Specialises in Burgers. They also have Burger and Beer Combo according to the country that the burger is designed for. For example, if you get an Australian burger, the combo will come with a Australian Crown Lager. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
羊肉漢堡 英式漢堡 墨西哥式漢堡
Review (9)
Level3 2010-10-04
辦完要事後,開始餓了。結果特地走到此店,因上班地點不順路,趁機會用它的free cobb salad coupon。今早吃的lamb kebab令我掛著土耳其kebab,結果叫了turkish lamb burger with tzatziki和cobb salad。 Cobb salad本來有我不喜歡的blue cheese和blue cheese dressing,店長特別幫我在salad兩邊分別加了vinaigrette dressing和balsamic dressing讓我兩種也試過夠。沙律裏除了必有的生菜,還有grilled chicken breast、牛油果、甘甜的beetroot及炸煙肉。雞胸肉竟然不鞋身,剛熟且鹹度適中。牛油果也是熟得剛好,很香滑,沒有未熟透的牛油果的青味和硬身的咬口。炸煙肉雖不夠cripsy,但炸過的始終會香口。Dressing方面vinaigrette dressing比balsamic dressing遜色,因它不太夠香草味和橄欖油而令dressing太酸。Balsamic dressing的油和醋比例較平衡,富有葡萄香和橄欖油香。Lamb burger with tzatziki就是有feta cheese的lamb patty,另有生菜番茄紅洋蔥,飽上也塗有tzatziki(有蒜頭、青瓜乳酪等等的版本,這裏是混了薄荷葉碎的特濃原味乳酪)。Feta cheese奶味不算太重,微鹹,配這飽的lamb patty不錯。但塊lamb patty過實,咬不開,切開也頗費力,幸好羊肉味濃,令我覺得尚可接受。紅燈籠椒沒苦澀味; Tzatziki吃得到薄荷香,乳酪酸味不淡不過重,連lamb patty吃真不錯,是我一向吃lamb kebab的配料首選。清掉一大碟沙律和burger,十分飽。單計lamb burger的話埋單$53,超滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-10-04
由於是30號係長假期的前一天,仲有果日時不時就下大雨,成個中環啲restaurantsssss都無位,我地由山腳行到山頂先揾到落腳地!這間burger house 我已經係第二次黎,上次黎只不過喝左支beer~ 今次先可以試到佢的burger! 我同男朋友仔都唔食牛肉,所以我地好細心咁睇個menu...之後俾我地發現左佢的Hot Dogs 係用100%用牛肉 sausage ! 如果唔食牛的朋友仔要注意喔~我地order了: 1) Habibi lamb burger ( grilled lamb ) : 個sauce 好好味,不過個羊肉就好似簿左小小~我好鐘意佢個味~好香的羊肉味(so ...)!2) Cajun Chicken ( Grilled chicken breast ):佢果兩件雞胸肉真係好大件!可惜男朋友仔話雞肉有啲乾,好似燒耐左啲啲~3) Cobb Sald (Chicken, bacon , blue chesse, avocado and blue cheese dressing ): 由於我好鐘意食blue cheese,所以覺得個味道好正,好香!但男朋仔就好怕,食左一兩口就等手!4) Beer x 2: Honey and Apple:我上次試過honey beer,今次飲 Apple beer !味道好似飲Juice 甜甜地~好易入口! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Good things never last, I mean sometimes they do, but most of the time as soon as the shop receives too much praise then become relaxed with quality control, the performance drops right off the cliff. I ordered a Lebanese Burger - made of grilled Halloumi cheese, Hummus spread and Zataar herbs, the buns were stone cold this time, yet the top bun became burnt and held a burnt taste and smell. I suspect bad sychronisation with toasting the buns versus cooking the meat, before assembling it together with the salad.