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食評 (16)
等級4 2014-02-27
663 瀏覽
食店好有日本小店feel~好在早去一步..不出5分鐘後勁多人到全場爆滿但好奇怪~食店得一個人負責開單+整咖喱飯+收拾..真係一腳踼見有d客唔耐煩坐左陣..未order已經走~真係有生意都做唔切呢~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~食店地方唔太大~大約有3x位..整幅牆仲印上好sharp既logo除左咖喱飯..可以揀烏冬~食物份量分成4級(輕量..中量..重量..超量級)另外可再自選加配料(炸豬扒/炸雞扒/炸蝦/芝士/香腸/咖喱汁/蛋)汽水飲品$10..而取食物檯仲有冰水免費供應呢另一半點個"炸豬扒咖喱飯(中量級)"我點個"炸蝦咖喱飯(輕量級)"~另外..可樂(x2)炸物係即叫即整..新鮮熱辣辣~炸皮層好脆~蝦肉好彈牙但相比之下..我覺得豬扒更優勝~肉質鬆軟..炸皮層有味過炸蝦果款飯底原粒帶黏口~咖喱唔會好甜..淡淡咖喱香+夠濃稠以日本咖喱黎講..味道都好唔錯~整體食物+服務都好ok呢 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-01-26
416 瀏覽
一向不太喜歡偏甜的日本咖喱,在友人推介下,試了這間日本咖喱專門店。點了份配吉列豬扒的咖喱飯,飯送上已聞到辛香的咖喱味,濃濃的醬汁伴着煙韌的日本米飯,不用任何配菜已可食光整碟飯。這裏的豬扒雖不是什麼上等貨式,肉味不濃,但因炸得恰到好處,鬆化不膩,又能保留肉汁,所以還是很可口的。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-01-07
350 瀏覽
好耐之前經已略為聽過呢間由日本遠道而來嘅日式咖哩店,不過一直無特別記著所以就無去試到,今次因為約咗朋友去銅鑼灣Sogo,就係Openrice搵下有乜好食,見到呢個「猩猩」LOGO咁特別,又點可以唔嚟試下!入到去環境非常整潔乾淨,桌面上餐牌、調味品、紙巾一應俱全。餐牌有好多款唔同嘅Set,而且亦有分唔同份量,方便唔同食量嘅客人,非常貼心嘅設計。最特別嘅就係為311地震籌款嘅「復活咖哩」,而且仲有兩塊炸豬扒,絕對唔孤寒!最後三個人就叫左兩個餐。輕量級炸豬扒咖喱飯 $65 ,咖哩味道香濃惹味,而且辣辣地越食越停唔到。味精感覺唔重,食完都唔會太口乾。比「銀咖哩」同「白熊咖哩」好太多,不過都貴少少。迷你咖喱烏冬 配 迷你滑蛋豬扒飯 $28+$38 ,呢個係一個迷你組合餐,可以俾客人每樣試少少咁。咖哩都係招牌咖哩唔使講幾正,手打烏東非常煙齦彈牙,而滑蛋豬扒都做得唔錯,都有中上級水平。怕食辣嘅朋友,可以加台面上嘅醃紅椒,以甜為主,微酸,但加入去咖哩到可以中和辣味,味道更有層次感,佢嘅爽口都增加咗咖哩嘅咬口。非 常 正 !大紅袍烏龍茶 $15 ,不過店鋪雖然有賣嘢飲,不過其實只係支裝嘢飲。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-12-20
255 瀏覽
Reason for visiting:My friend G told me about this place so I put it on my To-Try-List.  Then I just so happened needed to go to Make up Forever nearby so it was a perfect time to try it!Environment & Hygiene:I find the location of this place quite interesting because it is so hidden. I go to CWB so often but I have never once noticed it. You will know it is the right place when you see the yellow wallpaper when you exit the lift on the 7th floor.  It is not a big place at all, and maybe because of where it is located, it had a quiet and peaceful environment that I enjoyed. Then, my favourite part of the decor was the HUGE Gorilla on the side of the wall that extends to the ceiling.You can see right into the kitchen and it appeared to be well kept. Taste & Value:There were 4 different sizes with your option of plain curry, weiners, pork, chicken or prawns to choose from. My friend and I thought that it'd be a better deal to buy the largest size, which was the First Class and share. Also, the order came with a can of soft drink. We decided on prawns at first, but the staff informed us that even the size was big, only 2 prawns would go with the dish, so we switched to pork. This First Class Curry Tonkatsu ($95) really was first class in size.  Although the 2 of us finished it all, I seriously think that 4 people could have shared it. The curry was a sweeter one that wasn't spicy at all. The curry was good, but I noticed that it was actually quite a bit greasy, as I could see the oil floating on top. There was some fresh crunchy cabbage on the side and went really well with the curry sauce. As for the pork, I thought it was a little bit disappointing. I liked that there were so many slices, but the taste was average because it had that "pork" taste that I don't really like. Service:Good. The female staff was very polite and offered to bring us bowls before we asked. Final Verdict:I liked the environment of the place more over the food. The curry was not bad, but if I visit again, I probably would try the prawn and maybe have curry udon instead of rice.  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-12-04
197 瀏覽
同日午餐吃了西餐,所以晚上選了去吃日式咖喱會揀這店的原因是因為看到這「猩猩」XD!!店面吸引~ 食物質素也不差的喔^^朋友點了的是 - 「輕量級炸豬扒咖喱飯」評價就是比銀咖喱和白熊的好吃 >__<!(這裡的飯量有等級分的w)我跟另外一位朋友不算太肚餓,所以選擇了這裡的迷你丼/烏冬。選了2款不一樣的~ 第一款是迷你咖喱烏冬~另外一款則是迷你炸豬扒丼 :]這個我覺得很不錯啊~!!!雖然是迷你丼~但炸豬扒的份量ok另外可以加錢配飲品~有汽水也有茶之類可以選擇。這裡的咖喱都算辣~如果不太吃得辣的朋友可以試試加桌面上的這個w這個福神漬味道也不差啊~*U* 能緩和辣味。最後在店外發現這個大胃王咖喱 =口= $255啊...真的會有人吃嗎? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)