
Above & Beyond
Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit D1, Hung Hom MTR Station continue reading
Above & Beyond is a Cantonese restaurant in hotel Icon by experienced executive chef Paul Tsui. The menu features both classic and contemporary dishes with food like peking duck, barbecued honey-glazed chicken liver and pork belly and pork dumpling with shrimp. continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 13:00
13:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 13:00
13:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 13:00
13:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
*Last order: 30 mins before closing
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hotel ICON Cantonese Restaurant - Above & Beyond
With stunning views of the Hong Kong skyline, Above & Beyond offers some of the city’s most lauded Cantonese cuisine.

Amongst many awards, Above & Beyond has gained three “fork-and-spoons” in the Michelin Guide to Hong Kong Macau and has made the South China Morning Post’s list of ‘100 top tables’ for six years running. The wine room and dedicated sommelier have also been recognised with the prestigious ‘Top 10 Wine Pairing Restaurant Award in Asian cuisine’ from Wine Spectator in their 2018 Restaurant Wine List Awards and 'Top 10 Wine Pairing Chinese Restaurant in Hong Kong' for the third consecutive year since 2018 by Wine Luxe Magazine.

【🐉 Celebrate the Unique Dragon Boat Festival with Exquisite Rice Dumplings! Limited Availability, Order Now! 🎉】
🌈 Discover our Rainbow Sweet Dumplings with Durian Pandan Kaya—a delightful treat for your Dragon Boat Festival celebration! Check out these captivating colours made from natural ingredients like butterfly pea flower, pandan, and turmeric. Each bite indulges your senses with the flavours of Southeast Asia. 🤤 🤩 Honour tradition with our Truffle Dumpling with Yunnan Ham, Conpoy, and Abalone—a masterpiece crafted by Executive Chef Wong Chi-Ki and his team. With an abundance of ingredients and flavours this is a popular choice for any family celebration! 🤩 🚀 Limited availability! Last year, they were sold out quickly. Early bird prices until 26th May 2024. Place an order of the exquisite rice dumplings soon. ❤️️ Order now and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival to the fullest! https://bit.ly/3JtJRPo #DragonBoatFestival #RiceDumplings #HotelICON More
About Reward Scheme
