Full-Day Supply
Mon - Sun
Full-Day Supply
Recommended Dishes
France Chiron Oysters (N1)
~ 100g~120g
Les Specialessaint Martin Oysters (N2)
Especiales Del Castillo Oysters -N2
SIZE: N0: 150g+ N1: 110~150g N2: 85~110g
Seasonal Oysters (Kyushu, Japan)
White Trevally
Ohmine 3 grain - winter visit
Superme Tuna Set
Supreme Fatty Tuna、Semi-fatty Tuna、Tuna
Chef Special Sushi - 8pcs
Hokkaido Botan Shrimp.Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna w/ Sea Salt.Seared.Olive Flounder Muscle w/Smoky sauce.Sea Urchin or Gunkan*In the event of item being out of stock a item of similar value will be substrates
Swordfish Toro
Hokkaido Sea Urchin
Nagaimo pickled in wasabi
Cheese smoked radish
Japan Hanamidori Smoked Chicken Slices
Japan Chicken Liver
Broiled Japanese Eel
Japan Ika Soft Yaki
炙烤過的魷魚切條一夜干. 品嚐到魷魚的香氣亦不失爽口,肉汁.是最佳佐酒小食之一.
Grilled Codfish w/Miso
Daily Fresh seafood
France Chiron Oysters (N1)
~ 100g~120g
Dried Kinki(~350g)
Fresh Pagrus major(15pcs)
真鯛屬於料理中的高端食材,擁有極高的地位,常被作為吉祥魚出現在喜慶佳節或祭典的料理當中,甚至被譽為「魚の王様」。 除了鮮紅淡雅的外表之外,鯛魚的日文發音「tai」與日文中的祝賀「omedetai」有相似的讀音,擁有諧音的作用。 真鯛的肉質細緻柔軟,而且富含高於鰹魚和鮪魚的「甘胺酸」,這是一種擁有甘甜滋味的胺基酸成分,所以真鯛的味道淡雅的同時,又帶點鮮甜的滋味。
Fresh White Trevally Sashimi (15 pcs)
產自九州的縞鰺,有「深海池魚王」嘅美譽 肉質鮮嫩肥美,入口鮮甜爽脆帶油份,濃郁獨特的魚香鮮味十足
White Trevally
產自九州的縞鰺,有「深海池魚王」嘅美譽 肉質鮮嫩肥美,入口鮮甜爽脆帶油份,濃郁獨特的魚香鮮味十足
Parapristipoma trilineatum
~ 600g
Superme Tuna Set
Supreme Fatty Tuna、Semi-fatty Tuna、Tuna
Les Specialessaint Martin Oysters (N2)
Especiales Del Castillo Oysters -N2
SIZE: N0: 150g+ N1: 110~150g N2: 85~110g
Seasonal Oysters (Kyushu, Japan)
White Trevally
Yellowstriped (5pcs)
Sake/Alcoholic Beverages
Kirin Ichiban Draft Beer
Lychee Flavoured Chu-hai
Shochu,Lychee Lactic Flavoured Sparkling,Ice Alc ~7%
Lemon & Honey Chu-hai
Shochu,Lemon & Honey Flavored Sparkling,Ice Alc ~7%
Peach & Oolong Tea Chu-hai
Shochu,Peach & Oolong Tea Flavored Sparkling,Ice Alc ~7%
Orange Shochu Cocktail
Shochu,Orange juice,Ice Alc ~7%
Apple Shochu Cocktail
Shochu,Apple juice,Ice Alc ~7%
Calpis Lactate Chu-hai
Shochu,Calpis Lactate,Soda,Ice Alc ~7%
Kyoho Lactate Chu-hai
Shochu,Kyoho Lactate,Soda,Ice Alc ~7%
Whisky/Shochu,Soda water,Ice Alc ~8%
Snowball cocktail
Tokyo Chu-Hi Lemon Taste
ALC 8% 500ml
Kanjuku Yuzu & Lemon Wine(Glass/Bottle)
果実リキュール 每支用上七個完熟柚子、兩個檸檬の果汁製成豪華果酒。是一種非常受女士歡迎的利口酒。 產地 : 京都府 酒精度 : 7~8%
Dassai 45 Junmai Daiginjo
Born - Japanese Sake
Fuji Takasago Junmai Ginj
Kuminoura Junmai Daiginjo
Koganesengan Shoucou
Following Akakage, through improvement and adjustment in various processes, this barley SHOCHU made its debut in 2006. Shipped twice a year in accordance with the limited production. Ingredients : Mugi(Barley),Mugi Koji Alcohol Content :25% Area :Miyazaki Ken
The HACHI Shochu,Sweet Potato (Imo) 720ml
