
Above & Beyond
Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit D1, Hung Hom MTR Station continue reading
設於酒店頂層的中菜廳,餐廳環境設計有如私人會所,放置不少書籍、工藝品及中式藝術品擺設,落地玻璃設計可飽覽維港景觀,設三間私人包廂。 continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Last order: 30 mins before closing
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hotel ICON Cantonese Restaurant - Above & Beyond
With stunning views of the Hong Kong skyline, Above & Beyond offers some of the city’s most lauded Cantonese cuisine.

Amongst many awards, Above & Beyond has gained three “fork-and-spoons” in the Michelin Guide to Hong Kong Macau and has made the South China Morning Post’s list of ‘100 top tables’ for six years running. The wine room and dedicated sommelier have also been recognised with the prestigious ‘Top 10 Wine Pairing Restaurant Award in Asian cuisine’ from Wine Spectator in their 2018 Restaurant Wine List Awards and 'Top 10 Wine Pairing Chinese Restaurant in Hong Kong' for the third consecutive year since 2018 by Wine Luxe Magazine.

Valet parking is available at the hotel for HK$70 per hour. During lunch hours, 2 hours complimentary parking is offered with spending over HK$600. During dinner hours, 3 hours complimentary parking is offered with spending over HK$1,000.
【🥮️Memorable Mid-Autumn Celebration With Exquisite Mooncake Collection🌕】
Under the full moon, let’s savour our two irresistible mooncakes during this Mid-Autumn Festival😋. Indulge in the exquisite Snow Skin Musang King Durian Mooncake, as the rich aroma of durian permeates the air, and the smooth durian paste melts in your mouth. Enjoy the moonlit night amidst the summer heat🌕, with the refreshing snow skin. Taste the traditional White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolk Mooncake, which presents the best combination of sweetness and saltiness, invoking nostalgic memories with its classic flavour❤️️. Starting from 11 June 2024📅, make your pre-orders for your favourite mooncakes, and enjoy early bird discounts. Snow Skin Musang King Durian Mooncake can be collected in June, allowing you to experience the festive atmosphere ahead of time! 🥳️ Learn More: https://bit.ly/3KxYSjR 🥮Snow Skin Musang King Durian Mooncake Giftbox Early bird price: $498 (From now until 3 September 2024) Original price: $598 (From 4 Sep to 16 September 2024) ‌ 🥮White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolk Mooncake Giftbox Early Bird Offer: $368 ( From now until 3 September 2024) Original Price: $468 (From 4 to 16 September 2024) More
