3-min walk from Exit B1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (22)
Level3 2024-07-17
今日有時間可以坐叮叮(電車),輕輕鬆鬆由上環坐到北角,其實是去筲箕灣的。不過,中午太陽下要等這尾站車。。。坐到北角再行過去好了。到了這店,一看,見到泰王,而這間的人好似nice war~而我自己鍾意個cup。有d心思。個金邊粉份量是ok的,有紅蝦仔。而蝦球是有開邊,有d工夫。如果蝦球可以大d,當然好d。今次彩蛋和平時不一樣了,好有人性。在電車上,有個女孩子要和父母分開坐,結果到有位時,小朋友已經眼紅紅,楚楚可憐。坐前面的老婆婆都主動想讓位給小孩。可能小孩不太記得食了什麼或看了什麼,不過我都好確定她一定記得這一幕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
從來沒有食過一間餐廳,一坐低掉張Menu俾你就秒速問你食咩。問佢可唔可以轉其他粉 。即刻就西口西面咁對住你都唔想同你講一句 。叫左30分鐘都未上齊啲餐,問佢得未就黑你面。上左15分鐘唔夠就叫你早啲走 。服務水準完全慘過大排檔 。說好的海南雞飯加油飯,點知變咗白飯,連商品說明條例都搞唔掂 。叫少甜冇少甜,叫走甜又變咗多甜 。午市送coupon大大隻字300 送50,點知背面細細隻字17:30 之後先用得 。我從來都未試過落劣評,不過今次真係忍唔住 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-09
今日嚟試一間曼谷泰菜試下佢下午茶, 佢下午茶嘅款式都多, 而家做緊小食買一送一優惠。咁我哋兩個人分別叫咗個豬扒撈檬、一個芒果糯米飯、另外送嗰個就係泰式鳳爪, 豬扒撈檬份量夠夠兩個人, 食味道唔錯;個芒果糯米飯正常發揮, 冇乜特別;個鳳爪唔係話佢唔好食但係佢嗰個酸汁唔係太啱我個人口味, 係食得落口, 嘅但係未處於話好好食嗰個情況。現場都多人食下午茶而佢哋嘅服務亦都可以講得上係貼心, 地方清潔不再話下, 服務員有錯單漏單會即刻同你跟進, 總括嚟講我會再返嚟食多次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-27
Went here with with my family for lunch. .I got Thai Rice Noodle in Laksa with Seafood. It came with a lot of spices, but the broth didn't taste strong. The rice noodle was quite sloppy and the seafood like mussels tasted rather plain. My dad got Thai Rice Noodle in Tom Yum Soup with Seafood. Its flavour was much richer in comparison. The hot and sour soup blended in better with the spices and seafood. My mom had Yellow Curry Beef Brisket with Rice. It looked appetising and smelled aromatic. The beef brisket was tender and soft, and the curry made a good match with the rice. My sis had Boat Rice Noodle. She was overwhelmed by the garlic and thought the noodle was mediocre. Not a memorable dish. .The resto was spacious, but the floor was a bit sticky and the hygiene was a bit worrying. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-12-08
今次食海南雞飯和炒金邊粉,整體味道是可以的,蝦也許是雪藏,無乜味道。平時鍾意食黃咖喱牛腩多啲。今次轉下口味。午餐加$12 有兩件甜品,椰汁千層糕,食過好多間泰國野,呢間係整得最好食,軟糯適中,微熱,加埋椰汁perfect !我剛剛坐低等朋友時,侍應細心地提我,若怕凍,可以坐左面,無咁近風口位👍🏼之後見到有個行動不方便的老人家離開餐廳時,可能行得太慢,度自動門慢慢咁關上,旁邊做緊野的侍應即刻禁開口制幫佢,反應好快、細心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)