Distillery: Ookubo Shuzo, Kagoshima Ingredients: Kogane Sengan (Sweet Potato), Rice Koji (White) Distillation Method: Atmospheric Maturation: Virgin Oak Cask ABV: 30% Size: 720ml Color: Straw, Hay, Light Gold Tasting Notes: Fresh fruits, muscatel, almost like a fresh sparkling wine with subtle sweet
Yasuda Sweet Potato Shochu Original Price : $580
With a light scent of Kusu(aged sake) and gentle sweetness that are distinctive of Kusu aged three years. It's a popular choice by the locals (in Motobu Town). Region: Okinawa, Japan Distillery: Yamakawa Shuzo Age: 3 Years Abv: 30% Size: 700 ml
Yasuda Sweet Potato Shochu 720ml
Kyohime - Junmai Daiginjo
Rice Shochu of Torikai Shuzo Original Price : $580
Rice Shochu of Torikai Shuzo Category: Outbound Award Recipient: Torikai Shu Alcohol Content :25%
Born Tsuya Junmai Daiginjo
Imayotsukasa Junmai Ginjo
Afuri - KATANA - ‘Kimotoi | Shirokoji’ Junmai (Limited Stock)
Ohmine 3 grain - winter visit
Dassai 39 Junmai Daiginjo
Ohmine 3 grain
Kumamon Label Fukano Shuzo
A Signature Kumamon label from Fukano Shuzo. Refreshing, gentle sweetness, grassy. Taste more earthy along with fresh fruit i.e., apple, sour plum and finish with some spices. Region: Japna Distillery: Fukano Shuzo ABV: 25% Size: 900ml
Afuri - KATANA - ‘Kimotoi | Shirokoji’ Junmai (Limited Stock)
Jim Beam Whisky
700ml - Alc 40% USA 於全新且烘烤過的美國橡木桶熟成4年,概念都來自於家族傳下來的配方,最具原創性也最能代表美國波本的歷史特色。 帶有溫和的香草與剛收割的乾草香氣,口感也有玉米與穀類的香甜味道,極佳的酒體帶有烘烤橡木的口感與香草奶油醬的味道,同時也有淡淡的胡椒與橡木帶給味蕾的輕微灼熱感;最後有乾果香甜的尾韻。
Suntory Whisky
700ml - Alc 40% 1937年,在日本設立了第一座威士忌蒸餾廠之後的十數年,三得利第一代首席調酒師鳥井信治郎在經過不斷改良後,「角瓶」終於誕生。充滿自信的四角瓶身,綴以龜殼花紋,穩重而自信滿滿,60餘年來堅持的獨特品味,深受大眾喜愛。 香味特徵: 使用山崎蒸餾廠的波本桶原酒與中度焙燒的穀類原酒調合而成,具有柔和的淡甜香氣,口感厚實卻不失圓潤。相當適合佐餐。
Roku Gin
700ml - Alc 43% ROKU在日文裡代表著「六」,六(ROKU)使用了6種經典的日本植物:櫻花、櫻花葉、日本柚子皮、煎茶、玉露,日本山椒這些植物都是順應四季時序,在植物最盛開的時候採收並擷取其中的精華及香氣,經過日本大阪三得利烈酒廠的日本琴酒工藝師浸製、蒸餾、最後調和而成。
Fujikinran Blended Whisky
700ml - Alc 40% 富士金襴(FUJIKINRAN)中的「金襴」意為名貴的金絲袈裟,富士金襴威士忌產自富士山腳下,是考究細緻做工,承載匠人精神,東西方完美結合的日威品牌,威士忌純淨醇厚的口感令愉悅。 富士金襴酒廠首席蒸餾大師渡邊謙二(Kenji Watanabe):日本國寶級釀酒大師。從 1990年代到2000年代在日本威士忌和葡萄酒釀造界享有盛譽。擁有超過30年的釀造經驗,他的理念是永不失去焦點,他堅信「對工藝要有足夠的時間與耐性」。 作為富士金襴的主要釀酒師,他沿襲着這份執着,並將富士金襴帶到了更高的 舞台。「保持和保存完美的風味,這是調和的藝術。
Yamazakura Fine Blended Whisky
700ml - Alc 40% 由日本小型釀酒廠笹の川酒造生產。 承襲山櫻系列威士忌的醇潤酒體,果香與煙燻氣息中清 新的口感,威士忌初級者也能輕鬆品嚐。風味帶有豐水梨、花香,輕柔煙燻,甜美的蜜芽調性, 香草、巧克力,平實簡單的收結,帶點點木質的回甘味
Rocks 60ml
Drink List
Cream Soda
Coca Cola
Coke Zero(can)
Soda Water
Oolong Tea
Lychee Lactic Flavoured Sparkling
0 sugar 0 Cal 0 fat, enjoy “zero guilt” treat. 330mL
Peach & Oolong Tea Flavored Sparkling
Peach & Oolong Tea Flavored Sparkling 330ml
Lemon & Honey Flavored Sparkling
Lemon & Honey Flavored Sparkling 330ml
Orange juice
Apple juice
Korean Honey Citron Tea
Calpis Lactate Chu-hai
Kyoho Grape Calpis
Calpis Soda
Kyoho Grape Calpis Soda
Italy Mineral Water 750ml
Lunch Sushi/Sashimi Set
Lunch Sashimi Set A
Chef Special 2pcs.Supreme Fatty Tuna 2pcs.Yellowtail 2pcs.Jumbo Red Shrimp.Scallop
Lunch Sashimi Set B