About Reward Scheme
Review (351)
Level3 2024-07-11
Hotel Icon內的中菜餐廳,位於酒店的28樓,可以欣賞到維港景色。團圓歡聚套餐 $688 pp(四位起)🐷蜜汁叉燒叉燒半肥瘦,燒得很好,肉質鬆軟,好味道。🥒清涼的青瓜白玉术耳青瓜新鮮清甜。白玉木耳爽脆,搭配的醬汁酸辣開胃。🍄‍🟫香脆松茸素鵝素鵝脆口,內含蘿蔔和松茸,帶著蔬菜的甜味,非常美味。🦞龍湯海皇燴燕液龍蝦湯中有一些龍蝦肉,味道中規中矩。🦞金蒜銀絲蒸開邊龍蝦開邊龍蝦肉質彈牙,搭配下面的粉絲和金銀蒜,味道恰到好處,不會過鹹。🐷蜜燒蔥香鹿兒島茶美豚醬汁十分美味,但豬五花肉上肥膏的部分稍微多了一點。🥬蠔皇鮑魚菇花菇扒時蔬整道菜煮得剛剛好,各種蔬菜的熟度都把握得宜。🦀蝦頭油蟹肉炒飯炒飯有鑊氣,不過蝦頭油的香味稍微不夠突出,蟹肉份量不算很多。🥭楊枝甘露搭配美點薈萃所有的甜點都非常美味🫶我尤其喜歡合桃酥,酥香鬆脆的口感令人愉悅。食物整體都算不錯,不過服務方面,侍應們好像都不是很熟手,可能是學生過來做實習。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-10
位於酒店頂層嘅天外天坐擁無敵維港大海景🌆,第3️⃣年榮獲Wine Luxe雜誌評選為香港十大葡萄酒配對餐廳,獲米之蓮推介💮,更連續6️⃣年入選南華早報百大餐廳。🍽️紅袍龍皇抱太子 | Wok-fried Lobster and Scallop Stuffed in Tomato | $288 🌟依個係夏日精選菜式,將龍蝦肉同帶子釀入新鮮番茄,再加埋酸酸甜甜嘅汁,開胃得嚟亦都有驚喜。🍽️蜜汁叉燒 (輕量) | Honey-glazed Barbecue Pork (Light Portion) | $118肥瘦適中,食落肉質都幾腍,但唔夠焦香,可以再燒燶啲脆啲,蜜汁亦都可以多啲,另外加分位係可以揀輕量(四嚿)或者例牌(八嚿)。🍽️冰燒三層肉 (輕量) | Crispy Roasted Pork Belly (Light Portion) | $110依個都係可以揀輕量(六嚿) 或者例牌(十二嚿),個皮好脆,食落亦都唔會覺得成口肥膏。🍽️宮廷海鮮酸辣羹 | Hot and Sour Soup with Seafood | $138所謂海鮮羹其實入面得蝦,不過味道方面幾好,酸辣度都幾平均。🍽️蟹肉菜苗羹 | Braised Vegetable Sprout Soup with Crab Meat | $138味道濃郁,蟹肉分量算多亦都拆得乾淨無殼。🍽️蔥燒和牛面頰肉 | Braised Wagyu Beef Cheek with Spring Onion | $368 🌟分量比想像中多,足足有八嚿,而且用熱嘅鐵板上,肉質非常之腍,食落就係好食嘅洋蔥燒汁味,牛肉味無完全比蓋過,連配菜洋蔥都唔辣好入味。🍽️靈苓菇炆豆腐 | Braised Bean Curd and Marmoreal Mushrooms | $148一碟有八嚿嘅油豆腐,味道方面正常,不過可以再入味啲。❣️因為我哋無訂位,入到去坐低嘅時候服務員同我哋講片皮鴨同炸子雞已經賣晒😭,所以如果大家想食同埋要坐窗邊位嘅記得提早book定❇️❣️餐廳另外仲有啲套餐同埋可以加錢配埋酒🍷,不過因為今次無晒片皮鴨所以我哋今次無試到,已經決定咗下次會再嚟試埋佢🙆🏻‍♀️🌸 服務 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌃 環境 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕💰人均 ~$900📍天外天 Above & Beyond 尖沙咀科學館道17號Hotel ICON唯港薈28樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-03
今年訂了天外天同老媽子慶生,招呼帶位入座都好到位,海景位,天氣又好視野一覽無遺,未食就已經加分,但講到餐桌茶具就相對簡單,枱腳不平要墊紙,進餐體驗大打折扣。小姐姐好用心解決問題,可惜實在巧婦難為無米炊,墊幾張紙頂住先。講返食品叫了一個午餐套餐,加了兩個蟹藝同一個蛋白蒸蟹鉗,出菜有,燒肉,春卷和青瓜。燒肉皮薄脆口,春卷外皮鬆化,青瓜無特別,之後上個蒸石斑件,肉質比較粗小鞋欠彈性,個湯就好小小,足味足料的,跟住上個蟹蓋,外型到位,肉餡可以豐盛一點更加理想,而個蒸蟹鉗老媽子話好好食,跟手炒西芹上枱,對味。接力係炒飯,飯粒分明,不錯。小姐姐之後送了個驚喜壽包,新鮮熱辣又軟又甜,可口。最後上埋個紫米露甜品,完美收工。整體黎講天外天的服務是非常到位的,員工態度友善笑容滿面,要讚讚讚,而食品就不過不失。今日餐飯唔錯的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-16
一向對於中菜冇乜好感嘅我,係選擇中菜係有一定嘅難度,今次試咗hotel icon嘅天外天,服務上唔錯,選擇嘅菜單都有唔同嘅選擇,整體上所有嘅service都係可以,ORDER嘅嘢食都唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
聽說會撞到明星,抱着八卦的心態去看明星,訂了平日12:30飲茶,接待靚靚姐姐好像第一天上班的引領我們入座,期間撞到枱燈兩次,很擔心她有冇受傷?入座後,明明服務員都是站着閑談,好似叫極都叫不到他們咁,究竟忙什麼呢?食物很符合五星級酒店,是好食的,環境一流,裝修一流,風景一流,只是服務不入流。很懷疑是怎樣訓練職員的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)