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食評 (12)
等級4 2013-11-30
118 瀏覽
中環實在是一個美食天堂,埋藏著很多大大小小的餐廳,除了人煙淍密的蘇豪區,附近的幾條街道也滿佈食肆,其中一間就是位於伊利近街街頭的ENOMOD,他們主打地中海菜式及Social Dining Conecpt。到達門口時,有一條樓梯通上去,一踏進店裡,即被幾個大酒桶歡迎,初頭還以為只是裝飾,原來真是用來儲存酒的。內裡間格特別舒適,分為幾個區域,有酒吧枱、高枱、梳化位及普通用餐位,很隨和的樣子,而且店主更特地介紹天花上的燈,是他自己用不同喉管連接整間餐廳的,營造出一個社交個性化的環境。先來點麵包,其實亦不算是麵包,是一些Cracker,蘸上的不是牛油,又不是油醋,是較特別一點的Hummus & Greek Eggplant Dip “Melitzanosalata”,前者非常幼滑,上面灑上少許辣椒粉,後者酸中帶點煙燻味,但濃而不膩,兩者配上Cracker,實在美味。另一款頭盤,席間很多人都怕腥,但我卻很喜歡,它就Spanish Paprika Sardines,又是酸酸地,灑上少許辣椒粉,再連檸檬一起吃,頓時什麼腥味也感覺不到,而且滿口是肥美的魚油,小弟覺得不錯的。Crispy Prawns真的很脆口,可是卻十分清新,味道更是有趣,分別有加入橙皮及檸檬皮的味道,兩者提供不同的味道給客人,最重要的雖是油炸,但卻一點也不油膩。來到主菜Pan Fried Sole,肉質幼嫩,但沒有燒焦的外層,感覺上極似油浸,而且還配上爽脆的西芹及油潤的橄欖,整體都十分清新。3hrs Slow Cooked Australian Lamb Rump賣相精緻,以三小時低溫慢煮的羊腍肉非常軟腍,而且泛現出鮮嫩的粉紅又Juicy,配合香脆的開心果外層,口感豐富,羊羶味不算太濃,很適合我。Homemade Mediterranean Beef Burger on Focaccia是我近期吃過最好的Burger,肉質細緻幼滑,肉汁豐富,加上味道十分濃郁,麵包用上的不是一般的漢堡包,而是用上意式香草麵包,令層次感更為豐富。Tagliatelle Mushroom Tomato Parmesan的Tagliatelle很al dente,蛋味亦足夠,配上清爽的野菌、車厘茄及時巴馬臣芝士,味道清新不油膩。另一款是Penne Genovese Meat & Marsala Parmesan Sauce,這道看似會濃味的,出來的結果卻是相反。肉醬不油不膩,配合Penne的外型,令肉醬及時醬汁都藏進Penne內,十分美味。吃到此時,早在別飯前,店主特地示範怎樣釀製Homemade Premium Valrhona Chocolate Infused Wine,材料原來十分之多,當然最重要的是Valrhona Chocolate,以78%的黑朱古力來做,另加入橙皮、肉桂及多款香料,蓋上塞子後,擺放個多月才成。當晚有幸試了少許,味道酸酸甜甜,有點像話梅花雕的味道,十分幽香。最後的甜品,我並不知道名字是什麼,但我只知道加入了薰衣草,質感很硬,而且我並未能接受以薰衣草來做的食物。其實這兒給予客人十分舒適的感覺,與幾個友人一同到來,邊吃邊喝,真的不錯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2013-07-31
75 瀏覽
沿著伊利近街的階梯拾級而上,以一條銅管充當扶手,你就會進入 Enomod 的世界。 質樸的水泥及更多的銅管(很明顯這些銅管圍繞著整間餐廳)使空間平添了一份工業的粗獷氣息,而暖色的木製傢俱、帶墊的扶手椅,及舒適的氣氛則使這種感覺緩和起來。我們想 Enomod ,以其「社交晚餐」的賣點,主要客源應該是人比較多的圈子,想找個舒適而不太擁擠的地方作落腳點。 然而,這間餐廳酒吧也適合情侶或三五知己的小型聚會。不同大小的餐桌擺放的位置得宜,燈光設計得十分巧妙,有助營造私密感。酒桶、熟食櫃台、大膽創新的餐具也為餐廳增添休閒的氣氛。 店名 Enomod 其實是由「酒窖」及「現代」兩字合併而成,從菜單及酒單中可見一斑。「社交晚餐」的哲學在於與人分享美食,而 Enomod 的菜式也是朝著這個方向設計。同樣簡單地,你也可以自選開胃菜、前菜、意粉、肉食及甜品,組成傳統四道菜的意大利餐。餐廳也提供地中海菜,甫踏上樓梯頂端,你就可以見到陳列櫃中放著優質的醃肉和芝士。之後還有酒桶,餐廳的葡萄酒就是從這裡倒至大玻璃瓶。餐廳的熟食拼盤連甜無花果果醬非常美味,我們也很喜歡滿滿一碗的蕃茄醬煮蚌,比起白酒煮蚌古怪的濃烈味道好吃得多。蚌可以再豐滿多汁一點,可是的確充滿風味。這裡的亮點是意粉,烹調得剛剛好,配搭辣椒及辣肉腸的較過鹹的 puttanesca 好吃。如果肉桂牛肉送上來不是僅餘微溫的話,我想我們會更喜歡,但是辣味及杏仁片足以補償溫度不夠。 我們很高興來這裡吃點小吃喝點酒,但餐單只提供少量酒類選擇,似乎妨礙了來隨便喝杯酒的客人們。大部份酒也是意大利酒,部份來自新世界,Bottle價錢為港幣$400以上。 Big Sky shiraz 有杯裝或一公升裝,適合配搭大部份我們點選的食物。 這裡的侍應服務周到,不會讓客人感到有壓力。員工會在適當的時候替我們斟水,當我們需要時會上前服務。 供兩位用的套餐連數杯餐酒及服務費,約為每位港幣$300至港幣$500,如果點枝裝酒的話會貴一點。考慮到餐廳的氣氛、空間及食物餐酒的質素,價錢也算合理。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