Chef Special 2pcs.Semi-fatty Tuna 2pcs.Yellowtail 2pcs.Jumbo Red Shrimp.Scallop
Lunch Sashimi Set C
Yellowtail 2pcs.Salmon Sashimi 2pcs.Jumbo Red Shrimp.Tuna 2pcs
Lunch Sushi Set A
Chef Special Sushi.Semi-fatty Tuna.Scallop.Jumbo Red Shrimp.Yelllowtail.Marinated Tuna.Seared Olive Flounder Muscle.Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion
Lunch Sushi Set B
Marinated Tuna.Yelllowtail.Salmon.Red Snapper.Jumbo Red Shrimp.Hokkaido Octopus.Seared Conger Eel.Fried Egg
Lunch Rice Bowl Set
Charcoal Grilled Chicken Bowl Set
Pork bellies piece w/ Ginger Singer Bowl Set
Ishikari Salmon Bowl Set
Light Seared Salmon Bowl Set
Assorted Sashimi Bowl Set
Seared Olive Flounder Muscle Bowl Set
Roasted Eel Bowl Set
Roasted Angus Beef w/ Ginger Bowl Set
Onions tuna Toro Bowl Set
Sashimi Bowl Set
Mix Sashimi Bowl Set
Tuna Bowl Set
Marinated Tuna Bowl Set
Roasted Double Eel Bowl Set
Sea Urchin w/Onions tuna Toro Bowl Set
Mix Tuna Bowl Set
Marinated Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Light Seared Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Supreme Seafood Bowl Set
Supreme Fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna Set
Lunch Udon/Agemono Set
Grilled Salmon Jaw w/Miso Set
Production time about 15-20 minutes
Salt-Baked Mackerel Set
Production time about 15-20 minutes
Grilled Flatfish w/Miso Set
Production time about 15-20 minutes
Grilled Pure Hokke Set
Set Meals Including:Miso Soup, Garden Salad, Japanese Boil Egg,Rice (Production time about 15-20 minutes)
Japanese Udon with Fried Shrimp
Japanese Udon with Fried Chicken
Japanese Udon with Charcoal Grilled Chicken
Japanese Udon with Fried Hiroshima Oyster
Japanese Udon with Pork Cutlet
Superme Tuna Set
Supreme Fatty Tuna、Semi-fatty Tuna、Tuna
Marinated Tuna
Semi-fatty Tuna(1pc)
Light Seared Semi-fatty Tuna(1pc)
Supreme Fatty Tuna(1pc)
Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna(1pc)
Tuna Joint(1PC)
Light Seared Tuna Joint(1pc)
Click here to order
Semi-fatty Tuna(3pc)
Click here to order
Supreme Fatty Tuna
Click here to order
Chef Special Sushi - 8pcs
Hokkaido Botan Shrimp.Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna w/ Sea Salt.Seared.Olive Flounder Muscle w/Smoky sauce.Sea Urchin or Gunkan*In the event of item being out of stock a item of similar value will be substrates
Jumbo Red Shrimp
Bean Curd
Fried Egg
Surf Clam
Jumbo Crab Stick
Hokkaido Octopus
Supreme Flower Roll(1PC)
Red Snapper
Herring Fish
Swordfish Toro
Ark Shell
Salmon Toro
Flower Roll(1PC)
White Trevally (1pc)
Olive Flounder Muscle
Perigord truffle(1PC)
Marinated Tuna
Harvest Sushi
Semi-fatty Tuna(1pc)
Prime Yelllowtail(2PC)
Supreme Fatty Tuna(1pc)
Jumbo Scallop
Tuna Joint(1PC)
Hokkaido Botan Shrimp(1PC)
Live Ark Shell
Seared Sushi
Seared Salmon
Seared Okra
Seared Jumbo Crab Stick
Roasted Saba
Seared Conger Eel
