港鐵黃埔站 C1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 22:00
*星期日至四最後落單時間: 21:30 星期五至六最後落單時間: 23:30
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食評 (103)
嘉里酒店大堂樓層的 Dockyard ,最近又有新搞作,就是和Free Jam合作,讓大家可以在食飯飲酒,睇"煙火"之餘,若未能滿足到你,甚至可以參加逢星期三的Free Jam 活動☺️。不知大家有沒有看過 "Sing "的荷李活動畫電影呢?若你有一股滿腔熱誠唱歌的心,不用如電影般要等待主角舉行全城歌唱大賽,或參加造星,中年好聲音等節目,只要只要你敢唱,在逢星期三晚上7點在嘉里酒店Dockyard舉行的 "Open Mic Night",免費入場,你就可以上台大展歌喉 🎤🎵🎶。(要先上網登記以讓樂手準備去為你伴奏)不論你想唱 : 企好,報復式浪漫,富士山下#Nothing gonna change my love for you , 甚至Yoasobi 的 #夜 よる に 駆 か ける, 又或者能顯示你的澎湃唱功,Adele 的歌曲,新舊也好,不同音樂風格也好,樂手都能為你好好準備。(以上為當日聆聽的第一日歌單)酒類方面,惠顧指定葡萄酒及雞尾酒可享算一送一優惠,另外食物也有不同種類選擇,例如番茄和馬蘇裡拉乳酪餛餛、油炸整隻雞翅和芝麻、克羅克夫人、波託貝洛和不可能的漢堡、脆皮雞肉漢堡、辣蝦義大利麵、泰式船麵等,以滿足所有口味。再加上現場有桌球,以及不同打卡位拍攝,走出附近又可以吹吹海風,或幸運的可以遇上定期舉辦的煙火活動 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-05-10
84 瀏覽
I had the incredible opportunity to perform at Kerry Hotel's first Live Open Mic Night on April10th! It was a magical evening filled with music, laughter, and amazing talents. ✨🎶 With the fantastic support of , the harbourfront venue was transformed into a mesmerizing stage where artists from all walks of life showcased their skills and passion for music. 🎶🎵 I had the privilege of singing "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You," to Joyce. It was a heartfelt moment that resonated with the audience, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my love for music with everyone present. 🎵🌅 The picturesque setting of Kerry Hotel's harbourfront added an extra touch of magic to the evening. The soothing breeze, stunning views, and the vibrant atmosphere created an unforgettable experience. 🌅🎉 Thank you, Kerry Hotel and Dockyard, for organizing such a remarkable event and providing a platform for local talents to shine. It was an absolute joy to be a part of this celebration of music and creativity. The food there was amazing as well with a lot of variety! 🎉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This place is full of surprises! You get to enjoy your meal🍽 while listening to live performances🎵 and the best part – you're not just a spectator, you could also participate! Simply sign-up spontaneously and take the stage🎤. There's a professional band backing you🎶, and the performers are ever-changing👥, all sated and fuelled with great food, eagerly take their turns to belt out a tune🎙. Some sing to vent emotions😭, others dedicate songs to their loved ones💘, and some are just there for the pure fun of showtime🎭. You don't need a singer's voice; it’s all about the love of music and creating a unique community of diners🍴, listeners👂, and entertainers🎼.With an array of food🍔🍣🍜🍕 options available, you can savor dishes from America🇺🇸, Thailand🇹🇭, India🇮🇳, Japan🇯🇵 – pretty much everywhere! Plus, take advantage of the buy-one-get-one-free offer on selected wines🍷 and cocktails🍹. It's a delightful spot to enjoy with friends👭, loved ones💏, and family👪, where everyone can revel in food, drink to their heart's content🍻, and flavor the essence of life🏞️.Every Wednesday starting from 7 p.m, it's your time to shine on stage💁‍♀️, and every Friday and Saturday from 7 p.m, there's live music🎷. Here, we can meld food and music🍽️🎶 together, adding entertainment and a mesmerizing sea view🌊 into the mix. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Intro: 紅磡碼頭附近嘅嘉里酒店有一個好少人嘅foodcourt但環境好大又靚,仲可以嘆住靚景去食午餐/晚餐,呢到嘅叫餐方式係QR code式者餐枱叫餐,之後就會有專人送餐,真係好chill好舒服~___________________🍽 溫泉蛋燒肉眼牛肉丼💰85(+18配沙律飲品)⭐️8/10✍🏻 整個牛肉丼份量都幾多,飯嘅份量多,肉眼牛肉蓋滿整個飯;✍🏻 肉眼牛肉丼口感偏硬,都幾多根,但整體嘅味道唔錯,加埋燒牛肉汁唔錯;✍🏻 撈埋溫泉蛋嘅蛋汁落牛肉丼嘅配搭唔錯;✍🏻 飲品就係一小罐日式燈汁,沙律係椰菜絲同車厘茄,都幾大兜。🍽 魚柳Burger配黑松露芝士薯條💰 88 (+35配黑松露芝士薯條再配香芋奶茶)⭐️8.5/10✍🏻 魚柳係炸魚薯條嘅炸魚,好厚肉帶點脆之餘唔油膩;✍🏻 雖然burger皮唔係脆,但好鬆軟又有牛油香;✍🏻 薯條真係份量多又幾厚肉,仲可以點醬,但黑松露味品突出,而仲有芝士碎喺薯條面增加口感;✍🏻 香芋奶茶好普通,無乜香芋味而奶茶偏淡,好肉溝左水咁,唔建議大家叫。___________________🏠 百味村📍 紅磡紅鸞道38號香港嘉里酒店1樓⭐️ 8/10___________________ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-02
745 瀏覽
百味村位於酒店一樓,佔地面積超大,有成2萬呎!🫣🫣Food Court裝修行工業風,場內除咗設有用餐區仲有一d娛樂設施,例如桌球枱、足球機、飛鏢機等,另外仲設有駐唱區、調酒區,成個風格夠chill (´▽`) 類似睇波嘅酒吧吧~scan枱面qr code 用手機落單,食物準備好之後會由侍應再送到你枱上⑤我order左兩份岩盤牛排,分別係牛板腱🦵🏼同封門柳🥩。牛排肉質也十分嫩滑,放在熱石上,自由控熟度,流晒口水🤤🤤面頭好大堆生蒜⋯(蒜蓉控一定會好鍾意❤️其中一份跟左set,$30有得揀3樣嘢,跟左🍚🥚🧃白飯、溫泉蛋(配醬油)、罐裝果汁飲品小食加埋Foie gras 🪿($40 )啖啖焦香嘅油脂,十分之邪惡!!!當晚仲有live band,氣氛活潑恬適,週末過嚟放鬆一流!環境的確係無得輸🌊🌃🌙 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)