Review (344)
各方面都稳定发挥的酒店粤菜,虽然同价位还有比这味道更出色的选择,但综合海景、地段、预定难度等因素,天外天算得上一家值得推荐的聚会餐厅。·菜单跟其他高级粤菜一样是厚厚一本,不过每页下方的食物过敏原在我印象中比其他餐厅都要详细。餐前小食是【琥珀核桃】,酥脆香甜到一吃就有点停不下来。可惜招牌菜片皮鸭只能按整只卖,我们两人就按照自己想吃的来点了。·【潮莲烧鹅】皮脆肉嫩、脂肪丰腴,一层薄薄的外皮油亮光洁如玻璃纸,趁热吃能感受到兜不住的皮下脂肪从齿间往四下里迸溅开来。很美,但很腻,对我来说一块就够了。·【陈皮豆豉炒虾球】调味成功引起了我的兴趣,从众多虾的小炒中选了这款。虾球很ok,个头饱满大只一口都含不住,嚼起来脆、弹、韧,不言自明的新鲜高质。·豆豉的浓郁咸香占据了主导,陈皮的风味几乎没有感受到,不过依然是有味且入味的一道。微微勾芡,薄而浓郁的酱汁服帖而均匀地裹在虾肉上,光是色泽就让食欲大开。·【黑蒜鲍鱼鸡煲】想吃点热和的,煲仔菜再适合不过了。鲍鱼和鸡肉都给了不少,但感觉品质还可以更好。醇厚的黑蒜酱慢慢煨入味,咸中回甜的滋味渗透进食材,调味还是很不错,清甜微辛的洋葱和黑蒜我都忍不住吃了好多。·【金银蛋上汤浸菠菜】金银蛋是我很喜欢的蔬菜做法,几种时蔬中选了菠菜,柔嫩微脆,吸收汤汁很好。薄薄的蛋花像笼罩在表面一张乳白色的网,大颗咸蛋和皮蛋的浓厚让一道蔬菜有了几分主菜的气势。·【柚子西米香芒布甸】像在吃固体版的杨枝甘露,布丁细腻幼滑、奶香浓郁,芒果味也很纯正,搭配的芒果肉很鲜甜,金箔有些不必。·餐厅与酒吧贯通,装潢雅致,细节中透出高级感,28楼的视野坐拥维港夜景一角。暖调但不昏暗的灯光、反射出对岸摩天大楼的镜面、和光影斑驳的壁画毫不费力营造出有点浪漫的氛围了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
天外天 ⭐️ (eng version below)💕香港最靚日落🌄中菜廳!💕💕今次講飲茶,下次講晚餐🤓stay tuned💕🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹總共$ 650 (連茶位,加一)人均約$ 325推介4/5 💕💕💕💕————————————————————————同朋友、屋企人係靚靚餐廳飲啖茶食個包,是一件美好的事🌄🤘🏻🎆有心思既係,可按人頭份量出菜,唔怕食到滯哂~ 大力推薦菜品🍴🍴傳統豬潤燒賣 $ 58 (2件) 🍴金箔松露龍蝦餃 $ 108 (2件)🍴炒蘿蔔糕$ 68✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️極不推薦🙃☹️☹️☹️🍴鮑魚撻$ 68 (1件)🍴黃金海苔雙魚春卷 $78 (3件) 🍴鵝肝咸水角$ 68 想食唔同款式既小菜(羊柳、蒸魚)等可以簡套餐$428/per , $318/per———————————————————— continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-26
天外天 (Hotel Icon)天外天位於酒店頂層28/F ,望住維港景嘅真係好靚,而且佢嘅裝修同環境都好典雅,亦放置好多藝術品,似足私人會所咁靚😝 好適合過嚟慶祝,傾生意嘅話亦都好啱,因為佢哋另外亦設有包廂。作為米芝蓮推介中菜,食物嘅質素都有返保證嘅。⭐️ 酥香焗蟹蓋中至高價位中菜館先會做嘅,好正嘅一道菜。佢以新鮮嘅蟹肉為主角,焗到酥脆嘅外層好香口。呢道菜絕對係鍾意食蟹嘅人嘅首選。⭐️ 金蒜炒澳洲M9和牛粒呢度菜好豪華,結合咗優質嘅澳洲M9和牛粒同金蒜嘅濃厚獨特風味。牛肉炒得嫩滑多汁,金蒜嘅襯托下帶嚟一種濃郁嘅和牛香。⭐️ 黑松露野菌炒蝦球係一道豪華又美味嘅菜!蝦球新鮮亦炒得剛剛好,保持到彈牙嘅口感,而黑松露嘅香氣都幾出。💕⭐️ 香煎百花釀帶子⭐️ 大蔥炒龍躉球⭐️ 脆皮炸子雞⭐️ 腐皮素卷 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
行過嚟天外天,一場正宗嘅味覺慶典喺度等緊我!開始嘅就係鮮蝦錦鹵雲吞,彈牙嘅蝦仁包裹喺滑嘅雲吞皮入面,一啖係咁鮮口。燒賣方面,嚟嘅牛肝菌燒賣超級惹味,個個都爽彈得滯,入口即溶,真係令人回味無窮。腸粉又點會錯過?脆皮海皇腸粉外皮香脆,蒸得啱啱好,入面嘅海皇更加鮮味四溢。親,最正宗嘅流沙包就喺眼前!北海道牛乳奶皇流沙包簡直係人間美味。一咬落去,濃郁嘅奶皇同流心夾擊,滋味滿分!至於柚子西米香芒布甸就嚟點撇清甜尾聲,芒果幼滑,西米加爽口,一啖就爽過皮!想話畀你知,呢度嘅風景嘅確一流,食完飯仲可以望望靚景,令人食慾大增。真心推介你嚟試下,保證你食完會心花怒放🌸,一試難忘。記住哦,黎呢度食,一定要嚟趟精選點心之旅,每款嘢食都有佢獨特嘅口感同香味,畀你食得開心,食得盡興!🥢🍽️🍤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-10
天外天(Above & Beyond)位於唯港薈(Hotel Icon)的28樓,靠窗座位可以欣賞到維港景色,實在太美了!❤️餐廳的裝潢時尚高級,燈光較昏暗,挺有情調,加上絕美維港夜景,來慶祝特別日子就最適合不過!🥂 整體食物質素極高,推薦以下菜式:🤎豉油王煎龍躉球魚肉新鮮嫩滑,外皮煎得很香口,配搭豉油香味很好吃呢~👏🏻🤍黑蒜鮑魚雞煲鮑魚彈牙,雞肉嫩滑,黑蒜味濃郁,很惹味呢~😋💛櫻花蝦帶子蟹肉炒飯每一口都吃到櫻花蝦、帶子及蟹肉,很足料😍口感豐富,而且炒得恰到好處,很夠鑊氣!👍🏻天外天地址: 尖沙咀科學館道17號唯港薈28樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)