As usually a booking few days before and we where sure to have our table without to wait on line all night.The food here is super good, the quality of the ingredients and the simplicity of those Mediterranean contemprary dishes always make us happy.the Salads are a must to start with your dining experience, my favourite is the riccia salad or also the Nicoise, the only in HK with Sicilian style home made tuna in oil, delicious.together with the salads, some tapas style bites, all frome Mediterranean culture, South French seafood, Spanish sardines and zucchini (i love zucchini), Italian Marinated veggie, and a super tender lamb with pistacchio frome somewhere Libia or Libanon thats is close to be "charming"...all those dish are to share so is fine fo be a group, even the waiter didnt know what to suggest as far as the whole menu is signature and its all fresh made and good... and he was right.The pasta puttanesca was very well cooked al dente and so tasty, and the other dish we chosed was the cus cus with seafood, typicall of Sicily in Italy and the Moroccan coast (this was my favourite).we also tried a seabass with olive chips and a marinated 20 days steak, well, i couldn imagine that so siple recipes can come soo tasty if the products are this good.ps dont forget the desserts (they called threats served in jugs and allways with a touch.Drink wise, definitely go for the cabernet served in carafes directly from wooden barrels refrigerated, very good value wine. or try the refreshing white sangria.... soo good.cocktail wise, the list seems still on progress, they said something special.the service was good and the environment is cool.Ill go back for sure.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2013-07-17
99 瀏覽
reservation was made in advance, so when i walked into the ENOMOD, with my friend from taiwan were being served without waiting to be seated. Matthew was our server, he's caring and polite to take our order, menu is friendly and clear to explain the characteristics and the ingredients of all dishes. i love all food i ordered, and i took the recommedation to try the 'cus cus' with seafood Moroccan style, i really like it.alumi cheese and zucchini rolls with sicilian sweet caponata is another must try dish, light and so yummy, made me so hungry now when i have to recall all the delicious and original dishes i had that nite. The Fish is a great mix of fishes, the pumpkin dessert is sth u can't miss. have to thank Matthew that he keeps on checking our glasses and help us to refill the water the whole evening. it's an enjoyabe evening in ENOMOD and i definitely will come again with my friends as i found that it's a very reasonable spending for the quality of the food i got, the atmosphere and the style of the restaurant. KEEP IT UP. BEING ORIGINAL AND CREATIVE!too bad the gals talk keep me busy and forgot to take pic of the dishes.   繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2013-07-16
