Restaurant: | Chrisly Café (Sai Yeung Choi Street South) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
The restaurant owners most likely are the practitioner in the music industry. One of the owner s is EO2 member and actor, Eddie Pang. Thus, the fried egg topped with perigord truffle is nice and popular.
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 21:30
07:00 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
送完對仔女返學同老公撐枱腳食早餐!好耐冇食華星嚕,經過見到華星,我同老公好自然就入咗去!因為想食經典港式早餐,華星的早餐絕對係唔會令人失望!一朝早人唔算多,好快有位!一坐低,我哋諗都唔駛諗直接叫兩份早餐配炒蛋多士 😋😋好味!依舊好味!同以前一樣,佢啲炒蛋夠滑同軟淋淋份量也足夠!佢個通粉不嬲都係咁正,啲通粉口感好,湯底正,真係會唔覺唔覺,差啲連湯都飲曬🥰塊多士都一樣咁值得讚,軟林林脆卜卜又厚切喎,真心正!我好鍾意將啲滑滑嘅炒蛋放上塊包度食!一啖咬落去,簡直係大滿足😍呢份經典華星早餐絕對無得輸👍🏻
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華星冰室 (西洋菜南街) (旺角)地方就腳喺始創中心附近,地鐵站行上少少就到🙈入到餐廳坐低好友懷舊風!坐得都幾舒服😎只有嗌咗個雞扒煎蛋飯🥸估唔到走汁都可以咁好食!普通雞扒都可以咁入味!外皮又好酥脆,內部多汁鮮嫩!份量都唔少😍最緊要價錢唔貴!環境抽風都好好~唔會食到有啲油煙味係身上帶走🫡☺️下次會再嚟食🫡地點:旺角西洋菜南街107號地舖🔸味道:9/10🔸環境服務:9/10🔸推薦:9/10
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華星冰室係由EO2其中一個成員Eddie開既, 所以入到去會見到好多明星相攞黎做宣傳。冰室好多人, lunch time黎食係滿晒人, d waiter都講求效率, 一個落完單會即刻next, 如果係特餐呢啲你講完主食佢會即問煎蛋定炒蛋, 飲品, 小編落單個陣覺得有少少壓力 😅 同時又覺得好搞笑, 幾有港式文化食物都係同茶餐廳無乜分別, 都係$4-50蚊一個飯或餐, 炒蛋幾滑, 最有趣既係公仔麵要自己加公仔麵粉 🤣 係咪攞黎比大家打卡用? 不過一定要落, 唔落淨得沙爹牛味係唔夠味既, 雞扒有少少脆, 夠厚身, 平平地食一餐都唔錯既
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相信呢家係好多人午餐便食首選!方便又美味 真係平靚正👍🌟滑蛋叉燒飯+港式奶茶 HKD 50滑蛋好Q彈稍稍流心蛋與飯比例剛剛好炒蛋愛好者大推!中意原味無糖健康低卡奶茶濃郁茶味 少少苦澀口感係亮點!飯後飲一杯好清爽🍵🌟鲜茄牛肉飯 HKD 60肉量超足! 肉質嫩滑Q彈適合搭配番茄芡汁拌飯🍅
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