Seared Eel
Roasted Flower Roll(1PC)
Whole Eel
Seared Salmon Toro
Seared Olive Flounder Muscle
Foie grus(1PC)
Light Seared Semi-fatty Tuna(1pc)
Seared Salmon w/ Bean Curd
Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna(1pc)
Seared Jumbo Scallop
Light Seared Tuna Joint(1pc)
Seared Shrimp w/Perigord(1PC)
Seared Salmon w/Perigord
Seared Jumbo Scallop w/Perigord
Spicy Salmon
Octopus w/ Wasabi
Flying Fish Roe
Sea Urchin and Squid
Cheese Flying Fish Roe
Spicy Baby Scallop
Monkfish Liver
Spicy Tuna
Crab cream
Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion
Salmon Roe
Canada Sea Urchin (1PC)
Hokkaido Sea Urchin(1PC)
Sashimi Set
Omakase Japanese Fresh Fish x2 | Jumbo Red Shrimp x2 | Tuna x2 | Yellowtail x2 | Salmon x2 | Octopus x2
Deluxe Sashimi Set
中本鮪魚腩 x3 | 本鮪赤身 x3 |特大帆立貝 x 2| 油甘魚 x3 三文魚x3 | 鮑魚x1 |赤海蝦x2 | 師傅特選刺身x2款
Harvest Sashimi Set
Omakase Japanese Fresh Fish | Live Ark Shell | Jumbo Botan Shrimp x2 | Supreme Fatty Tuna x3 | Semi-fatty Tuna x3 | Tuna x3 | Scallop x2 | Yellowtail x3 | Salmon Roe
Squid Sashimi
Surf Clam Sashimi
Herring Fish Sashimi
Salmon Sashimi
Red Snapper Sashimi
Hokkaido Octopus Sashimi
Jumbo Red Shrimp
Jumbo Scallop
Tresus keenae
Swordfish Toro
Salmon Toro
Hokkaido Jelly Fish
Pirme Yellowtail
Japanese Style Baby Abalone
Click here to order
White Trevally
Click here to order
Semi-fatty Tuna(3pc)
Click here to order
Hokkaido Botan Shrimp
Supreme Fatty Tuna
Click here to order
Canada Sea Urchin (~100g)
Hokkaido Sea Urchin
Live Ark Shell
Rice Bowl
Charcoal Grilled Chicken Bowl
Pork bellies piece w/ Ginger Singer Bowl
Assorted Sashimi Bowl
Ishikari Salmon Bowl
Light Seared Salmon Bowl
Seared Olive Flounder Muscle Bowl
Roasted Eel Bowl
Roasted Angus Beef w/ Ginger Bowl
Onions tuna Toro Bowl
Sashimi Bowl
Mix Sashimi Bowl
Tuna Bowl
Marinated Tuna Bowl
Roasted Eel Bowl
Sea Urchin w/Onions tuna Toro Bowl
Mix Tuna Bowl
Marinated Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl
Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl
Light Seared Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl
Supreme Seafood Bowl
Supreme Fatty Tuna Bowl
Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna
Cucumber Roll
Crab Stick Roll
Salmon Roll
Okra Roll
Avocado Roll
Cheese Salmon Roll
Cheese Eel Roll
California Roll
Yellowtail w/ Spring Onion Roll
Tuna Roll
Spicy Tuna Roll
Tuna Toro Roll
Fried Shrimp Roll
Soft Shell Crab Roll
Rainbow sushi roll
Hand Roll
Salmon Hand roll
Crab Roe Hand roll
California Hand roll
Spicy Salmon Hand roll
Soft Shell Crab Hand roll
Eel Hand Roll
Monk Fish Liver Hand roll
Tuna Hand roll
Spicy Tuna Hand roll
Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion
Salmon Roe Hand roll
Sea Urchin Hand Roll
Tofu in sesame sauce
Japanese Seaweed Salad
Hotaru Ika Shiokara
Cucumber w/Moro Miso
Fried Egg (Hot/Cold)
Spicy Bonito Flakes okra
