港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (4)
11:00 - 21:00
11:00 - 21:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通 銀聯 Apple Pay 微信支付
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食評 (195)
等級3 2024-05-07
146 瀏覽
This is a good place in central for lunch if you are on a budget or in a hurry. Usually we are able to get a table within five minutes and you can order from the counter with the machine so it makes ordering really speedy. The food here is served fast - so its basically a fast food chain styled place with good japanese meals. My favourite is the tomato udon with fried chicken. The tomato broth is very fragrant with diced onions inside and goes well with the soft chewy udon noodles l. The fried chicken is always hot and crispy, with classic japanese mayonnaise. The free creamy dessert mochi is also a perfect ending to the meal. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Weekend係中環行過見到有間唔使等位的快餐,又見佢的烏冬好似唔錯,咁就試一試。岩鹽燒鯖魚配鰹魚湯大根讚岐鳥冬 $73鯖魚的外皮燒得有少少燶,不過味道都可以接受。魚肉就咁食有少少乾,但跟餐有個調咗味的蘿蔔蓉,魚肉蘸d蘿蔔蓉就好食得多。鰹魚湯好清甜,烏冬食落都幾彈牙。大根好大塊,食落好淋好juicy,勁入味👍🏻跟餐甜品 大福原來跟餐有甜品喎🤩抹茶大福表面的係椰絲,食落都幾煙韌,內餡都有抹茶味,不過唔算好濃郁,跟餐甜品嚟講算唔錯👍🏻跟餐餐飲 玄米茶九州豚湯野菜煮 +$16份量都幾多,有娃娃菜同冬菇,湯底都有少少味。廿一堂 (中環)中環士丹利街33號地舖*上述文章只供參考及以當時價格為準 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-28
65 瀏覽
Lunch set for $65, including a soup/ drink, and a cream daifuku. I had the seared beef rice bowl. The beef slices were nicely seared with a beautiful charred rim. Very tasty. Toppings included red radish pickles and sesame seeds. You can choose “more sauce” for the rice. I think more sauce was a good decision because the sauce wasn’t too salty and went really well with the Japanese pearl rice. Miso soup was served with seaweed. Finished off with a matcha daifuku. It’s a mochi covered in match flavoured powder and very fine shredded coconut. Even the cream stuffing was green as they seasoned it with matcha powder. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🍗廿一炭燒鳥丼$64雞肉份量多,嫩滑外面燒到金黃色帶炭香味,配照燒甜醬汁好送飯,仲可以加埋檸檬汁🍋酸酸地可以提味,檸檬汁同雞肉夾😝,飯系日本珍珠米,餐配玄米茶🍵同芝麻大福.✨自助式快餐店,餐有埋野飲同甜品大福幾抵食,出餐快選擇多,系打工仔既飯堂,木系裝修柔和燈光,枱設有usb充電插頭,餐廳算多枱但lunch多人有啲難攞位 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-01-07
649 瀏覽
今日叫咗個咖喱烏冬同埋炸雞餐。我老公叫咗個燒牛肉蒸飯。老公個餐5分鐘內已經整完。我個餐等咗20分鐘都出唔到嚟。咖喱烏冬啲湯係完全凍嘅。我返去同佢哋講可唔可以整返熱。侍應二話不說,竟然將我啲湯倒返入去公家嗰部咖喱湯汁。其實我係食咗一啖先知唔凍嘅,點都唔應該倒返我啲湯入去主要嗰兜湯掛。最好笑係,佢再拿出一鶴湯倒入我個碗然後俾返我。都係凍㗎,即係佢成兜湯本身都係凍呢!呢個動作不衛生又解決不到問題。啲咖喱汁一pat pat,又凍又澀。唔會返嚟。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)