2014-04-17 3880 瀏覽
I came here for a bite to eat and ordered one of the ice cream bowls with fruit. The ice cream was macha, placed on top of a tasteless jelly, fruit, a small serving of mochi, ball of bean paste and served with syrup. It was a nice ice cream (matcha), extremely thick and although smooth, somehow it tasted a bit grainy? It wasn't a bad thing, but be prepared that it isn't the same green tea flavour that Hagen Dazs makes. The ice cream is extremely thick. I can't emphasise enough how rich it was- t
I came here for a bite to eat and ordered one of the ice cream bowls with fruit.

The ice cream was macha, placed on top of a tasteless jelly, fruit, a small serving of mochi, ball of bean paste and served with syrup.

It was a nice ice cream (matcha), extremely thick and although smooth, somehow it tasted a bit grainy? It wasn't a bad thing, but be prepared that it isn't the same green tea flavour that Hagen Dazs makes. The ice cream is extremely thick. I can't emphasise enough how rich it was- there is such a high density of dairy that when you spoon it, it ripples. It's something I imagine won't be to everyone's taste, but is certainly worth a try. The matcha ice cream is nice, but I won't be ordering it again as I found it really thick. I was full until the next afternoon! 

The fruit was a welcome addition and unlike other ice creams which aren't bother trying with fruit since it's too distracting, THIS particular ice cream went wonderfully with it. The fruit was ripe and they gave a decent portion. No complaints.
I don't know how, but it was some of the nicest mochi I have ever had. It was smooth, sweet and very chewy. It would be nice if they gave a couple more pieces to go with the ice cream though. 
The red bean paste was smooth. It was quite thick though, but eated with the ice cream complimented the flavours well.

The staff were helpful and friendly people who were prepared to answer a range of questions. 

My only complaint is that there weren't that many seats available, and if you arrive when it's full then you need to wait outside. Ah well. Hopefully with rising demand they'll be able to open a bigger shop elsewhere!
題外話/補充資料: This restaurant does not accept coins below 50c.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$47 (宵夜)