Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level3 2012-05-06
臨近考未期試, 壓力非常大...... 減壓方法當然是食美食同寫食評今天在學校温習, 剛巧今天是星期四 , 男朋友便提議到 Angelo's , 因為港大學生最近逢星期四下午茶時段, 有任食優惠! , 都應該推出左個幾二個月?? 之前因為減肥和没有時間, 所以一直都没有試 . 今天, 壓力爆燈情況之下, 不得不放縱開心一下! 男朋友之前食過, 叫我不要抱太大期望, 只有最平的pizza , 意粉, 薯條, 雪糕, 他當時食只需38大元 , 這個價錢, 即使難食, 也不會太心痛吧! 下晝三點, 開始肚餓了 !! 太約四點幾到達, 原來任食優惠時間是3:30-6:30pm , 價錢也從38元提升到50元, 即使50元都值得試試啊, 這些貴價意大利西餐,平時食都要百幾蚊, 現在食二片pizza 都值回票價啦! (一片最平$36 ) . 四點幾 , 有二枱大學生, 都是食任食的 , 吉枱多的是 , 應該是同學們都比心機温習, 唔似得我咁去懶惰 . 食物篇: 任食的種類有 pizza , 長通粉, 炸物, 雪糕, 汽水 . 基本的食物都齊全, 但缺乏肉類和沙津 , (如果有肉類, 價錢應該會暴升) PIZZA: 有二款最平的PIZZA , 分別是< 傳統辣肉腸>和 <蕃茄芝士>. 只試了傳統辣肉腸 , 因為攤凍了, 所以芝士凝固了, 賣相也不大討好了 幸好食物是會refill 的 可惜不會換款式, , 新鮮熱辣出壚傳統辣肉腸pizza果然好食多了!!!!. pizza批底的厚度是介乎pizza hut 厚批和pizza express 的pizza (薄如餅乾) 中間, 我覺得這個厚度最適中 食一片後不會太飽, 心信辣肉腸該會是這任食中的惟一肉類 (真識做生意) , 芝士份量很多! 底下有一層蕃茄醬, 還有一些特別的調味粉, 十分野味 !! 六時多:竟然有新款pizza 出現 ----<紐約長島> : 磨菇, 黑橄欖 , 意式香腸 , 這個配搭黑沉沉, 令我不感興趣, 又凍了點, 所以只淺嘗一口, 香腸很咸, 有獨特的黑橄欖香味, 但灘凍了的pizza , 很難稱上為好味. 意粉: 貫砌始終, 只有香草三文魚碎長通粉 十分普通, 杰tata的 汁, 極少量的三文魚碎, 幸好有香草為它挽留一點分數. 聽聞之前會有肉醬意粉, 現在只得一款意粉( 加上不合我的口味), 只有白汁, 没有紅汁, 很單調呢 小食 : 薯條和炸洋蔥圈 , 薯條香脆得很, 最喜歡吃有薯皮的薯條, 較脆身, 還有點咬口, 薯條粗長, 十分足料! 還沉上黑椒碎 ! 洋蔥圈麻麻, 我不喜歡洋蔥, 所以只吃了一口, 它看似很大個圈, 但原來洋蔥含量很少, 炸漿多得很! 雪糕: 一直以為 , $50 的價錢應該只有雀巢雪糕吧, 甫進入店裡, 就被雪糕櫃吸引著! , 是angelo的gelato !! . 總共有10款口味 : 士多啤梨" 香橙芒果味 " 橙味香草 " 薄荷朱古力碎 " 雲呢那 " 提子棉花糖" 朱古力味有四款 : 橙味朱古力, 朱古力tiramisu, 旋風朱古力, 麵包朱古力. 食了一點咸點才食雪糕, 可惜, 薄荷朱古力已沽清 眼見橙味香草所餘無幾 , 又從來未食過, 就試一球吧! 一直都少食橙味雪糕, 一來少供應, 二來我覺得橙是酸的, 所以最多有橙味雪笆, 橙味雪糕太人工了. 這個橙味香草是橙色, 夾雜著"海帶"般的東西, 真的不太討好, 這些"海帶"應該是香草吧, 甘甘甜甜, 而橙色的雪糕也不出所料, 没有橙的味道 , 卻甜得很. 提子棉花糖和士多啤梨的色素真嚇人; 淺紫色, 粉紅色 , 我不敢吃>< 開始進軍四款朱古力! 首先試橙味朱古力, 橙味不突出, 雪糕十分香滑 , creamy ; 旋風朱古力, 所謂的旋風就是白色的煉奶吧, 有一粒粒的朱古力碎, 這款的口感不錯. 其實這4款朱古力雪糕的味道真的大同小異, 只能靠它們的配料 而出. 我個人最中意朱古力tiramisu ! 朱古力雪糕帶有芝士蛋糕味, 不會太甜, 還有朱古力蛋糕碎增加口感! 而麵包朱古力可以不試, 只是少量雪硬了的麵包粒藏在朱古力雪糕裡. 二人總共食了6杯! 十分滿足!!每杯的分量大約有一大球, 當然可以要求增/減量, 店員都很樂意幫你! 飲品: 汽水和清水 可改善之處 : 放置食物的地方有蚊, pizza 一涼了, 就有蚊在上面盤旋 令我不敢吃了 ; 可以環保一點吧, 因為自助人士是用紙碟和紙(/膠) 杯, 很不環保! 環境篇: 一直都以為餐廳在播歌 , 原來是真人live show ! . 一開始以為是她自己自告奮勇大展歌喉, 但她不停地唱了2個小時, 應該是Angelo's 請她來唱歌的! . 真的唱得不錯! 廣東歌, 國語歌, 英文歌, TVB主題曲都有(oncall36小時都有)! , 還有吉他伴奏, 感覺很悠然自得 . 餐廳的光線較為陰暗 . 服務 : 店內有不少員工 他們都很樂意幫忙, 例如見你站在 雪糕櫃前面, 會立刻問你要什麼味道 . 小食refill 也挻快. ! 原來這個優惠叫" hku mixer ", 應該是想以低價吸引大學生來談天, 交流 , 大學現在很擠迫, 没有容身之所, 所以的而且確真是一個好地方! 由大學行下來大約15分鐘, 挻方便! 也是下午茶的好地方! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2012-04-25
Good food. Pizza really nice and generous on the cheese and toppings. PLace has a clean modern look. I found out from the waiter that this is part of Fat Angelo's. Ice cream is really good too, with some interesting flavors. Try the licorice and orange. Tastes much better than it sounds! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-03
