Exit E/ L3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Close to the heart of Hong Kong diners for more than 50 years, Chesa boasts three generations of loyal customers. This bijou and romantic Alpine chalet is where welcoming and cosy meet delectable in an unpretentious and relaxed setting. Chesa is a haven for cheese lovers with raclette and fondue, and the menu also features classic Swiss favourites such as veal "Zurichoise," sausages with rösti, spätzli and a host of delectable delights. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Business Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Dress Code : Smart casual. Please refrain from wearing sports attire (including vests, exercise pants and sports leggings) or beachwear (including flip-flops, beach sandals and plastic footwear). Closed-toed shoes, long trousers and sleeved shirts are required for gentlemen. Child Policy: Children under 3 are not permitted.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Last order time 14:00 & 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
One Person One Pot
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (379)
Level4 2024-04-16
上年聖誕節去咗Chesa食個聖誕大餐,滿心歡喜咁着到靚一靚去影相同埋食嘢,叫左佢哋set dinner,其實唔算好貴,都係千零蚊一位,以喺半島到食餐晚餐真係覺得抵,淨係個環境裝修都值回票價。可惜食物方面真係有少少大失所望,每道菜由前菜去到主菜都係每擺入口一下都要皺一皺眉頭,可能唔係好啱我胃口,所以呢餐飯都有啲失望,好在甜品朱古力蛋糕係好食,甜而不漏,質地鬆軟,都叫做挽回分數,不過下次都係搞掂試吓半島第二間餐廳😮‍💨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-27
瑞士木屋裝修特瑞士餐廳位於半島酒店內。主打芝士🫕火鍋,因為不太好芝士火鍋。餐包3款,其中兩款偏硬點了蟹肉班戟,份量較小,配龍蝦汁,味道很好👍🏻羊架肉質鮮嫩,配有馬鈴薯好吃最後送上甜點 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-13
同朋友聖誕聚餐想搵間有氣氛又唔算太貴嘅餐廳,就可以考慮午餐時段,可以食到一樣餐點但便宜一半價錢!而今次就試左位於半島酒店嘅Chesa,聖誕期間酒店做了Chanel佈置,所以人量較多,幸好都聚集了在酒店地下大堂位置,餐廳樓層不算多人,因為有提早預訂所以不用等就直接入座了,雖然我們遲到了,但致電餐廳改時間時侍應都好友善幫我們延後時間。食物方面因為是正宗瑞士菜,味道唔算太適合香港人口味,芝士火鍋有點苦,因為有酒,但想試一試正宗瑞士菜的話都值得去的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-04
之前因為朋友識呢度有個經理,所以嚟咗幾次,一直都覺得佢哋服務好好,所以就算嗰個經理走咗之後我都諗住同我朋友嚟做生日。咁之前已經同佢哋講我朋友生日叫佢整個生日牌。以往佢哋會問使唔使叫啲甜品其實就知道要同你安排送個生日牌,今次冇啦咁跟住我問佢攞個甜品Menu咁睇完一輪都冇嗰啲idea所以就走去問咗個男侍應我唔知係經理啊定係普通嘅侍應,我就話我book嗰陣時已經講話我朋友生日想安排個生日牌,我睇到Menu嗰間屋,跟住佢同我講呢間屋呢,如果你想喺上面寫個名呢係要預早order嘅,咁我當日訂枱嗰陣時有冇人同我講咁算啦,我話好啊咁你哋有冇啲咩提議?我哋兩個大人三個細路仔其實都係share食咁佢好求其答其實我哋樣樣都可以share 㗎喎,睇你想食咩啊,其實以往佢哋啲同事都會介紹阿里不如可以食呢樣嘢或者呢樣嘢或者呢樣嘢然後我哋可以同你擺個生日牌上去。最後我真係乜都冇叫就走咗雖然佢哋送咗幾個啲蛋糕仔啲甜品俾我哋,但我唔認為一間五星級酒店係咁樣樣。相信我都唔會再嚟,今次係最後一次你間餐廳食嘢,老實講啲細路仔食得幾多兩個大人食咗$2000.1個午餐但係遇到佢咁嘅答問題,我真係唔係一個港女要你有超級嘅服務,只不過基本你俾啲提議都可以啩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🧀 Fondue Montagnarde ($368):A must-try at Chesa! Their cheese fondue comes in two options. We went for the milder wine flavour. It's made with four types of cheese, resulting in a savoury and fragrant taste and served with baguette. Satisfaction guaranteed!🦀🥞 Crab Meat Pancake with Lobster-Armagnac Cappuccino ($418):This pancake is unlike any other! It is packed with generous amounts of crab meat and topped with a rich lobster sauce. A seafood lover's dream comes true.Chalet Suisse Chocolate Cabin | A Must-Try Instagrammable Dessert:Chesa's signature dessert is a chocolate cabin shaped like an Alpine chalet. Pour the vanilla ice cream over the chocolate roof and savour the rich and intense dark chocolate flavour. A picture-perfect treat!🐟 Smoked Salmon Supreme and Fresh Salmon Tartar on Beetroot Carpaccio ($388):It is a visually stunning seafood dish. The smoked salmon and fresh tartar complement each other perfectly, while the citrus cream adds a refreshing twist. The beetroot carpaccio adds both flavour and visual appeal.🍖 Herb and Butter-Roasted 10-oz Veal Chop ($508):Indulge in a tender veal chop with flavorful sides including ceps, fondant potato, and fresh beans. The decadent morel cream sauce takes it to the next level. A meat lover's delight! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)