All Branches (46)
Good For
Private Party
Opening Hours
16:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday
16:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday Eve
16:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Smoking Area
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (2)
Level1 2018-01-29
the food of this bar is alright, this is just the customer throw up near the park in the entrance front, this is really annoying to anyone who passer by in next morningcan the staff have a look at it? do something about the vomit? you can ask any one passer-by in next morning, how they feel about this, do they see this, please consider environment, any passer-by, neighbours, elderly, thank you continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-08
努力了三小時後, 心情大放鬆. 夜晚約好朋友去維園, 不過時間尚早, 就在巴士站旁的一間酒吧. 整返一杯先. 5點幾, 酒吧得我一個在Happy Hour, 後來才驚覺, 自己當了水魚.此食評不會長, 因為地方不用去特別形容, 感受完全冇, 太平洋酒吧, 只是一間連鎖式既港式酒吧, 沒有特別. 不過, 店佈播著MTV, 幸好讓我認識了Lady Gaga 是何方神聖.叫了一支喜力, 慢慢飲, dum 時間. 伴上的果仁花生不太吸引, 食食下, 不如叫份小吃. 因為夜晚要成9點10點先食野. 係呢一個鐘數, 食少少, 頂下肚, 就決定叫碟雞軟骨, 佐酒.飲番杯冰凍啤酒, 高歌一曲氣量厚. 這氣量, 就留了在維園才高唱. 啤酒夠凍, 用酒精減下壓力, 其實是不錯的選擇. 小吃, 等左好耐才有. 雞軟骨, 炸出來的, 粒粒香氣十足, 而且外邊肉味香, 裡而帶一粒軟骨頭, 好有咬口. 只可惜, 隔油隔得唔好. 食到成嘴油, 雖有啤酒降下溫, 但一個人食, 都覺得幾熱氣. 找數, 生客 = 水魚, 因為夠時間起錨到維園, 俾左錢就走. 收了我78元. 在巴士上計一計數, 啤酒happy hour $20, 雞軟骨$38.....點計得出78出來.......啤酒昆了我正價乎.......定碟果仁計X左我錢.......港式吧一個不好處, 就是不夠老實......試過同朋友暢飲...叫了兩round野都博我地幪, 冇找錢....實在對呢D咁既 local bar, 失望. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)