16 瀏覽
早前睇到Now TV Lifetival 介紹過呢間食地中海菜嘅餐廳,亦有聽朋友講過,所以一直都想去試下。呢日約左我啲best friends 飯局,正是好時機!餐廳在Lower Elgin, 不太容易找,但走到小斜路一抬頭看到這幢藍色小屋,雖然小路兩旁十分local, 但也立即嗅到一種歐陸氣味。從小樓梯走上去,裝修很精緻,不是豪華的那種俗氣,但給人一種很chic很relaxing的感覺。與友人在看menu, 這裡的餐牌很特別,特別不在於餐牌設計,而是食物分類: woods, stones, ceramics, copper... 其實是不同做法的tapas.我們一行6人,有2人突然通知會遲一個鐘先到,tapas is perfect to kill the waiting time 所以我地點左4個tapas 同 1 litre Sangria ...White Sangria 是我第一次飲,在炎炎夏日so refreshing, 友人就覺得酒味略淡,但我不是酒精愛好者所以剛好 Tapas 我們選了6 hour lamb rump, Roma style pizza, zucchini fig n haloumi rolls, crispy prawns - one from each category. 起初也不太明白為何dish會分為4類,Dish 到左之後先發覺原來裝住食物既container真係用佢嘅category嘅物料,如copper種類的dish個container真係用copper造⋯店主真係喺每一個細節都好有心思!講番食物,lamb rump好好食,肉質好juicy, 再加旁邊嘅pistachio crust令表面脆脆的,好好食!zucchini 亦好好食,sauce酸酸地好開胃。pizza 同crispy prawn 就中規中矩,但此店chef明顯喺食材上頗花心思,prawn有加上citrus scent, pizza w ham n fig, 所以也有一點驚喜。之前見到啲人講過此店portion細得很,沒錯這些dish portion是小份,但這都是tapas,我因工作及旅遊也常會到歐洲,其實這也是正常的tapas size, 也真的不是特別小份,可能只是香港不太習慣tapas serving size.朋友終於到齊,多點了owner特別recommend的meatballs(polpette), 本身有啲猶豫因我從來唔鍾意食meatballs, 朋友說試試吧就點了。meatballs出奇地好食,表面有啲脆,肉也juicy,特別喜歡肉裡有松子仁,外面那sauce也很match。加點的roasted seabass也到了,魚很滑,sauce也很開胃。我們的main course也上了 我們分別點了20days wet aged beef sirloin, cous cous, 2 pastas, roasted spring chicken。Sirloin 好juicy, pink centre, 但肉帶一點點甜味,相信係citrus或者herbs, 我個人都是比較就咁grill, 因呢塊牛扒本身quality已經好好,不過chef呢個煮法也其實很特別,看個人喜好吧Cous Cous is reallyyyy good, 我和友人都說一定會再黎食過cous cous! Pasta texture 好好,all al dente like in Europe,我真係好怕pasta 煮不到al dente, 可以好難食!本身不太愛西餐食雞,因好容易煮到又幹又「鞋」,友人點的,但roasted spring chicken 一點也不幹,肉質也很滑,所以我也不抗拒。因與友人相聚,邊吃邊飲又傾又笑,其實也好像點得太多,我們也真的好飽好飽,但友人說甜品好像很特別,不可能不試,所以每款也點了一個。Spicy Tiramisu, Ricotta cheesecake, pumpkin crumble各一,我咁大個女都未食過辣嘅tiramisu! 真係好特別!當你把tiramisu放入口嘅時候,其實跟一般tiramisu無異, 但㖔下tiramisu後,突然有aftertaste, 輕輕刺下刺下你嘅喉嚨,感覺好得意,說spicy其實一點也不spicy, 但那aftertaste感覺好特別。pumpkin crumble texture有少少似BB糊仔, pumpkin味很重很smooth很creamy, 友人們很喜歡。cheesecake跟一般cheesecake很不一樣,因它是用ricotta cheese, 所以不會太甜,但ricotta cheese可能比較歐洲口味,不知locals慣唔慣,有一個友人就不太慣,但其他5人也喜歡。這時已飽到真係行唔郁!但係好開心嘅一晚!餐廳環境very relaxing, staffs very friendly, owner very nice, food very tasty & authentic w a bit of creativity, a really nice place to chill out, feels like home!We'll definitely back soon! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)