食評 (13)
午餐嚟食呢個咖喱豬扒芝士蛋包飯加牛肉選擇了大辣~加飯總共價錢$69 份量好大^試咗佢哋大辣其實都唔算好辣下次挑戰上加多一級辣先豬扒就偏瘦啦~咖喱甜香牛肉~煎得好好加上佢嘅醃菜N甜甜地脆口中和返個辣度值得推介 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-11
629 瀏覽
週日雨天為咗避雨走入嚟食tea好耐以前食過其他分店一次因為唔好飯同埋個時記得隻太陽蛋賣相有d嚇人加埋隻唔討好嘅銀色碟同埋好似canteen食頹飯嘅餐盤🤪已多年無幫襯今日比多次機會試下午茶$38好抵叫咗煎餃配薯角同腸仔加可樂嚟到微笑了原來餐盤一樣、銀碟依舊最正係廚師將普通食材用心擺盤茄汁畫花加中間一條腸我真係覺得好得意😂將頹廢推到極致就會見到員工嘅用心因為得我一枱客佢哋仲拖住地編下更出下food panda咁瞬間好似入咗時光隧道跌咗另一個神奇空間🌀🌀🌀 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-01-02
662 瀏覽
I visited this place few days ago and was pleasantly surprised by the good value for money. The prices were very reasonable, considering the amount of meat/protein and rice. The only issue is there are too much rice relative to the protein. It cost barely anything to upgrade and get a drink or soup, and even chips.One of the standout dishes for me were the fried stuff (pork and shrimp for us) , which were both cooked to near perfection - remember to take price to a count. The shrimp were succulent and the pork was crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.The decor of the restaurant was basic, but this didn't detract from the overall dining experience. It's worth noting that they only accept cash or octopus as payment, so make sure to bring either of those with you.Overall, I highly recommend this cheap Japanese curry restaurant for anyone looking for a budget-friendly meal that doesn't skimp on flavor. The fried pork and shrimp were especially delicious and definitely worth trying. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-12-11
523 瀏覽
天氣轉涼,總想食一啲辣辣食物保暖,今次專程來銀咖哩,食好耐冇食過嘅富士山咖哩飯,份量超大,兩個人食剛剛好,而濕地公園附近嘅銀咖哩比較新,裝修簡潔,乾乾淨淨,坐落亦都比較舒服;我於櫃檯點了富士山咖哩飯,同埋百事可樂,因為人客唔多,所以都唔駛五分鐘,就已經成個巨大嘅富士山咖哩飯放喺枱面,一如以往有煎蛋,有漢堡扒,有香腸,有吉列豬扒件;食落咖哩小小辣少少甜,就所謂日式嘅甘和辛;而百事可樂始終都覺得冇可口可樂個種味;值得一讚嘅,就係佢嘅醃製蘿蔔,每次食極都唔厭,簡簡單單咁就一餐,服務亦都比較自助式,所以都可以叫到位! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2022-09-28
548 瀏覽
有两、三個月冇去,心郁郁想食,就去買個外買做晚餐。一推門,就聞到餐廳入面一大 "朕"油味,有少少"益"左嗰種。。好彩我買外賣,咪坐係到食都幾惡頂。。落單時話外買要加2蚊,記得之前唔駛,不過明顯見到個餐盒同以前唔同左,或者呢個係貴价嘢要收番錢至回本,冇乜所謂啦。。我買左咖哩炸猪扒飯,块炸猪扒應該就係整個餐嘅靈魂。。点知块猪扒炸過龍,入面块肉縮晒水,變得薄支支,乾爭爭,頭同尾部都熟到起晒絲,好似煲完湯拎出嚟咁。。真係食得唔爽。。好彩佢咖哩汁同白飯都還可以。。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)