路過見到有 $48 set lunch, 咪試下囉.入面黑孖孖, 大部份係四人枱, 中間有一張可以坐多d人嘅長高枱外面都有大概三張枱, 但係馬路邊.... 比較大灰塵基本上係快餐形式, 自己叫, 俾個號碼牌你, 整好服務生會攞食物來俾你.$48 set lunch, 好似飛機餐咁放好晒係托盤一碗仔沙律一碗仔湯/一杯汽水一份主菜一件芝士蛋糕一份膠餐具飲水要自己去搞, 紙杯 真係 environmental unfriendly主菜有四款, 一行幾人試左其中三款:1, 磨菇汁吉列豬扒焗飯 - 正常味, 份量剛剛好2, 千層粉 - 正常味, 可以兩個人share3, Butcher's Pizza - 正常味, 但好乾 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
In Kennedy Town recently Angelo's opened near my home. At first during the renovation period i thought it would be a Fat Angelo's opening but later i realized it was just a new restaurant with a similar name. Anyway i'm a big pizza fan and so we went on the opening day to get a pizza and some pasta. My first surprise was that the restaurant was designed more for take away and delivery customers and that seating areas were very simple like in a fast food restaurant. My second shock was when i saw the prices. A small pizza starts at like just over 100$ and a normal (large) pizza costs 200$+. Anyway we went ahead and tried to make our order. I ordered a small pizza and wanted a pasta. Pasta was sold out !?! so we stick with the Pizza for takeaway. Me, my wife and my 2years old daughter in my arm waited in front of the oven. I saw that many of the pizzas very very black and overburned and my wife pointed out that there were two super burned pizzas sitiing on top of the oven. The guy preparing the pizza then took one of those returned and burned pizzas and put it back in the oven. After two mins he took it out and put it in a delivery box. Our number was called and it turned out they wanted to give us exactly that one. What the hell?! Trying to give me a returned, reheated and completly black pizza. My head was getting red and i was ready to make a scene especially coz there was an older foreign man next to the guy who seemed to be the owner. Anyway i had my young daughter in my arm and tried to control myself and just told him what the hell are u doing. Make me a new one. 15mins later we got the new one and went home. Arriving at home and longing to finally get a bite of nice pizza it turned out this one was totally undercooked and not eatable as well. This was definatelly the first and the last time i go there even i love pizza and its only 50m from my home. So angry that La Baguette closed down in Kennedy Town. They had one of the best pizzas in all HK... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-10-20
I have thought about trying some of the dishes in this restaurant since when they first soft-opened few weeks ago. My husband had been there with his friends for dinner when they opened the first week and he ordered some fries to take home, the fries were pretty good depsite my hubby kept saying the food there was just so-so, staff were not very well trained and the choices in the menu were very limited. I wasn't that convinced by my hubby given that the french fries I had tried was pretty good last time, so I persuaded him to give another try tonight. We read thru the menu from the flyer and I was a little suprised the choices are