Exit C1, Kowloon MTR Station, Exit D1, Kowloon MTR Station, Exit B5, Austin MTR Station; 高鐵M出口 continue reading
This brand aims at serving nutritious and healthy food culture. Meat lovers and vegetarians can enjoy Power Bowls, fulfilling authentic Meals, Delicacies, Tasty Vegan Soups, Cold Pressed juice, flavourful Coffee, alcoholic beverages, etc. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
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Review (139)
Level4 2024-08-04
Elements 雖然都有唔少餐廳,但健康選擇就唔多,可能只可以去Pret 買個沙律或者yogurt。未係ICC返工前就試過呢間Alimente,係ICC返工黎就每星期都會黎一次,貪佢健康得黎又夠飽肚。今次黎都係食返chicken power bowl,揀白飯加紅米飯會飽肚啲,配埋沙律,鷹嘴豆,薯仔,紫薯一齊食,味道清新得黎又夠豐富。lunch set 跟埋湯同茶,都幾抵食。有時都會揀食三文魚,唔會煎得乾,比雞肉會香口啲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-25
自從嚟咗ICC返工之後,喺冇乜餐廳嘅選擇下,呢間成為咗我嘅飯堂,每個星期都要嚟一次。百零蚊嘅lunch set ,有power Bowl仲包湯同嘢飲。power Bowl都有幾款揀,我最常食就係三文魚同雞肉,肉質唔嚡,配埋其他鷹嘴豆、沙律菜、薯仔食好夾。想最健康嘅就可以淨係配沙律,我就驚唔夠飽要配返飯🤭,食晒成個lunch set夠哂飽。除咗power Bowl仲有意粉或者肉眼扒/燒雞選擇,等我下次試埋呢啲睇吓質素係咪都咁好先。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-17
唔係第一次食了,繼續係高水準😋價錢唔算係好貴,質素係絕對超值👍🏻今次朋友食左香烤三文魚菜底(佢有飯底揀)同意式脆雞包,佢地話好大份,好好食☺️,我自己就食慢煮雞胸黑松露忌廉扁意粉🍝超讚,味道剛剛好👍🏻飲品我地分別都點左佢荔枝果茶(呢個跟餐送既)、洋甘菊花果茶、柚子茶(呢兩個加錢追加)⋯仲有一個唔記得佢飲咩啦😂,地點係喺圓方戲院隔離,都算易搵,地方闊落,唔迫,好坐😎又無加一服務費,超讚🤩只要你繼續做落去,我都必定會回頭幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-12
I come here about once a week for a late lunch. My favorite is their Ali Bowl, which consists of salmon, avocado, carrot, potatoes, corn, kidney beans and salad. You can choose a base of salad or rice. The dressing is homemade. The set comes with a drink and a small soup or side salad. You can customize to have less dressing or less rice. I also love their onion rings as they make them perfectly crispy. The people are kind and friendly. They answer your questions with patience. I always have a pleasant and relaxing time when I dine there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-11
舊年同友人睇concert之前嚟食過呢間,印象幾好!所以呢日又係去西九睇concert,就好自然想再嚟食呢間!舊年覺得幾抵食,因為有得自己揀配唔配套餐(加湯/飲品),唔配嘅話埋單$100頭就得,今次再嚟,價格貴咗,因為全部都配埋湯同飲品😂 Anyway好食嘅都唔介意嘅~叫咗個香烤三文魚bowl,配南瓜湯同熱烏龍茶~ 材料豐富,份量充足,健康有營,食完大大的滿足,healthy not heavy,值得推介嘅👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)