Green Soybean
Crab Stick Salad
Nagaimo pickled in wasabi
Fried Caramel Egg
Strips of Shark Cartilage Served w/ Dried Plum
Burdocks Marinated
Garlic Marinated
Cheese smoked radish
Fermented Squid Ika Shiokara
Japan Hanamidori Smoked Chicken Slices
Octopus & Wasabi Salad
Vegetable salad with sesame sauce
Monkfish Liver
Appetizer Mix
Avocado with Sashimi Salad
Marinated Tuna Sashimi Salad
Fried Salmon Skin
Chickin Gristle Dumplings
Fried Shrimp
Chicken skin dumpling (3/6pcs)
Squid Tempura With Seaweed Pepper
Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken Cartilage
Chicken Wings w/ Mentaiko
Fried Hiroshima oyster
Deep Fried Fish
Pork Cutlet
Fried Soft Shell Crab L
Fried Pork Chop with Cheese
Grilled Chicken neck (2pcs)
Grilled Chicken Cartilage (2pc)
Chicken skin dumpling (2pcs)
Japan Chicken chest sort
Japan Chicken Kidney
Japan Chicken chest sort
Japan Chicken Liver
Japan Arabiki (Smoked Sausage)
Charcoal Grilled Chicken
Grilled Salmon Head
Broiled Japanese Eel
Japan Ika Soft Yaki
炙烤過的魷魚切條一夜干. 品嚐到魷魚的香氣亦不失爽口,肉汁.是最佳佐酒小食之一.
Grilled Yellowtail Head
Grilled Salmon Jaw w/Miso
Grilled Stingray Fin
Grilled Fugu
Grilled Mackerel
Grilled Red Cherry Bream Joint
Grilled Flatfish w/Miso
Grilled White trevally Head Original Price : $128
Original Price : $128
Grilled Beef tongue
Grilled Codfish w/Miso
Grilled Yellowtail Jaw
Grilled Pure Hokke
Grilled Tuna Joint
Dried Kinki
Grilled Fatty Salmon
Japanese-style Food
Radish Oden
Koya tofu
Seaweed Miso Soup
Japanese boil egg
Japanese Soba
Japanese Udon
Japanese Rice
Salmon Head Soup
Japanese Sake Steamed Clams
Oden udon
Japanese Musashino Soba
Japanese Cold udon
Pork bellies piece w/ Ginger Singer
Roasted Angus Beef w/ Ginger
Take Away Party Set
Party Sushi Set A(Takeaway Only)
Semi-fatty Tuna x4 | Seared Olive Flounder Muscle x4 | Scallop x4 | Tuna x4 | Yelllowtail x4 | Geoduck x4 | Seared Eel x4 | Red Shrimp x4 | Salmon Roe x4 | Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion x4 Total: 40pcs
Party Sushi Set B(Takeaway Only)
Tuna x4 | Scallop x4 | Yelllowtail x4 | Marinated Tuna x4 | Red Shrimp x4 | Geoduck x4 | Red Snapper x4 | Salmon Toro x4 | Cheese Flying Fish Roe x4 | Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion x4 Total: 40pcs
Party Sushi Set C(Takeaway Only)
Salmon x8 | Tuna x4 | Red Snapper x4 | Jumbo Red Shrimp x4 | Octopus x4 | Seared Conger Eel x4 | Surf Clam x4 | Fried Egg x2 | Fried Shrimp Roll x6 Total: 40pcs
Sashimi Set A (Takeaway Only)
Salmon x10 | Yellowtail x4 | Geoduck x4 | Scallop x4 | Japanese Style Abalone x1 | Tuna x4 | Jumbo Red Shrimp x2 | Octopus x4 | Red Snapper x6
Sashimi Set B (Takeaway Only)
Salmon x10 | Scallop x4 | Yellowtail x4 | Tuna x4 | Jumbo Red Shrimp x3 | Squid x4 | Surf Clam x3 | Red Snapper x6
Sushi Set A (Takeaway Only)