indeed quite limited but anyway we decided what we wanted and made the order, and with more surprises only by then I finally realized this restaurant is in fact known as Angelo's pizza and not Fat Angelo! And what is shown in the flyer is somthing called angelos..delivery.com. Only by then I realized this is just another pizza delivery shop I am going to order. I am not sure if this is just me (and my hubby) who had such an 'illusion', somehow we recalled it was written as Fat Angelo on the wall before.Anyway, despite the name confusion I am still very enthusiastic to give it a go. There's a English speaking guy picked up my phone, he is pretty nice, and I believe he is also pretty new to the company coz almost every sentence I've said he would have to put me on hold as he wasn't sure or had no idea what I was talking about. I've ordered a pizza and a mushrrom wonton, for pizza I have chosen whole wheat crusts (which is available in the menu), I've asked if there's a surcharge on this, the guy bascially has no idea, and awhile later he told me this crust is not available. Then I ordered the mushroom wonton (which is also from the menu) he said this dish is not in their menu, so I read thru every single item in the menu (under the pasta section) and told him specifically it is the last item in the menu, til then he realized the dish that i wanted has already been removed from their latest menu! As a newly opened restaurant I would expect the menu may have been updated but generally only becoz of adding more dishes instead of cutting down the list - especially consider the number of choice is already limited. Anyway I changed the order to salmon pasta. I asked how long it will take and whether it can be shorter if I have someone to come and pickup, then he again put me on hold and came back said I still have to wait for 45 minutes....are you kidding? Probably he sensed that I was starting to grumble as I kinda insisted 30 minutes and at the end they made their promise. Total bill was $280. The salmon pasta was an extreme disappointment. I think I could have made it even much better even thou I have not made pasta for more than 20 years. Just by looking at the appearance it reminds me of those crappy low-quality high school food from the canteen. Basically this is a water-boiled fettuccine (tasteless of course) with a layer of salmon (the kind you could buy a pack of 6 from the supermarket) topped with some kind of orange tomato sauce. And that is costing me $88. The pizza crust wasn't thick nor thin, i could barely find any parma ham on it as the toppings were overwhelmed by the tomato sauce (from the canned tomato) and cheese. I would say if i am paying $30 for this pizza I would not have made any complaint. But I am paying almost $200 for this pizza!Good luck Angelo's! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)