,但大廚選用牛柳頭來作主要材料,入口時雞樅菌味道鮮甜香脆,與肉質鮮嫩的牛肉超夾,非常的惹味配搭,而雞樅菌有齊人體所必需的蛋白質、脂肪,還含有各種維生素和鈣、磷、核黃酸等物質,用作伴飯或佐酒也不錯的選擇。排骨陝西潑麵,選用了陝西原產的秦椒,這種秦椒便是辣椒中的佳品,將辣椒粉潑上熱油淋在熱辣辣的麵條上,那香味全數衝進鼻腔內,聞到好想9秒9 送進口內,入口時記住要將麵及自家製葱油醬油撈勻,每條爽口的麵條沾上了少辣的香氣,齋吃麵已令人難以忍口,配埋酥香的排骨,簡直是完美的組合。依家食夏酒菜就可以$238加購梦之藍(M6+)65ML乙支,純酒配佳餚,都不錯架。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-30
喺時代同人Shopping,心血來潮想食小籠包,咁啱下午茶時間睇到翡翠門口冇乜人排隊,就選擇入黎食,點了小籠包,水煮牛肉拉麵,酸辣湯三樣野,等左十五左右野食就到齊,小籠包皮薄多汁而冇漏,酸辣湯味道夠濃,最值得讚就係水煮牛肉拉麵,湯底麻同辣都調整到好好,麵條爽口彈牙,用膳其間,會主動問我地需唔需要加茶,要唔要甜品,服務好週到,整體上都OK,唯一美中不足的,就係旁邊大陸人好嘈,下次會選擇再同朋友或屋企人過黎食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
午餐lunch set都幾抵食, 又夠飽, 有個麵主食, 一個小食, 一個飲品, 仲有碟菜菜心或芥蘭, 都幾抵食,  店員有禮, 主動提供協助, 上野食時間都快, 啲野都夠熱, 我地仲叫多咗一客小籠包, 無令人失望, 多湯汁, 夾上嚟都唔易穿, 有時擺耐咗凍咗會黏住張底紙, 一夾就黏住張紙, 整穿哂, 漏哂啲汁出嚟, 今次無呢個情況, 幾好幾好店員服務幾好, 主動協助, 見到我地望到啲食具有啲啲污糟, 即刻主動話, 不如幫我地換咗佢, 唔錯, 好有心入座快, 出菜都好快, 啲野都好熱辣辣, 呢度係自助落單, 埋單都好順暢, 因為係出去櫃檯度埋嘅,  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)