- The Beef Patty was way smaller in diameter than my 1st visit, it was very over-cooked and dried out even to the centre. The only good thing being it still had beef flavours. The patty was just too much narrower than the bun!- Halloumi cheese pieces, were also really cold. *********************Very amateurish performance compared to my 1st visit to here, when it was still great. Yet looking at their reshuffling of the shop's internal decoration, it seems like they're about to change this more into a pub than a true burger joint. (Absolute Burger is way better than here lately!) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚, 星期四, 去玩之前到呢間店到食返餐先~ 時間約10pm, 店鋪入面只有2張台客人. 環境幾靜, 好relaxing. 燈光都幾暗下, 但都仲睇到menu, 但個情調真係唔錯~ service好好, d waiters好friendly同helpful. very good~ 一望個menu, 有n咁多種burgers, 每個都可以配set (either beer or soft drink) 或者just the burger. 齋burger就最平, 配chips & soft drink 就貴多 $10, 配chips & beer 就再加多$15~ burger大部分都係roughly $40左右~ 都算係咁丫個價錢 (其實係呢個location, 算平架喇~ ). 但真係好多款, 都幾難決定要乜野, 我認為如果多d人一齊食既話可以試多幾個國藉, 會開心d~ 同朋友共2人, 叫左一個 mexican burger with chips & a drink ($58) 同 masala chicken burger ($40) share.according to the description on the menu,mexican burger:grilled beef patty with gaucamole, salsa, and green chilis.實物: 成個burger好厚, 疊到好高. 有好大塊beef (好入味, 唔係壓到好實但絕對唔會易散, 腍腍地, 煎得好香~ 正!), 另外有tomato同lettuce (大量已切絲). veggie新鮮幾甜同爽, 但唔凍. 如果之前係雪過既話, 冰d會再加分. 但都唔錯~ 成個包其實食落就唔辣既 (even d sauce supposed係辣既~). 咁多個醬入面, 最出係salsa, 可能因為蕃茄醬本身係出d, 所以就cover左gaucamole既味~ 但我嫌所有sauce份量都較少, 有d唔夠, 佢放返多d既話會好d~ 但其實佢差不多每張台都有mustard同ketchup, 唔夠佢既sauce可以自己落呢兩種~ btw, d waiters見到我地台冇 (而我地亦冇留意到), 好主動咁拎俾我地~ 幾好喎~ 至於d chips就炸得唔錯~ 脆同金黃, 而且唔油, 唔會食到成手都係油~ 同埋有好多, 食唔哂~ masala chicken:masala chicken breast with raita sauce實物: 成個burger又係好厚同又係疊到好高. 有大塊chicken breast(呢個就唔係幾好因為d肉好實, texture唔得, 而且煎得唔係好香, 差左少許), 又係有tomato同lettuce, 但我就頂唔順個raita sauce. 呢個sauce不論聞定味都好似cheese (因為我唔鐘意太cheese既野), 所以有點想嘔~ 個sauce入面既粒粒好refine, 好細粒, 都ok既~ 但總之我就唔多欣賞呢個burger~另外, 個包既入面係有烘過, 所以好脆, 正~ 而且成個包都好易一分為二, 好易切~ 唔錯~ 同埋個manager見只得我個friend有drink, 我冇, 所以都送左杯drink俾我 (呢杯diet coke就咁order都要$28~), 真係多謝哂~ 算係頗美好既一餐~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-17
此店型式,並不是漢堡包快餐店,而是有services的酒吧feel餐廳。我只是買外賣,那外籍店店招呼我坐,又給我一杯小冰水!遠遠的到來,為的是素食豆泥漢堡(Felafel Burger)。在回家途中不斷發出陣陣香味。帶到回家,原本麵包是否脆香,已分不了。打開包裝紙,被包size嚇親!大到直徑有11cm~心急切開那片黑忟忟的鷹嘴豆蓉煎餅,是草綠色的!有點驚訝。原來是菜蓉吧!愛試騎呢野的我,很欣賞它的創意!底層那朕中東Tahina醬,有點像我很喜歡的雞心豆醬,好味!整體上此包的確好健康,件菜煎餅還有點「蟬」的感覺。不過佢多左茴香、孜然等香料調味,分散齋感。滿足試慾就好了,漢堡包,都是肉包開心Dp.s.食完好滯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)