港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
kitchen closes at 22:45
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:30
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食評 (48)
等級4 2024-02-04
803 瀏覽
To welcome our history teacher back to HK, my friend offered us Korean dinner at this resto..For the first round, we ordered Truffle Beef Tartare, Moyo Bossam, Bulgogi and Sea Urchin Rice. The Truffle Beef Tartare included wagyu beef, egg yolk, shaved truffle and deep fried crips. The seasame oil and truffle highlighted the freshness of the wagyu beef and the egg yolk enhanced the smoothness of the beef. Together they made a savoury combination. The Moyo Bossam included braised pork, fresh kimchi and pickled onions. With a balanced ratio of meat and fat, the pork was crispy and nicely grilled. Having it with the kimchi and onions reduced its greasiness. The Bulgogi included wagyu beef ribs, lettuce wraps ssam, fermented spinach and pickles. The beef was tender and soft. Wrapping them with the lettuce made it refreshing to have. The Sea Urchin Rice included marinated rice with pickled radish and sea urchin. The sesame oil and seaweed increased the tastiness of the rice. The sea urchin was fresh too. Since it was my friend's bday month, I ordered a Truffle Cheesecake for her in the second round. It was made of mascarpone cream and fresh graved Australian truffle. The slightly salty truffle made an interesting combination with the sweet cheesecake. The cake was quite pricey though. .Quite far away from the MTR station so one may need more time to search for the resto. The seats were comfortable and the vibe was chill, so we had a joyful time to catch up and celebrate my friend's bday. 繼續閱讀
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(自費體驗!)MOYO, located in the frenetic business heart of the city, Central, is a modern Korean restaurant that offers a wide range of Korean delicacies and Korean fusion. If you are looking for some fancy Korean cuisine, here you are!The coveted Sea Urchin Rice, with marinated rice, pickled radish and sea urchin, is definitely a veritable feast what you would look for, especially during baking summer days. The sea urchin is fresh, delicious, sweet and creamy! Well, I am not going to lie I am a sea urchin addict! And I think the portion of the rice is totally enough for 2 persons.Not to mention, the price of the rice is just under HK$300, which is genuinely affordable in the affluent neighbourhood of Central! 繼續閱讀
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Moyo價錢💲: $178/ $178/ $298好味程度😋: 4/5服務🍴: 3.7/5環境🗾: 3.4/5 性價比🥢: 3.4/5回頭率😚: 3.4/5-係元創方對面鴨巴甸街到有間韓國fusion小店,平日都幾多人食下野飲下酒。不過因為訂左位,所以唔洗等!有d菜式可以選擇half,而佢哋的portion都比較細,所以2人去都唔會太難叫。-✅Burrata & figs.呢個burrata好香奶味,係我印象中食過最香的burrata🤓 加埋甜醋同無花果,兩者的甜味都同burrata好夾,帶出左奶香芝士的味道。-✅✅Moyo bossam. 2個人share啱啱好的size。豬腩肉半肥瘦,入口唔會好膩,每塊都切得好平均厚度。煎到香之餘,再火炙過個面😚 配埋泡菜同酸洋蔥食,完全無油膩感。佢哋的泡菜好食!爽脆又夠酸🤤-✅Sea urchin rice. 想來完全係被呢個飯吸引!海膽的份量好澎拜,單獨食會食到海膽新鮮,有鮮甜味,都幾creamy。但撈埋一齊食,因為都有更多的紫菜份量,所以紫菜味會蓋過海膽的味道,令到好似食緊紫菜飯咁🫢 但佢唔係唔好食的。-今次叫的個3樣嘢都唔錯,係性價比低d。為左打卡個海膽飯,都冇後悔既🤣 繼續閱讀
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📍中環 𝙲𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕❝SOHO區爆場韓國菜小店🇰🇷期望越大失望越大☹️性價比差d喎…❞呢間SOHO區韓國菜小店聽朋友講幾唔錯 Friday Night去都爆晒場 有人排隊添 但其實可以訂位🤣食完覺得唔算特別出色 性價比低…😣韓國菜同區既話有更好選擇~🤔內在座位有d逼坐得唔係太舒服🥹同埋員工當日唔記得左我地帶左蛋糕黎 最後又拎錯人地既蛋糕比我地 場面搞到有啲尷尬😅🥹☁️𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐚 & 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐬 $178 (4/5)係我最中意食既Burrata波波芝士🥰配上香甜無花果同甜醋😚好食! 不過性價比唔高😪🐷𝐌𝐨𝐲𝐨 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐦 $178 (half) (4/5)呢度半份 另有全份的~ 豬腩肉煎到微微焦香 肥瘦半半 好香口~配泡菜同酸洋蔥一流🧅💛𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 $188 (2.5/5)Umm唔好食…年糕口感膠膠的唔煙韌 個醬好heavy好重芝士羶味 朋友覺得濃到有d臭🥺中唔中意真係見仁見智~꧁꧁ ——𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃—— ꧂꧂📍MOYO中環蘇豪鴨巴甸街36號地舖🗺𝘐𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯…#joys_中環🔖𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦 /𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘥…#joys_韓國菜 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-01-27
496 瀏覽
今次食朋友推介嘅韓國fusion菜💃🏻衝着呢度嘅生牛肉他他而黎💖原本我哋晏晝去到嘅時候係冇晒☹️但係個店員超好人,佢知道我哋好想食,跟住就問我哋等唔等佢可以再重新處理整俾我哋食💖好食嘅生牛肉撻,他唔係好多地方有呢度都OK但係覺得麻油味比較重手😛叫咗個無花果芝士沙律唔好講笑,超級Creamy勁開胃,酸酸甜甜💖呢個好味嘅程度係我哋食晒全部嘢我哋都會掛住呢個沙律再encore咗一份🤣燒五花...一個字好肥🥹好食嘅,但係都🤣海膽拌飯正常,而且海膽比想像之中多好多👍🏻但由於呢度份量唔算多嘅,所以我哋再嗌多咗個卡邦尼年糕個人口味嚟講,我覺得呢個真係好鹹,而且超肥膩☹️ 繼續閱讀
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