Salmon Toro x4 | Geoduck x2 | Yellowtail x2 | Tuna x3 | Scallop x3 | Seared Conger Eel x2 | Red Shrimp x3 | Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion x2
Sushi Set B (Takeaway Only)
Salmon x4 | Red Snapper x3 | Red Shrimp x2 | Tuna x3 | Scallop x2 | Seared Conger Eel x2 | Flying Fish Roe x3 | Surf Clam x3
Sushi Set C (Takeaway Only)
Salmon x2 | Red Snapper x1 | Red Shrimp x1 | Tuna x1 | Scallop x1 | Seared Conger Eel x1 | Surf Clam x1 | Flying Fish Roe x2
Cheese cake
Chocolate Lava Cake
Ourin Apple Sorbet
Pineapple Sorbet
Coconut Sorbet
Mille Crepes Vanilla cake
Dinner Sushi/Sashimi Set
Dinner Sashimi Set A
Chef special sashimi (4pcs),supreme fatty tuna(2 pcs), prime yellowtail sashimi (2 pcs),Botan shrimp 1pc, including daily soup,Garden salad,boil egg
Dinner Sashimi Set B
Chef special sashimi (4pcs),supreme fatty tuna(2 pcs), Jumbo Scallop 1pc,Jumbo Red shrimp 1pc, including daily soup,Garden salad,boil egg
Dinner Sashimi Set C
Chef special sashimi 2pcs,semi-fatty tuna 2 pcs,Yellowtail 2pcs,Salmon 2pc, Jumbo Red Shirmp 1pcs,including daily soup,Garden salad,boil egg
Dinner Sushi Set A
Chef special 4pc(sashimi/sushi),Botan shrimp,light seared supreme fatty tuna w/sea salt,seared olive flounder muscle w/smoky sauce,sea urchin,including daily soup,garden salad,fried Hiroshima oyster(2pcs), *In the event of item being out of stock a item of similar value will be substrates
Dinner Sushi Set B
Chef Special Sushi 2pcs.Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna w/ Sea Salt.Scallop.Jumbo Red Shrimp.Yelllowtail.Seared Conger Eel.Tuna Toro w/Spring Onion, including daily soup,garden salad,fried chicken(3pcs)
Dinner Sushi Set C
Chef Special Sushi,Semi-fatty Tuna,Red Snapper,Marinated Tuna,Yelllowtail,Jumbo Red Shrimp,Geoduck,Homemade Fried Egg,including daily soup,garden salad,chicken gristle dumplings(4pcs)
Dinner Rice Bowl Set
Charcoal Grilled Chicken Bowl Set
Pork bellies piece w/ Ginger Singer Bowl Set
Assorted Sashimi Bowl Set
Ishikari Salmon Bowl Set
Light Seared Salmon Bowl Set
Seared Olive Flounder Muscle Bowl Set
Roasted Eel Bowl Set
Roasted Angus Beef w/ Ginger Bowl Set
Onions tuna Toro Bowl Set
Sashimi Bowl Set
Mix Sashimi Bowl Set
Tuna Bowl Set
Marinated Tuna Bowl Set
Roasted Eel Bowl Set
Sea Urchin w/Onions tuna Toro Bowl Set
Mix Tuna Bowl Set
Marinated Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Light Seared Semi-fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Supreme Seafood Bowl Set
Supreme Fatty Tuna Bowl Set
Light Seared Supreme Fatty Tuna Set
Dinner Agemono Set
Grilled Pure Hokke Set
Set Meals Including:Miso Soup, Garden Salad, Japanese Boil Egg,Rice (Production time about 15-20 minutes)
Grilled Flatfish w/Miso Set
Production time about 15-20 minutes
Salt-Baked Mackerel Set
Production time about 15-20 minutes
Grilled Salmon Jaw w/Miso Set
Production time about 15-20 minutes