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食評 (9)
等級2 2021-11-07
279 瀏覽
叫左個生菜魚肉碗仔翅,加凍檸茶加埋60個大洋。個翅係大兜嘅,但魚肉得勁少,幾粒仔又細粒,個湯我唔識形容,怪怪地,好咸冇乜肉味。其實之前食佢啲車仔麵已經覺又貴又唔好食,真係要認真改進下 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-01-03
1276 瀏覽
Happy Valley doesn't have any cart noodle shop. But then Happy V Food opened and business was buzzing. A small take away shop that took over the Pestle & Mortar location. They do have a few seats but it's mostly for take away. And that is fine for the residents that live here. So, on a cold evening, boyfriend and I decided to try out their cart noodle.The place is small and it appears they didn't renovate at all from the previous owner.  Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. You order by checking off a paper menu. They also stress they do not use any MSG.They had a menu that featured lo shui or Chinese marinaded items. They even had an article explaining what was lo shui. I guess that was the thing to get!Three toppings cost $49. You get a choice of noodle and additional sauce for the soup base.Boyfriend added satay sauce. For his three items he chose beef tripe, brisket and kaniko ball with a yellow noodle. There was also some lettuce added. The noodle was just cooked so it was still chewy. The sauce didn't have much satay flavor. The kaniko balls were great with a bit of savory roe inside. The brisket and tripe were soft and tender.I added the lo shui sauce. My three items were all lo shui items: tofu, chicken wings and tendon with a rice vermicelli. Lettuce was also provided. The sauce was not too salty which I guess is a good thing. The tofu was firm and not too salty. The tendon was soft. The chicken wing wasn't marinaded enough. For lo shui items, I've had much better elsewhere as it wasn't as deep and rich in flavor.Overall, prices are reasonable for what you get. Food tasted ok. But then there are no other choices around here for cart noodle. I guess I'd be back as I live close by so if I want take away, it's an option. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-12-23
526 瀏覽
Finally there's a cart noodle place in the Happy Valley neighborhood.  The best thing about cart noodle is that you can pick your ingredient including the noodle and customize it to your liking.I've ordered rice noodle, beef brisket sauce along with 4 toppings (cheese ball, lobster ball, beef brisket and fish dumping).  The toppings are fresh and the best part, according to the owner, is MSG-free.If a bowl of cart noodle doesn't fill your stomach, this place also serves a variety of snacks (i.e. fried fish skin, cuttlefish head, marinated meat platter...) that you may order on the side.The only downside is this place can only fit 4 to 5 people (tightly) which isn't ideal under COVID but there's a park nearby which you may enjoy the food there. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2020-09-17
642 瀏覽
店舖雖然小,但充滿暖暖的人情味!老闆好好人,有多款特別的東西可以叫,味道當然係有住家的味道!價錢並不貴!很平民價但整碗車仔麵給你的也不少!老闆多創新,不只是車仔麵連滷水食品都有!有機會試下!我食過幾次,沒太多味精也不會口喝,湯底有幾款可選,車仔麵店有多選擇已買少見少了!我推介韭菜豬紅,咖哩湯底!好食!堂食比較細小,但還可以接受,買外賣就不太建議,因為湯會變凍,會失去車仔麵既美味!有時間係鋪內食下都唔錯! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2020-08-23
551 瀏覽
Work from home咁耐,日日都要為叫外賣而煩惱,今天經過奕蔭街,發現了這間細細的車仔麵檔,便試下。我們買了三餸+麵,$45/碗,跑馬地來講算價錢實惠。老闆說食物沒有添加味精,但味道好夠,好好味,三餸麵份量足,食完好飽。我們仲叫左韮菜豬紅和炸魚皮,韮菜豬紅味道適中,唔會覺得好鹹好濃味,食得到豬紅的味道;炸魚皮好脆無油益味,好食。下次要試吓樽裝奶茶,聽聞係好好飲。鹵水拼盤都好想試!老闆好好人,又好好傾😊值得再次光顧。 繼續閱讀
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